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Shelved Character Rutharn Skamkel Häl

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


The finest Pasty
Staff member
Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score




Pinterest Commissioned ArtMusic



~ Basic Information ~
  • Full Name: Rutharn Skamkel Häl
    • Nickname: Ruth, Sib, Ru, Ma
  • Age: 36
    • Birthday: May 12th, 270 A.C.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race:Ailor / Velheim
    • Akkadian Lineage
  • Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning.

~ Visual Information ~

Eye Color: Murky Brown
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hairstyle: Braided Mohawk
Skin Color: Pale White
Clothing: With pride in her stride, Ruth is usually seen wearing more of the eccentric garbs within the Velheim culture. Sporting a hide slumped over her shoulder, beads and other flashy jewelry and trinkets. Aside from this, it's the usual cooler toned wears, loose cotton and fitted leather. The usual. Nothing overly garish.
Height: 5'6"
Body Build: Toned

Original Ruth art - Just infected



~ Skill Information ~

Proficiency Points: 41 Points Total (+10 Talent +10 Hobby)
  • Core:
    • +20 Alchemy Sciences (+20 Points)
    • +15 Medical Sciences (+15 Points)
    • +6 Axes Combat Skill (+6 Points)
  • Talent:
    • +8 Dexterous Rogue (+8 Points)
    • +2 Vocal Singing (+2 Points)
  • Hobby:
    • +10 Horticulture Art (+10 Points)
Akkadian Lineage:
  • Arcane Studies
    • Affliction Knowledge
      Curing Knowledge
  • Litograph Recall
  • Eureka, Eureka
    • Week 1: Medical Science
    • Week 2: Alchemy Science
Special / Vampiric Mutations:
  • Shilôt Bloodline
    • Vinteaar Providing
    • Vinteaar Lingua
    • Vinteaar Thickening
    • Vinteaar Drawling
Body Build:
  • 6 Physical Stats: 6 Axes Combat Skill
  • Toned Body Type
  • Low Fat
  • Skodje (Fluent)
  • Common (Fluent)




~ Personality and Abilities ~

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Alike anyone else, she'd smile. Ruth's still human, finding it easy to express happiness on a normal basis. You'd find her to be the most happy when her stomach is somewhat satisfied, when she's finally finished a large batch of Ceá'llë's Remedy, or when she's been appreciated by her kin. This being said, her happiness is primarily self centered. She finds pride in doing her job well, finding appreciation part of such.
How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
As most, the School of Skagger taught Ruth a good handle on her emotions. However, she struggles when stranded. Ruth will stand up to her fears if people are willing to back her up, but if she's by herself... She may panic and loose her composure, resulting to more animalistic tenancies to surface. Fighting becomes priority, cowardice isn't an option as to avoid bad Soldi. A fallen medic is no good medic.
How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Ruth doesn't usually lose her temper, but in stressful situations she has a tenancy to become overwhelmed. She'll either run in circles, hyperventilating or cry when alone, but in larger groups, she can usually suck it in, in order to not make a fool of herself. Alike fear, her Coven needed their members to stand tall, not crumble in stressful situations.
How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Mandatory. Ruth believes Law and Authority has to exist to keep the world at bay. Without it, the pigs will escape the pen, children without parents would fall from trees and we'd all go up in a terrifying blaze. She's worked alongside the law before despite her Sanguine nature, as to ensure things don't overdo themselves. As well, Ruth has a tendency to be mothering, which too intertwines with her perspective of authority. Part of being a successful medic, is learning how to be comforting, and in doing so, she finds ease in acting motherly. However, she still thinks Laws should change... the sanguine blessing isn't a curse, c'mon guys... We can work this out...
How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Surprisingly, Ruth isn't strongly opinionated when it comes to race itself. If their beliefs line up, all is well, but if they are different from her own, then she'll become more unforgiving. Anyone that supports her beliefs are kin to her, difference in appearance doesn't matter.
How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Ignorant to Religions that aren't her own, as the Sanguine blessing and Oldt Fayth have played a part of Ruth's existence since birth / 'rebirth'. If someone brings up another religion in conversation, Ruth will usually turn a blind eye, telling herself it's something the Gods planned for those people, presenting a hurdle to overcome. What they believe is just an extension upon the work of her Gods they haven't truly understood. Sanguine related however, anyone that curses the 'blessing' will be told otherwise.
How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Usually, depending on how drastic things become, she'll welcome the unknown. Ruth will either utilise it for herself and try to harness what she can in order to push her alchemic understand, or attempt to seek it out as to not be overwhelmed later on, as it is safe to have that acknowledgement. This is not to say she spends day and night searching, but if a problem presents itself, she will do her research out of fear and or utility.
How does your character feel towards their family?
Strongly supportive, having learnt a lot from her parents. Her beliefs and moral has come from her kin, and therefore she thanks them for their guidance. Ruth overall, respects both her biological family and her Sanguine coven, as they have helped her become who she has come to be. Ruth finds comfort in taking a mothering role in most communities, though most within a coven.
What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Pushing through, even when she found herself alone in a country that didn't speak her tongue. Ruth is thankful for her Coven for bringing her into a new family, but is most proud of her ability to stick true to her faith. Ruth, despite being a sanguine, is proud of herself for not being bent and broken by those around her, sticking to her Gods like glue!
What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Ruth would've given up a long time ago if it meant she couldn't be an Alchemist. Despite her Velheimer tendencies, Ruth wouldn't be herself without Alchemy and aspires to push forwards in life to hopefully understand things people have only wished to understand.
What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Her hair. Surprisingly Ruth doesn't have many insecurities as she believes everything happens for a reason, mistakes and fortunes. You can overcome anything if you put your mind to it. But her hair? Why did her hair have to be so forsaken...
What is your character's biggest fear?
Being incorrectly labeled and punished for the personal decisions she has made. Ruth is out for blood, but not for the death of others, unless they're honored in battle. This usually results in Unionist paranoia, but otherwise Ruth is 'willing' to do most things if it means she can learn and do Alchemy.

Social Perception: Upon first meeting Ruth, her calm and collected nature despite the occasional spikes in eccentricism would come off as most prominent. Considering her Vampiric longevity and experience in Alorian travel came wisdom, which Ruth seems to have an abundance of, at the right times. She sees all those around her as her children, to some extent - this is a double edged blade however, as she can be both a nurturing and scolding Mother. Treating each of them with motherly compassion, she tries to spread kindness where she believes it due and hopes to receive that very same treatment.

Personal Perception: Ruth is a rather conflicted person on the inside, seeing the affliction she has been living with for the past one hundred years as both a burden and a blessing. She sees those within her coven to be alike child, yet kin nonetheless. Her perception of them alike family as her motherly side becomes obvious to those she aids. However, she's grown tired of needless killing in her old age, developing a more genuine approach until you give her reason to act otherwise. Even with her attempt to seem genuine, there's a darker side of Ruth that many have yet to see. Since she was a young girl, certain things she does to herself and others have been called sadistic and cruel, a trait that she often tries to suppress and keep hidden.

Familial Perception: With her motherly nature, it's only natural for Ruth to be close with what little family she has. Strict and firm with those she views as her children, she only hopes for them to become the best they possibly can. Family is something that Ruth cherishes greatly, no matter their origin or appearance. She's led a troubled life, and those who stick by her mean more than any treasure or worldly possession. She's a loyal friend to any that stick around her, but respects the same in return.

Moral Perception: The most simplest way of putting it is that Ruth is Chaotic Neutral. Her heart, despite being a sanguine, is usually in the right place. Due to her age, she has an understanding of the perspective of others and through her work as a medic as she has learnt to cherish the ones in need, which has helped Ruth contain her corrupt side. However, due to living with the sanguine curse, her ways can be seen as cruel and unusual at times. Her morality can shift if she sees use in abusing her helpless portrayal of the innocent healer and career around medicines. Her malicious exploration into the human body, her research into alchemy and how hands on she can be with bloodshed, are also something far from moral. She puts it down under it being a natural occurrence to be curious; Alchemy and medical needs needing to be hands on to understand how to correctly proceed in her career.




~ Life Story ~

Birth and Childhood:
  • May 12th, 207 A.C. <Updated from May 12th, 93 A.C. due to age up, causes loops but that's chill.> Judin Häl gave birth to Rutharn Skamkel Häl in Kongehjem, the capital city of Nordskag. Ruth was raised into a family of five average raiders. Most of her youth was monitored and captivated mainly by her elder siblings, Guna and Tain due to the lack of available time their parents were able to muster. Guna, being the eldest of the siblings, taught Ruth to carve from a very young age. The two bonded frequently over the art, whereas Tain wasn't as entertained. Tain, unlike his younger siblings, would usually find himself a place to train, preparing himself for school early.
  • During these youthful years, Ruth picked up an interest for the art of alchemy and Medicines. She'd have her siblings to blame for that as the constant abuse their bodies endured whilst running around outside as well as carving haphazardly. She'd take the advantage of her personal time to research said alchemy and medicines before going back to Guna for carving.
  • This is about the same time Ruth found a friend, keeping her company during her time at home experimenting. Skam, Ruth's feline apprentice named appropriately, watched patiently whilst she worked.
  • She'd spend most of her time around the house, helping out when need be before the age of 11 where her brother Tain was sent to the nearest Lodge to be trained in the school of Skagger. Ruth and Guna however, remained at home as their mother, Siv, wished to attempt teaching them instead. Ruth underwent ruthal periods of time of hard emotional training, her body pushed to the test until she became a strong warrior. She thrived in axe throwing and wielding, but struggled with being able to contain her heart. At the age of 22, Ruth and Guna gained their freedom, having succeeding in their mothers eyes. Much alike, Tain finished in his classes, successfully graduating. This brought his family honour, their son returning home a successful warrior.
  • Soon enough, Ruth joined her folk in their raids across the North, taking coin, cattle and wares alike from the smaller farmers. She was praised for her ability to wield a blade, but as time passed, Ruth was praised for her medical knowledge alike. Raiding wasn't fun and games, and Ruth soon found out that her kin would only perish soon enough. Her response was to continue her youths research into alchemy and medical needs alike, her family, her friends needing her now more than ever to provide when needed. This only peeked Ruth's interests in alchemic knowledge as she began to tamper with other bio-products aside from creams and gels.
  • By the time Ruth was 23, her and her kin lost their running vein of faith. Their raid upon a nearby village crumbled, their formation not as strong willed as hoped. A contesting group opposed a threat as they also seeked the same coin and virtues. Ruth thankfully managed to flee alongside Guna and her mother, however her father and Tain fell under the trampling force of the aggressors, their corpses pulled tow. During this attempt, Ruth lost her leg as she was caught with an axe to the calf. Her leg sent flying as the blade hacked her limb clean off, leaving Guna to carry Ruth as they fled.
  • In aid, Ruth kept to the remains of her family for another 9 years. The three of them stayed at home, selling the pelts of Elladorian Mountain Trodders in the market. Guna and Ruth continued their carving habits, selling small sculptures of stag and carved handles to axes and knives alike. She'd keep to this until Guna was married, baring children of her own- a family a new. Ruth took this opportunity to leave, now leaving for Ithania in search of Alchemic guidance after having caught wind of The School of Bouteil de Mordealé, an Alchemy school based in Lapalaise Plus-rême.
  • However, during her lonesome traveling, Ruth fell under yet another raid. Now alone, she attempted to flee, leaving her cart and horses behind as to fight would be unwise. Unfortunately, this is where Ruth fell infected. Her body and soul consumed by the sanguine curse after having been run down by bandits during the night. She spent her time, whilst enduring the infection, traveling to the nearest town in Ithania where she then fed from forsaken folk trailing around after hours.
  • Spending the next 5 years as a roaming medic; feeding from the sick and taking their coin after passing. She'd manage during this time, to blame their deaths on their illnesses. Whilst roaming, she went from clinic to clinic, obtaining Allar blood and writings alike to learn more of the alchemic knowledge. Within these 5 years, Ruth became associates with a couple of allar that aided her, making things easier when attempting to learn from their materials. During this time, Ruth would ultimately cross paths with the Desprince Philippe and his Coven. At a loss for any genuine company and drawn to the Varlord's Vampiric Charisma, Ruth ultimately fell into the ranks of the Coven as one of their older members.
  • For the next 8 years, Ruth would spend the majority of her time accompanying Philippe and his Coven as their Alchemist and Medical Expert, mainly in the case of those of the Coven that could not heal of their own mutations. Mainly she acted as a guiding voice for the Newbloods, under the circumstance of her motherly nature - regardless of the Vampiric curse.
  • Under the command of her Desprince, Ruth ended up in the Holy City of Light, immediately witnessing the conquering of an old Gang Bastion in the corner of Old Town. Following this, Ruth carved herself an Alchemy lab of sorts from one of the old storage rooms - undertaking all sorts of experiments upon the deceased and breathing alike in the production of her Alchemical concoctions. Soon after, they moved deeper into the Old Town, situating themselves in an almost Tomb like cavern that was connected by a lengthy tunnel from the Dark Lady Emporium.
Present day:
  • A few years later, Ruth has continued her stay in the Old Town, despite the Coven turn tailing, to peruse with her line of work as a medic, alchemist and all-round observer. However, in doing so, Ruth's confidence in herself began to deplete. No longer having the Coven to back her up, she became hesitant to act out and sank into the depths, preforming her work in a basement. She remained there for months, occasionally reaching out for feed or slinking off to the temples to ask for forgiveness for her 'blessing'. This is where she met Isak Atwood, and thus fell into the Nordfolk Conclave.



: )
Last edited:
  • A Vampire cannot uphold code loyalty as it requires admittance to the Skagger Training Facilities to maintain the boost.
  • Where did she pick up Zasta? This is something I feel you should include in life story as it is an exotic language for a skagger Velheim.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Patsie
@Bagley_ Finally got around to updating her to the new Vampire system!

Had to shimmy around years so it makes sense with her age, but maybe not with the Coven. But that's finnneee...
Sanguine update! I changed it from Anterrian to Shilôt as I think it'll suit Ruth's Alchemy theme a little better.. and the changes made things more spooky. Unfortunately, the Sibraxas is no more, but I can explain OOC.
Sanguine update! I changed it from Anterrian to Shilôt as I think it'll suit Ruth's Alchemy theme a little better.. and the changes made things more spooky. Unfortunately, the Sibraxas is no more, but I can explain OOC.
Hello Pat, I'm stealing your app as your new reviewer!
Hello Pat, I'm stealing your app as your new reviewer!
Alright! Here we go:
  • You actually have 4 unused points! Feel free to add those in if you wish!
  • You need to update her personality section to the new template, please!
Make the edits in a new color and tag me when you're done! Thank you!
My Review
Proficiency Points
  • It looks like you're three points over your limit of 36 + 5 (from the boost)! Please adjust accordingly.