Shelved Character Runnam

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
⇶ Full Name | Runnam

→Bralla-Bronn High Command rank | Lieutenant
⇶ Race | Bralona: Bronn
⇶ Culture | N/A
⇶ Age | ???

(Created ???)
⇶ Gender | Also Bralona, it/they
⇶ Eye Color | Glowing crimson, sometimes glowing yellow
⇶ Occult | Ordial learned mage

Runnam is a chrome grunt. It obeys the whims of High Command higher-ups, and will do anything it is told, if told to do so by its officers. To say that Runnam has fully independent thought may not be entirely accurate, as much of what it thinks is merely from those above it. And yet, it remains curious, ever grasping for knowledge that its higher ups might hand out. Runnam takes the aesthetics of a metal centurion, and blends it with the skills of a guard, and the personality of a loyal dog who wishes to kill gods.

Runnam is not different from your average Bronn, and has no mutations.

A meeting with Runnam would strike one immediately with the immaculate silver, chrome, and metal surface which makes up its entire body. Relatively large, and clearly a soldier, its head accentuates this fact. Shaped akin to a hoplite's helmet, a large metal crest runs down the center of its head alongside a few shorter ridges, and a singular cyclopean eye dominates its face. Its features are not unakin to that of other Bronn, with smooth, metal, organic-seeming contours and shapes (save for the area around the eye) creating what appears to be an approximation of a helmet. Its 'clothing' is a mix between cloth, and its own metallic body, all held together by thin air spaces with incredible magnetic pull which appear to keep Runnam together. Its left arm is fitted with a long chrome rifle barrel, upgraded during the Bralona Occupation of 310 A.C., but has since been inert. When firing body ranged, it utilizes a smaller, open-sided barrel which shoots metal rails.

⇶Points spent | 14/14
⇶Strength | 4 | Maces, large clubs

→Technique Parry Pack
→Knockback Sweep Pack
→Pinning Throw Pack
→Unyielding Strike Pack
→Diving Tackle Pack
⇶Constitution | 6 | Standard issue High Command shield
→Shield Block Pack
→Shield Wall Pack
→Shield Bunker Pack
→Shield Brace Pack
→Shield Taunt Pack
→Rage Counter Pack
⇶Wisdom | 0
⇶Dexterity | 1
→Hook Shot Pack
⇶Arcane | 3 | Metal manipulation
→Radiant Shield Pack
→Sinistral Break Pack

→Sinistral Rage Pack
⇶Faith| 0
→Fluent: Common (???), Dragon Speech (???)
→Semi-Fluent: N/A
→Basic Phrases: Safah (Undercity)

⇶ Creation and Early Years: ???

⇶ Adolescent and Teenager: ???

⇶ Early Adult: By the time anyone begins to remember Runnam as an individual, the Bronn was already a frontline soldier. Attached like a loyal dog to its officers, it followed them through various battles, skirmishes, and fights in the Bralona Civil War. It had done as such for such a lengthy time, that its earliest memories seem to be of said skirmishes and battles, being looped, processed, and reforming only to do it all over again for time immemorial.

⇶ Adult to Now: In January of 310 A.C. Runnam and its contingent were patrolling the northern coast of Justinia, when the group came upon a wooden craft of unknown design. The officer, curious, decided to test the integrity and survivability of the vessel, only to have the group ambushed by Bralla from the foothills. A battle ensued, and Runnam found itself looped almost immediately. Remaining out of its proper form for an extended period of time, Runnam reconstituted come summer once in Regalia. Taking part in the Bralla-Bronn Occupation of 310 A.C., it was a loyal and dogmatic soldier, attaining the rank of sergeant following a daring escape from captivity. Though many have split from High Command, the undying dogmatism of Runnam may not even be shattered by the disappearance of General Ravann. Now, only time will tell.


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Claimed for review.​
In January of 310 A.C. Runnam and the officers it battled under were patrolling the northern coast of Justinia, when the group came upon a wooden craft of unknown design, and with strange creatures on board. The officer, curious, decided to test the integrity and survivability of the vessel, only to have the group ambushed by Bralla descending from the foothills. A battle ensuing, Runnam found itself turned to scrapped almost immediately. Remaining out of its proper form for what was an extended period of time, loyal Runnam reconstituted in a far different world from the one it had seemingly just left...
All Bralona will have to arrive during the occupation proper, so remove this and assume High Command related entry or otherwise.
All Bralona will have to arrive during the occupation proper, so remove this and assume High Command related entry or otherwise.
That's what I've got it saying here! I don't know the nature of how the occupation is starting, nor how the Bralona are arriving, so I kept it generally vague, and implied that it was 'cubed' during a fight and brought along by a friend under High Command.

Edited to clarify they arrive 'come summer', ie, the occupation. In whatever form it's taking.
That's what I've got it saying here! I don't know the nature of how the occupation is starting, nor how the Bralona are arriving, so I kept it generally vague, and implied that it was 'cubed' during a fight and brought along by a friend under High Command.

Edited to clarify they arrive 'come summer', ie, the occupation. In whatever form it's taking.
Sounds good, also, quick thing, you are a single point over the maximum. Lower to 14 and I'll approve this.
Sounds good, also, quick thing, you are a single point over the maximum. Lower to 14 and I'll approve this.
oh whoops, must have left that there while editing it last night

removed hacking, remove one wisdom, should be good

Shifted some points around!
-Exchanged Polearms for Short Blades. I couldn't figure out how to emote Runnam hopping.
-Removed ranged Pinning Pack, and Vandalism Pack. Exchanged for Knocking Pack.
-Transferred Dexterity point to Wisdom.
-Added Engineer Control Pack for funny restraining bolt larp.
-Added Commander's boon so I remember.

Minor change.
-Removed Engineering Machina, replaced it with the Longneck Pack. I may remove Blades in the future and replace it with Thunderlance. Runnam has gone from the original intention of 'brawler', to more of a hybrid fighter, which is what I have been enjoying.
-Proficiency points adjusted accordingly.

I have updated Runnam's proficiencies and application to reflect the occupation, IC learning, and my general design for it. Changes are as follows:
-Life story updated to follow Occupation.
-Visual edits to describe defunct Occupation upgrade for flavor, and Body Ranged weaponry so I remember.
-Removed Engineering Control and Wisdom point.
-Added Dexterity point. Purchased Parkour pack. Replaced Knocking Pack with Backup Pack.
-Replaced Senor magic with Space Magic (IC learning). Replaced Storm Magic with Fire Magic (fire cool).
-Changed magic origin from Exist, to Void. Fits with possible Vampiric alignment in future.
Tiny change.
-Removed Longneck Pack, removed one Dex.
-Added State Saboteur Pack (Runnam is going to do nothing illegal, Runnam is SO legal), added one Charisma.
Another respec. Hopefully this one lasts for a while.
-Removed Heavy Shielding Pack, removed 1 Con.
-Added Polearm Pack, added 1 Str.
-Swapped Fire Magic with Shadow Magic.

Killed the Parkour Pack and added Artificer stuff, switched out a few Spell Specials. Changes in blue.
New packs, new Runnam. Kind of. Not really.
-Removed one from Magic, added one to Constitution.
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