Preserved Sheet Rundraek Dimbraid

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Scrungo Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Rundraek Dimbraid
  • Race: Ruin-Khuur Dwarf
  • Age: 47
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Coal black
Core Concept
  • Main Ambition: To find a platform in which to showcase the art of his people, and bring said peoples along with him into luxury.
  • Religion: He follows the tenants of most Dwarves in that he invokes his Founder God's name and dogma when necessary.
Proficiency Information

50/50 Points Spent 10/10 Hobby Points Spent

  • +8 Axe Combat
  • +10 Greataxe Combat
  • +4 Shielding Combat
  • +6 Metallurgy (3 Invested, 3 Gained from Honed Skill 1)
  • +20 Sculpting Art (10 Invested, 5 Gained from Honed Skill 4, 5 Gained from Racial Bonus)
  • +5 Wooden Art
  • +10 Perception
  • +10 Brewing Art (Hobby)
    • Physical Stat = 9 + 10 + 4 + 0.5(20 + 6 + 5) = 37
    • Progression Information
      • Warrior 2, Support 1
Ability Information

  • Dwarf Racial Kit
    • Honed Skill 1
    • Home Upgrade 1
    • Shrewd Insight 1
    • Great Force 1
    • Gate Smash 1
    • Honed Skill 4
  • Dwarven Founder Kit
    • Founders Gift 1
    • Founder's Gift 2
    • Founder's Gift 3
    • Founder's Gift 4
    • Founder's Gift 5
    • Bunker Down 1
  • Common (Free)
  • Dwarven (Parent)
Appearance Information
  • He's an unmutated Dwarf in his prime. One finger on his left hand is stubbier than the rest as a result of a mishap during his apprenticeship.
  • A stocky Dwarf standing at a whopping 4'7", with heavy musculature under a few layers of fat to give him said stocky frame. He has beady eyes colored like lumps of coal, and hair in a dim shade of black braided and tucked back. His overall face is like most Dwarves, accentuated and ruddy. The most prominent feature of his face is his chin, almost jutting out clear from his head between braided mutton chops.
Life Story

  • Rundraek was born to a clan of mediocre standing in the Aldruin Hold, in the summer of 263 AC.
  • Following the end of the Great Fiery Peace, Rundraek took up a trade to help his family make ends meet. That being sculpting. During this time he also took up learning the use of axes in warfare, as peace had been shattered.
  • As he finished his apprenticeship, the call of war against the Dakkar grew from Grebor. He moved there briefly to take up arms against the enemy of his people, participating in the Battle of Khaldor-Bridge.
  • After this 'final' battle against the Dakkar, Rundraek had enough of war. He moved back to the Aldruin Hold and continued to master sculpting busts and stonework. The hobby of brewing came about around this time for him.
  • Years went by and the now middle aged Dwarf sought to bring his work to those who would assist in uplifting himself and those Dwarfs around him, once he finds a group to stick to outside the Hold.
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Howdy! App looks good for the most part, however you currently have 51 points invested over the 50. Go ahead and shuffle your points around and then tag me after for another review.