Preserved Sheet Rullis Shu'elsi

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Not a Robot
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Stardew Valley


Pinterest | Theme 」​



✦「Name」 Ruaillonelis Shu'elsquia
✦ 「Alias」 Rullis Shu'elsi​
✦「Age」 54
✦「Gender」 Female
✦「Race」 Sihndar
✦「Tribe」 Ma'ella
✦「Demand」 Olovh​
✦「Weapon of Choice」 Khoptar
✦「Secondary Weapon」Shield​


Available Points


+5 Blades Combat Skill [Khoptar]
+5 Shielding Combat Skill [Buckler Shield]

+14 Medical Sciences

+12 Magical Knowledge
✦ Sanguinology
✦ Shatterology
✦ Racialism​

+8 Bodycare Training

+10 Theater Arts
+5 Visual Arts



✦「Residues of the Cataclysm」Due to the magical energies from the cataclysm that still flow through her veins, it is possible for random Void or Exist mutations to appear on Rullis's body. At this time, she has none.
✦「Embrace of the Spider Queen」 Rullis has access to a set of abilities that she believes to be gifts from the Spider Queen. These include:
✦ A complete immunity to any Vampire, Werebeast, Upyr, and Allat spell, as well as immunity from target curses. Even so, she is not immune to object curses.
✦ A racial shift that allows her to turn her lower body into that of a spider, therefore becoming a 'dryder'. When in this form, she is immune to any knock, knockback, push to ground, or yanking/pulling ability or effect.​
✦「Embrace of the Tainting」This ability allows Rullis to bestow the Northern Taint upon any willing individual of any race.
✦「Lordings of the Demand」 Ruills can use an area of affect ability that dissuades all attacks against her for ten minutes. This ability covers the distance of a standard emote. Anyone affected by this ability cannot use any mundane or ability mechanic to target, hurt, or restrain Rullis. This ability is canceled if she acts aggressively towards someone, and can only be used once a day.

Body Shape
Total Points: 15」
Limit: 50

✦「Body Shape」 Average
✦「 Body Fat」 Average


Drowdar Dialect
Native Language | Literate

Conversational | Literate​


✦「Eye Color」 Green
✦「Hair Color」 White
✦「Hair Style」 Short with the sides and top pulled into a topknot
✦「Skin Color」 Light Tyrian Purple
✦「Everyday」 Loose-fitting tunics and pants that are frequently layered over with vests or other coverings for warmth.
✦ 「Special」Xlovay Outfit​
✦「Height」 5'9"

Alignment「Lawful Neutral 」
✦ Rullis is an individual with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. The Sihndar has a personal code that she adheres to, which calls for the preservation of order and the purge of Vampirism and the Shattered Curse from the world, amongst other things. To her, any action that fulfills this mandate is right and necessary, no matter the cost. As such, Rullis will do what she deems needed to uphold her code.​

Personality「ISTJ-A | The Logistician」
✦ Rullis' personality can be described as Introverted, Observant, Thinking, Judging, and Assertive, and as such, falls into the realm of Logisticians. Even though she carries the label of an introvert, Rullis is not afraid of social situations. Those who interact with her describe her as a placid, yet eloquent individual with a strong sense of honesty and duty. Although, she can also be described as stubborn. She furthermore seems to have a habit of blaming herself for mistakes and wrongdoings, even if they were not her fault.​

Religion「Faith of Estle | Evsrenllir-Mullontavan Worship」
Devoutness: 6/10​

✦「How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
✦ Rullis tries her best to have a little outward expression of fear, and she will often attempt to mentally tamp it down. Although, her fear still shows through in her physical actions. In more mild cases of fear, the Sihndar has been known to become rather absent-minded; a side effect of her mind is occupied. She may also shy away from the cause of her fear. Although, in more severe cases she is known to abandon all hope of overcoming these feelings and do whatever she can to get away and make the fear stop.
✦「How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
✦ Stress has become a common factor in Rullis's life. Whether it be the stress of the battlefield or the stress of surgery, the Sihndar has become rather accustomed to dealing with it throughout the years. She is known to face the feeling with a stubborn mindset, often focusing on whatever is causing her stress and nothing else until the feeling is gone.
✦「How would your character express feeling Happy?
✦ Feelings of pure, unbothered happiness are cherished by Rullis. These moments were rare and fleeting in her homeland; special moments that she felt were meant to be savored. As such, the Sihndar will do what she can to make these moments last. She may linger in conversations or places and generally takes on a much more tranquil attitude.​

✦「How does your character view Law and Authorities?
✦ Rullis sees the law and authorities in a positive light. She considers them a necessary force for all functioning societies, as they are the thing that keeps them from falling into a state of chaos. After all, the Sihndar holds the belief that no place, whether it be a village or empire, can properly operate in a state of chaos. Therefore she believes they should have laws and authorities to enforce order and prevent chaos from breaking out.​

✦「How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
✦ When it comes to the other races of the world, Rullis tends to be fairly accepting. Even so, her level of acceptance can vary. While she will generally try to judge a person based on their attributes, some of her pre-established prejudices have been known to come to light. This is especially prevalent when she interacts with races such as the Kathar or Altalar. Otherwise, Rullis has been known to act abrasively towards races that are foreign to her. After all, the unknown is a dangerous and scary thing to the Sihndar.​

✦「How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
✦ Rullis has somewhat neutral feelings towards the Faith of Estle and the worship of Evsrenllir-Mullontavan. While she will not go out of her way to pray to her goddess, she can often be found partaking in religious events or holidays. In regards to the other religions of the world, Rullis sees them as more of a means to an end. If she believes that converting, even if it is in name only, will allow her to get what she wants, then she is more than willing to pay lip service to another god or religion as long as she deems necessary. The only exceptions to this view are Void Worship and the Altalar Pantheon.​

✦「How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
✦ Rullis generally has a negative view of arcane and magical elements. Both her upbringing and experiences on Drowda contribute to this view and have led to the Sihndar seeing magic as a dangerous and volatile thing. Even so, she is not against associating with those who possess magical talent should the situation call for it. After all, the only arcane afflictions she is truly and wholly against are vampirism and the shattered curse.​

✦「How does your character feel towards their family?
✦ Rullis has rather neutral feelings towards her family. The Sihndar had a distant relationship with both of her parents, as they would often leave her in the care of others while they did their work. While she believes she has come to understand and accept their actions, Rullis still feels a sense of ambivalence towards them. The opposite could be said for her siblings, though, as the Sihndar was rather close with them. They were her first friends and caretakers, and despite the occasional past conflict she still feels fondly towards them.
✦「What is your character's biggest insecurity?
✦ Quinn's largest insecurity could be considered her appearance. Being a small and at one time sickly member of a race of warriors has left her with a dislike of her body. She considers herself too short, too weak, and overall just too small. Her insecurity towards her appearance is also in part because of her taint. She sees herself as something of a contradiction, and as such does not embrace the taint that flows through her blood. This insecurity only enforces her hatred of the arcane, as the Sihndar will do what she can to not be considered apart of such.​

✦「What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
✦ Rullis is most proud of her healing skills. She takes satisfaction in knowing that what she can do can save the lives of others, and as such can be considered her special way of fighting back against the forces of the void and exist. The Sihndar is also proud of how her skills can assist her demand. While she will rarely voice this particular pride, Rullis sees her skills as a medic as something she can barter to gain information for her people.​

✦「What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
✦ Being seen as useful is what drives Rullis to continue moving forward. As she sees it, being seen as a capable individual will lead to her gaining more trust and resources, which will then make it easier for her to achieve her goals.​

✦「What is your character's biggest fear?
✦ 「Agoraphobia」 While she has a plethora of minor fears and terrors, one of Rullis' largest fears is by far her fear of open spaces. This particular fear stems from stories she has heard and experiences she has had outside her hold involving the deadly creatures that roam her homeland. As such, the Sihndar came to develop a fear of large, open spaces and considers them a place of danger.​



Birth | 253 A.C」​

✦ On the third day of March, 253 A.C Ruaillonelis Shu'elsquia was born on the forbidden continent of Drowda. She was not the first child born to her parents, nor the last, as she was the fourth out of five children born to them.

Childhood and Adolescence | 253 A.C-278 A.C」​

✦ Throughout her toddler years, Rullis was a relatively small and sickly child. It was often a question of if she would survive, and therefore if it would be worth it to spend valuable time and resources training her.

✦ As she grew, Rullis's health improved and it was deemed that she would likely survive to adulthood. As such, she began to receive various lessons and conditioning to prepare her for her future.

✦ Though, it was later decided that due to her small size and previously delicate disposition that the Sihndar would be better suited for something less physical. As such, it was decided she would be trained as a healer. While she still received some lessons in the art of combat, the majority of her time after that was spent learning how to heal.

✦ At age fifteen, Rullis partook in the evaluations and exams that would determine her Demand. The results of these indicated that she best fit in the demand of Ovolh, and as such, she was placed into that demand.

✦ The rest of her teen years were spent honing her ability to gather information. The Sihndar also continued her medic training, often finding ways to connect her demand to her teachings.

Adult | 278-Current」​

✦ Upon reaching what her people considered adulthood, Rullis received her khoptar.

✦ After passing this milestone, Rullis spent many years working as a healer for her hold. She also was known to try to gather information from those who came into her care, therefore fulfilling what her demand requested of her.

✦ At the age of 52, Rullis began to find that her work had grown redundant. She then turned her attention towards the outside world.

✦ After consulting with her superiors, the Sihndar was allowed to leave her homeland and carry out her duties in the wider world. Rullis did not remain on Drowda for long after that, quickly gathering her things and bidding her farewells before setting off for her chosen destination, the city if Regalia.

✦ Rullis arrived in the region of the Regalian Archaplegio known as Rivellia during the onset of the Bone Horror Crisis. Finding that her intended target was currently closed off to refugees, she elected to remain and help the locals battle the bone horrors.

✦ Rullis remained in Rivellia for well over a year after the crisis concluded, finding that she enjoyed the area. But, alas, her sense of duty called her elsewhere and she left the region for Regalia in mid-306 A.C.

Regalian Stuff | 306 A.C-Current」​

306 A.C」​

✦ Rullis arrived in the city of Regalia in mid-May 306 A.C.

✦ She settled down in the slums, and quickly found work as a healer in the Emporium Clinic.

✦ She later found a job as a desk worker for a tattoo parlor, but only held this position for a few weeks before the store closed down.

✦ In August of this year, she suddenly found herself without any job, having lost her position in the Emporium clinic. After a brief search, she decided to leave the city to pursue a job offer in the ever familiar province of Rivellia

307 A.C」​

✦ Only to return in January of the next year with the intent of remaining in the city after completing the job. Her intentions remain much the same, as she aims to battle the arcane elements present in the city. How long she will remain in the city this time, though, has yet to be determined.

✦ A few months after arriving, Rullis began working with the Magnolia Order. She left a little over a month after joining, though, for personal reasons.

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[Updates and Such]
  • 4/11/19- Overhauled App. Re-did points, life story, and updated to new format. Also aged her up by a year due to her birthday.
  • 8/1/19- Many updated. Made her shorter, added to some personality questions, added in the second option for personality, and re-wrote portions of her life story. Also changed archon and added lording to reflect Sihndar update.

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Art by @Cakku
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Alright, let's get cracking! @CyberMo01

Personality and Abilities:
  • In your second body paragraph you mention that Quinn struggles to interact with Sihndar who's sole priority in life is their 'mission', expand upon how that affects her personal relationships in her third body paragraph, as I imagine most of her personal relationships are with other Sihndar.
Life Story:
  • Perhaps touch on some of her aspirations now that she has returned to Regalia at the end of her life story, does she still value her mission to recruit others to her people's cause as her first priority, or is she more concerned with tackling the evils outside her homeland?
Overall I found it incredibly difficult to find any errors in this app, get these edits done and mark them in pink and your right on your way to approval.
I re-did a lot of Quinns app, and updated it to the new format. I also require a new reviewer, as my old one seems to no longer be staff.
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State the calculations for future reference please to make it easier on the reviewer! I'm also getting somewhere around 26 for the total, please evaluate the calculations and keep in mind that athletics doubles by x2. 5 athletics would be counted as ten. Right now for me it's;
+16 Combat Total, +5 Athletic x2 (10) = 26

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits when you're done!
26 Combat Proficiency [14 Blades Combat+7 Shielding Combat+5 Front-line Combat Skill]+10 Athletic Skill [5 Athletic Skill*2]= 36
racial bonuses do not factor into the final tally! tag me when done sunshine!
@Caelamus Quinn has been updated to reflect the Sihndar update, as well as a few other changes I decided to make to her proficiency points, appearance, life story, and personality questions. I also added in the second option for the personality. All changed highlighted in this shade of green!
@Caelamus Quinn (now Rullis) has been entirely re-written. I didn't highlight any changes, mostly since the entire app has been changed in some form of another.