Archived Rules

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
To prevent further confusion, could the rules against addvertising be made more clear, it wasnt very clear for me and i think there are a few other's who could do with some clarification over the specifics of what is allowed and whats not :) at the very least could this be looked into in the near future ?
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what part of "Advertising servers, website links or anything unrelated to Massivecraft for personal gain or the gain of others is a bannable offence. Links to anything on the internet is not allowed in global chat, only admins may post links through broadcast. " needs clarification?
what part of "Advertising servers, website links or anything unrelated to Massivecraft for personal gain or the gain of others is a bannable offence. Links to anything on the internet is not allowed in global chat, only admins may post links through broadcast. " needs clarification?

yes it does :/ i 'addvertised' a few things that are arguably not for personal gain, and were inside the forum and not about another minecraft server and still was punished so im confused.

Can we advertise a Massivecraft forum page?

apparently not, apparently this is personal gain but i dont understand how... i did not gain anything from addvertising a link to a story i wanted people to see.

they should really change it too ' anything a mod decides that isnt right ' maybe ? i dont know :s
yes it does :/ i 'addvertised' a few things that are arguably not for personal gain, and were inside the forum and not about another minecraft server and still was punished so im confused.

apparently not, apparently this is personal gain but i dont understand how... i did not gain anything from addvertising a link to a story i wanted people to see.

they should really change it too ' anything a mod decides that isnt right ' maybe ? i dont know :s
A post on the forums is 'personal gain' in almost all of the cases. If you post a page about an event you will hold for all massive raftians, than it isn't personal gain. If you link your suggestion/complaint/story than you want people to go the and vote for it, which is personal gain.
And no, it's not 'what a mod decides', it is how the rules are.
I don't know what you have done but you have totally not read the whole sentence one time yet...
yes it does :/ i 'addvertised' a few things that are arguably not for personal gain, and were inside the forum and not about another minecraft server and still was punished so im confused.

ADVERTISING servers, website links OR ANYTHING UNRELATED TO MASSIVECRAFT for personal gain OR THE GAIN OF OTHERS is a bannable offence. Links to anything on the internet is not allowed in global chat, only admins may post links through broadcast. "
Had to mark some points of the text even more strongly this time so you see them it seems.
A post on the forums is 'personal gain' in almost all of the cases. If you post a page about an event you will hold for all massive raftians, than it isn't personal gain. If you link your suggestion/complaint/story than you want people to go the and vote for it, which is personal gain.
And no, it's not 'what a mod decides', it is how the rules are.

I now understand, that makes more sense when you put it like that. I did not do it for personal gain though it will change nothing for me in game it was just promoting awareness of both sides to a story. And the players that published it gained nothing more than a voice, if you call being heard and noticed personal gain then that is just not right.......
So this means, if I would put the link to my recruiting thread in global, that wouldnt be allowed?
Like "factionx is recruiting <LinkToFactionXsRecruintingThread>"
apparently not, apparently this is personal gain but i dont understand how... i did not gain anything from addvertising a link to a story i wanted people to see.

Technically it is for personal gain, you call attention to a case to make people agree with you, you gain something by receiving free advertisement to whatever side you chose in an arguement.

The bottomline is that most people didn't care about the whole arguement that was being had, or who was right. People will have the opinions they want to have.
Technically it is for personal gain, you call attention to a case to make people agree with you, you gain something by receiving free advertisement to whatever side you chose in an arguement.

The bottomline is that most people didn't care about the whole arguement that was being had, or who was right. People will have the opinions they want to have.

as much as I would have liked people to agree with me that was not my aim people could make a better assessment after having read both sides :) you misunderstood my intentions

I now understand, that makes more sense when you put it like that. I did not do it for personal gain though it will change nothing for me in game it was just promoting awareness of both sides to a story. And the players that published it gained nothing more than a voice, if you call being heard and noticed personal gain then that is just not right.......

Back to my point I was just promoting awareness, freedom of speech is hardly advertising maybe the link was over the top admittedly, maybe linking to highly debated discussions should in future be classed as a banable offence due to the heated discussions making the forum look bad.
Back to my point I was just promoting awareness, freedom of speech is hardly advertising maybe the link was over the top admittedly, maybe linking to highly debated discussions should in future be classed as a banable offence due to the heated discussions making the forum look bad.

It took me a long time to come to a wholesome concise response to this. The notion of "freedom of speech" within MassiveCraft is a bit ambiguous. The server is run by democratic westerners, and mostly played on by democratic westerners, which causes everyone to believe freedom of speech is a right all players have, but this is effectively not true. Full freedom of speech would mean you could call me a cockjuggling turdmongrel, and not face punishment or censor for it. In MassiveCraft opinions are free as long as they do not offend the server, the staff, any organisation related to or cooperating with MassiveCraft, or any particular player who makes use of any of the services provided by MassiveCraft. Additionally, if an opinion forces something upon, or away from any of the before mentioned groups, then we don't want to see it.

In the particular case of the subject, you made a very nonsensical post in the general with absolutely no background information. Because of that, people could not know that it was some sort of dramalama topic about Valyria and FHFDooM. You effectively forced the topic onto people who had nothing to do with it, or were actively avoiding it, and that's besides the fact that the post it was directing towards was rather inflammatory and hatemongering itself. If iko had made the post in general, it would have been "within the frame of acceptance" bar the fact it was hatemongering.

In the end, forum sections are for the designated topics. We don't want to see any cross bleeding like advertisement topics in general about strict-RP games or sales on the marketplace section. I don't see a need to add this to the rules, since it seems common sense to me, but correct me if I am wrong
This is a very well thought out response and I can understand where you coming from I did ask people to read it and it was deleted once I should have known better,

I have only two things to say in response, I did not force them to click the link, I'm not the one controlling the click of there mouse ;)

And all I'm saying here is if nothing chances this will undoubtably happen again, not from me but from another unsuspecting player, if you we're to consider an alert of some form to tell you your forum thread was deleted for such and such reasons this could all but be avoided in the future :)[DOUBLEPOST=1360310845][/DOUBLEPOST]
It took me a long time to come to a wholesome concise response to this. The notion of "freedom of speech" within MassiveCraft is a bit ambiguous. The server is run by democratic westerners, and mostly played on by democratic westerners, which causes everyone to believe freedom of speech is a right all players have, but this is effectively not true. Full freedom of speech would mean you could call me a cockjuggling turdmongrel, and not face punishment or censor for it. In MassiveCraft opinions are free as long as they do not offend the server, the staff, any organisation related to or cooperating with MassiveCraft, or any particular player who makes use of any of the services provided by MassiveCraft. Additionally, if an opinion forces something upon, or away from any of the before mentioned groups, then we don't want to see it.

In the particular case of the subject, you made a very nonsensical post in the general with absolutely no background information. Because of that, people could not know that it was some sort of dramalama topic about Valyria and FHFDooM. You effectively forced the topic onto people who had nothing to do with it, or were actively avoiding it, and that's besides the fact that the post it was directing towards was rather inflammatory and hatemongering itself. If iko had made the post in general, it would have been "within the frame of acceptance" bar the fact it was hatemongering.

In the end, forum sections are for the designated topics. We don't want to see any cross bleeding like advertisement topics in general about strict-RP games or sales on the marketplace section. I don't see a need to add this to the rules, since it seems common sense to me, but correct me if I am wrong
I'm not the one controlling the click of there mouse ;)

Clever use of human curiosity and craftfull use of words, I thought it had something to do with admin abuse in another topic, so naturally I clicked it.
Clever use of human curiosity and craftfull use of words, I thought it had something to do with admin abuse in another topic, so naturally I clicked it.

I do have the occassional brainstorm why im typing :P Ahh well I've made my point XD it's up to you if you decide to action my suggestion :)
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