Archived Rules Update

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What Sarge got banned?
What did you do exactly? I'm not surprised if you got banned for harassment. But, since you are banned:
Just kidding. :P
You got in trouble for Harrasment, which is under the rules clearly..
1 your ban was uncalled for..... You we harrasing Bee he never reported you. But my ban appeal has been sent this isnt a shit fest for a stupid ban.
2 This is about to Operators sitting at the other side of a negotiation table calling blackmail which isn't on the official rules page nor was at warp rules at the time of the negotiations

Blackmail hasn't been posted as a rule nor has been put as a sub rule of harrasment
Rule 1 and 2 should cover all you are on about. Happy New year btw.
Oh, forgot it was new year
Rule 1 and 2 should cover all you are on about. Happy New year btw.
Happy new year. But im confused how blackmail is against 1 and 2 not to be argumentative or passive aggressive. But blackmail if anything is RP. Also they tried setting an amount of how much you could blackmail so there must be a rule cooking on the back burner. That no one knows about. Im not here to argue just get to the bottom of blackmailing because its RP but harassing depending on how you use it and frankly Argonia uses it a lot and we don't want to break rules.
Actually, many people got banned for blackmail. Raiding somebody until they give you something, whether it is money or items, is considered blackmailing. Blackmailing is bad in general - There shouldn't be a limit to how much you can blackmail somebody. And blackmail isn't RP. If Argonia keeps using blackmail tactics, pretty soon the entire faction will be banned. :P
You are the scum of the earth you filthy brigand! May death and ruin come to you! < RP

cuntsumption/taxcocksumption you are the scum of the earth! < Not RP and will get you banned.

You have trouble understanding the difference it seems.

I also don't see any mention of blackmail anywhere, by any staff member. Please point where blackmail is being handled
Marty I please ask you to keep that to my appeal this thread is regarding Blackmail. But thanks for clarifying.

I have come here regaurding when Grailen and I sat down with Tom and Rob at a peace conference for the record Gwen mediated. We said to stop the war we wanted 300 silver and a formal surrender and apology. They said no that is blackmail and is against the rules we then checked rules and saw nothing of the supposed blackmail they then both stormed off saying they were going to settle with 80 silver that was posted under the current war cost on the forum. Grailen received a message saying that Blackmail is alright below 50 silver. So there must be a rule somewhere.

Raiding somebody until they give you something, whether it is money or items, is considered blackmailing. Blackmailing is bad in general
On grounds of that. What do you think happened in medieval times people got raided for fun? Go back to your history books if you think that.
Medieval people were unintelligent at the time. Most of them were conquerors that did not know what human rights are. I suggest you go look in your history book about how many times people had been discriminated.
They were incorrect, demanding silver to end hostilities is okay, and even allowed to large sums of money, dependant on the actual size of a faction affected and the total wealth of it and it's leaders. If a noob loses a war, less then 5 silver is a reasonable settlement. When the owner of an empire loses a war, I don't see 300 silver being a problem, the precedent was set by Osai.

300 silver for a truce should not be too much to cough up for an empire, and if you lose a war, you lose one and should face up to that fact.

In the future, make your suggestion or reference more clear, there was not a single mention of your argonia vs. auxillian in the first post so I just had to guess what it was about. Any mix up with your ban apeal is your fault.
They were incorrect, demanding silver to end hostilities is okay, and even allowed to large sums of money, dependant on the actual size of a faction affected and the total wealth of it and it's leaders. If a noob loses a war, less then 5 silver is a reasonable settlement. When the owner of an empire loses a war, I don't see 300 silver being a problem, the precedent was set by Osai.

300 silver for a truce should not be too much to cough up for an empire, and if you lose a war, you lose one and should face up to that fact.

In the future, make your suggestion or reference more clear, there was not a single mention of your argonia vs. auxillian in the first post so I just had to guess what it was about. Any mix up with your ban apeal is your fault.

Thank you Marty for the clarification ^.^ and sorry for the mix up
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