Preserved Sheet Rukza

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Chief of the Damned
Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Rukza
  • Race: Solvaan Altalar
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Yes
  • Eye Color: Green
Core Concept
  • -Rukza is a follower of Nehret, who holds to Her tenets, without becoming overly zealous.
  • -Rukza is a Hollow Undead who believes she was given a second chance at life by her goddess, and now hopes to live life a second time for as long as she can, and to spread word of her goddess to show gratitude.
  • Strength : 1
    • Blunt Pack
  • Constitution: 1
    • Heavy Shielding Pack
    • Metallurgy Craft Pack (Free point buy pack )
  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 0

  • Magic: 0

  • Charisma: 1
    • West Linguist Pack
Ability Information
  • Hollow Type Undead
Hollow type Undead Abilities :
  • Summon Armor | Summon Power | Self
  • Deathmarch | movement Power| Emote Range
  • Omniaware | Constant Passive | Self
  • Endless Watch | Buff Power | Emote Range
Altalar Racials (Unusable)
  • Weapon Summon | Summon Power | Self.

Solvaan Racials (Unusable)
  • Arcane Ranged | Skill Power | Self.
  • Area Detection | Detection Power | 10 Blocks.
  • Common (Free)
  • Modern Altalar (Native Language)
  • West Linguist Pack
Appearance Information
  • A full-plate steel armor vessel that has over time become rusty in appearance but not to the point of breaking down. From the helmet to the armored sabaton is fully covered with only green essence seeping out from the visible cracks of the armor.

  • The only visibility one can see from her full-plate steel armor would be the glowing green eyes of the shade that now occupies the vessel.

  • One the center of the chest plate one could see a big gash mark, as if it had been pierced through which tells the story of its end. While it appears to be somewhat parched up, the green glowing light aluminates through the cracks.
Life Story
  • Childhood - Rukza was born in the Allorn empire to a loving family of four, her mother, father and two sisters. As the youngest in the family she looked up to her family for guidance, her eyes sparkled in delight when hearing about her fathers bravery in war and in battle which later on in her life became a big influence. At the age of 5 Rukza was not like other children, she did not like to socialize with other kids but followed her older sisters around like a lost puppy, she looked up to them as her two sisters were raised to become honorable member of the Allorn military which she took a big interest in because she wanted to be like her sisters.
  • Adolescent - As she grew older she saw her siblings off to the orthodox academy, and while she was upset to see them go, she was happy because one day she will too join them. From the age of 8 to 13, Rukza did her best to study and train herself from the knowledge she gained from her siblings. Before leaving herself to the Academy she said her goodbyes and left to one day bring honor and make her family proud, if she ever makes it to that day.
  • Adulthood - Rukza tried her best in her studies in the orthodox academy, and even though she was not able to see her sisters there she tried her best even through the difficult years. Through studying Altalar history to completing many accomplishments through her life. When she reached 20 years of age, Rukza left on a few trips through Alior lands to learn different forms of combat, and even visited her own home but that did not stop her from training. Even though becoming a military reserve, Rukza's dream was always to follow behind her siblings footsteps but when she came of age she decided to continue her desired profession in combat until the day came when she was needed.
  • Death - Before reaching the age of Twenty-Five, Rukza left abroad to join the Regalian Army, which she later on aided in fighting for the Regalian Army, against the Kathar in 305 which led to her death in battle. One would think her life ended there, her soul being sent off into the vast stream, but not all make it through. Wandering through Bintaar, a mere shade would slowly start to forget their past life, wandering in silence to find a way back. With sheer willpower alone, the shade managed to find her body with only a suit of armor left behind as a vessel.
  • Present - From mindlessly walking through the wastelands of corpses, the vessel of armor slowly made her way toward regalia, the only memories she still has left being of her family, the only thing that has kept her going to today.
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Metallurgy Craft Pack for my character, it was part of the free craft point for hollow undead. I forgot to add it in. they get it for free right?