Preserved Sheet Ru'deus Alpine

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Magical Life Coach~
Jul 25, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Ru'Deus Alpine, Ru (nickname)
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Agender (prefers to be male)
  • Race: Florae; Yanar (Slizzar Seedling)
  • Main Ambition: To hone his skills as a medic and become known as one of the strongest Evergrowth Mage
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Ru'Deus is a newcomer to regalia, he arrive from the Governenate of The Sun Isles
  • Ru'Deus was born into a richer family than most commoners that gained their wealth through medical services, even though he was rich he has not been spoiled being his parents we're very strict with him.
  • He wishes to make many friends an connections along the way to his goal, maybe a lover along the way.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Light Blue, Yellow eye whites
  • Hair Color: Light Green
  • Hair Style: Long loose hair with sides braided into a pony tail behind
  • Skin Color: light green
  • Clothing: Simple clothing and a large bag reminiscent of a camping bag
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 123 lbs
  • Body Build: Slender
  • Weapon of Choice: Evergrowth Magic
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Instead of hair, he has a mass of vines on his head that is kept long. Being a Slizzar seedling he has a mass of vines that drape behind him that's similar to the trail of a gown.
  • Ru'Deus has a thin build and little to no muscle mass, his face has very feminine features causing most people end up referring to him as a girl.
  • He wears clothing similar to a tunic made of a mass of plants and vines with a belt made of brown vines. On his shoulders are wooden caps that server as shoulder guards, and on his right hand is a glove made of plant material with a rose on him. Along his chest, legs and "gown", are multiple flowers that resemble roses. He also carries a large bag with medical herbs and even different poisons and anti-venom.
  • Ru'Deus has a voice similar to that of a high pitch male singer.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • Extremely Curious: If something has perked Rudi's interest he would intently watch or research on the subject. This has led to him getting caught up in fights and placing him in other dangerous situation. Because of this he has a habit of eavesdropping on people's conversations which also leads to trouble in the end.
  • Self-Conscious: Rudi has very feminine features causing many people to believe he is a girl. This has cause him to grow a little complex after he preferred to be called male. He gets easily annoyed when people refer to him as a girl, this is usually the only thing that annoys him.
  • Loyal: Rudi is extremely loyal to his friends, he would often jump into fights even knowing he can't win to help his friends escape. He deeply cares for those who he considers friends and usually despises those who harm them.
  • Vengeful: His loyalty to his friends can causes him to be vengeful. While direct harm to him may not anger him, any attacks towards people he considers friends does. His Kind and Thoughtful nature would turn cold and harsh, this usually blinds him and cause him to either harm him self or make the situation worse.
  • Amiable: Rudi is almost always good-natured to everyone and does not discriminate even between races. He treats people in a friendly manner stranger or not. Due to his amiable nature he dislikes fights and avoids them unless it has something to do with his friends.
  • Thoughtful: Rudi is a thoughtful person, this may be just him being a yanar, but he often thinks of others before himself ,getting hurt for the sake of others, he can usually read the mood and understand what the person wants, but this usually clashes with his amiable personality, while he may understand that a person wants to be left alone he would continue trying to befriend them.
  • Cunning: Rudi usually takes fights in a strategic stance. Every action he takes in a fight be it running away or seemingly cowardly scampering off is usually a part of his plan. While he scampers off he may leave poison ivy seeds on the ground to grow. Running around in circles may just be a ploy for him to create a mine field of dangerous plants ready to spring out and grab at you.
  • Medic: He has medical experience and knowledge of multiple medical herbs and poisons. This medical knowledge also helps him in fights knowing which places hurt the most and which poison to use on a person depending on whether he wants to kill or disable.
  • Application Skills: Rudi is very comfortable with his magic skills and can apply it to multiple situations. whether medical or combat he knows what to do with his magical abilities. He can also use both slither and ever growth magic with great synergy.
  • Agile: While his strength is week he makes up for it with his agility. He`s a fast runner and good at dodging attacks. Though one good kick can leave him rolling on the ground in pain for minutes.
  • Alchemy: When Ru traveled to the Southern States he found himself a mentor for alchemy. While most of his studies is geared towards aids he has studied detriments due to his mentors advice.
  • Strength: Rudi spent most of his life studying medicine and magic an hasn't gotten much time for training physically. His strength is probably even lower than the average yanar. He relies heavily on his plans and his agility.
  • Fire: Rudi is deathly afraid of fire, though controlled fire is usually fine he'd still try to stay away from it. This gives him an extreme disadvantage against fire mages or those who wield flames as weapons. At best he would be able to run away from the fight at worst he wouldn't be even able to run away. This may be because of an incident that happened in his child hood when he caused his mother to receive a minor burn on her back from a falling oil lamp.
  • Negligence of Surroundings: While he carefully plans out his attacks all this could be ended with a few mistakes due to him being clumsy. While he is agile he doesn't care to pay attentions to his surrounding at times causing him to escape and crash into a wall or almost roll down a steep incline. Due to this he is seen as very accident prone.
  • Dependent: Rudi rarely gets into a one on one fight. He only steps in if he knows that there is another person with him. When he traveled in his teen years he would often travel with groups almost never by himself. This caused him to become dependent on people, he believes that he cannot win a fight by himself and requires other to help him.
  • Docile: Rudi will generally not go into a fight, usually going along with dangers just waiting for them to pass. Any aggression towards him will rarely cause a fight. He would usually talk his way out of things instead of getting physical which only happens if he knows his life or his friends life is truly in danger.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Ru'Deus is plays a lot with Evergrowth magic, moving foliage around to pass time, he is extremely interested in the creation of bark giants and usually experiments with this, while he cannot make one himself he usually plays around with the idea making small animals with plant parts usually and playing with them, while the animals themselves have no sentience they're more like puppets like bark giants.
  • Whenever he is treating a patient he often treats them like he would a child, being protective over them and sometimes giving them some kind of sweets at the end of the treatment, this sometimes annoys the patient if they are older though
  • Rudi has a hobby of writing down interesting conversations he would hear, he writes them down on a different notebook rather than his usual one that he writes his medical and magical information on.
  • Rudi's favorite animal is an octopus you can often see him playing with a bundle of vines and plants shaped like an octopus, and takes great interest towards them.
  • Rudi likes being around people he would usually be seen in the bar gleefully watching people converse
  • Rudi's has an incredible sweet-tooth he loves any sweets but prefers after meal desserts such as short-cake and cupcakes over candy and chocolate.
  • Bugs, while he generally likes all creatures he has a fear of bugs, he thinks bugs may want to snack on his vines or his attire, this causes him to have a slightly uncomfortable towards a Mekett.
  • He dislikes fights and tries to avoid them trying to talk his way out most of the time, though he is not brave enough to stop a fight he would usually wait for the fight to end and treat whoever lost.
  • People that refer to him as a girl, though he has very feminine features he still identifies himself as male, whenever someone refers to him as a girl he becomes a bit uneasy and may frown or glare at the person.

Life Story (Required)

Born in the Governate of The Sun Isles, Ru`Deus Alpine was the son of a doctor and a mage. His father was a yanar, an Evergrowth mage and a doctor, while his mother is a Slizzar that continues her slither magic to this day. His parents cared deeply for him and were very over protective so he never left the house until he was 10. Though his parents were caring they were both very strict with his studies on medicine an magic. He started his medicine training at the young age of 6 and started his magic training at the age of 14. He often visits his grandfathers garden to listen to his memories. Evergrowth magic and medical skills were taught to him by his father in the morning while slither magic and poisons were taught to him by his mother at night. He took great interest in Evergrowth, but most of his interest was on medical skills. When he was 16 years old he became the level of a caster on Evergrowth Magic.

One day, bored of his repetitive training schedule, his curiosity cause him to sneak out of the house to explore the surrounding area. While exploring the riches of the outside world outside of his house he met a girl that seemed to be being beaten by a bunch of other children for unknown reasons. While he did not understand what was happening he felt this was wrong, he whispered to the plants to help him. Foliage and vines in the area, the children ran as soon as they saw the vines slithering towards them and left the child alone. As Rudi got closer he found out the child was an Tigran named Millie. He helped Millie and treated her wounds, he took her home to treat her better since other than bandages he had no other medical tools on him. When he took her home instead of being punished by his parents they were proud of his actions towards the girl. This cause his parents to trust him enough to let him go outside yet told him not to use magic outside. He spent most of his time out of training with Millie until he became 18, there was a commotion in a small village ,when they saw Millie all the malice was turned on her. Apparently a Tigran had attacked the village and the girl was thought to be part of it. The mob of people took Millie and killed her in front of Ru. Out of anger he poured vial of his mother's toxin into a creak nearby. When he arrived home his parents had not heard of the news being that their home was way out of town. After a few weeks his father received multiple request and pleads for help in the village so he was almost never home. This went on for months until at some point his father never came back, his worried mother soon followed. He waited for them for a week until he himself ventured into the village, he was horrified to see bodies piled in a wagon and sickly people littering the streets. He asked one of the villagers where the doctor was and, he was told that his father died due to ingesting some of the villages water, he went to the water supply and noticed that the small portion he poisoned went into a lake that the whole village uses.

Horrified at what he`d done he left the isles to repent for what he`d done, he decided to go on journey to run away from his past. He focused more attention to his medical studies and Evergrowth Magic. After 4 years of studying he decided to travel out of the island to better understand how to use his magic and the different ways you can use it. He traveled around the Daendroc Regions for 7 years helping those who are injured to further his medical knowledge, getting lost multiple times along the way ,and finding others who use Evergrowth Magic to further his studies on the magic. Along his journey he found himself a mentor for alchemy. Along with magic and medicine, he studied alchemy for 4 years. After the four years he decided to make his way to Regalia hoping to find stronger Evergrowth Mages and people in need of his aid.
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Peer Review
Its always a good thing to see people putting this much effort into devolving there characters. Hello and I'll be doing this peer review today so lets get started shall we.

For someone who just joined this is a great app to be completely honest, I kinda think your an alt.

  • This is a better title for the Spoiler: Basic Information (Expansion) And down at the spoiler near the bottom this one: Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Weaknesses, Fire, clumsiness, and dependent, could use a few extra sentences of explanation.
  • Not entirely sure how the staff will view a wealthy yanar running about, so you will have to remember, no matter how rich he is, he does not have more money then a noble, typically, Count and above.
Peer Review
Its always a good thing to see people putting this much effort into devolving there characters. Hello and I'll be doing this peer review today so lets get started shall we.

For someone who just joined this is a great app to be completely honest, I kinda think your an alt.

  • This is a better title for the Spoiler: Basic Information (Expansion) And down at the spoiler near the bottom this one: Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Weaknesses, Fire, clumsiness, and dependent, could use a few extra sentences of explanation.
  • Not entirely sure how the staff will view a wealthy yanar running about, so you will have to remember, no matter how rich he is, he does not have more money then a noble, typically, Count and above.
Yea i'm just having a bit of trouble with the expansions. I understand what you mean by wealthy yanar since yanar don't typically care about money, what i meant is that he's not noble rich but just a tad bit richer than most common folk since being a doctor would probably earn you a few more pocket money that most jobs seeing how needed it is. I'll probably start editing this right away.
Clumsy is entirely physical; it is not a part of his personality. Remove that and add a different negative trait.

I'm going to say his sense of direction isn't a valid weakness, given he has so many key strengths. Add a different weakness.

Tag me when you're done
While the slither magic weakness is more of an accurate explaining of -all- slither mages, it doesn't detract from the varied weaknesses you have. Well done.

@Maplewingz, your character is now non-compliant due to the recent lore changes and other facts. You cannot learn magic before the age of 14, and even as a Yanar, it would only shave off several months to their magic learning time for Evergrowth Magic. You need to lower your magic levels.

For refrence, here is the redone Magic Guide:
@FoundOutIC Yep Im gonna change that, I thought that it would work since it says its in Nature Magic in the Character Abilities page but I think that's just outdated