Archived Rp Setting

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Desert Creatures go brrr
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Not here thats for damn sure
Roleplay Guilds
Coven, Lightfinger lads.
have you ever been role playing in the wilderness with your friends and some jerk with God armor comes up and kills all of you for fun. Well I supose a rp mode plugin for factions. In the rp mode, pvp would be disabled to prevent random war party's from wiping you out, but to prevent it from being a raid safe guard, make it so you have to be combat inactive for it to work and it takes say 30 seconds to activate to prevent it as a life savior in pvp. Also it would
Be a good idea that you can only turn it one once an hour and if you tp somewhere or leave the game it deactivates, this system will be perfect for rp factions and casual players who just like to wander.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
have you ever been role playing in the wilderness with your friends and some jerk with God armor comes up and kills all of you for fun. Well I supose a rp mode plugin for factions. In the rp mode, pvp would be disabled to prevent random war party's from wiping you out, but to prevent it from being a raid safe guard, make it so you have to be combat inactive for it to work and it takes say 30 seconds to activate to prevent it as a life savior in pvp. Also it would
Be a good idea that you can only turn it one once an hour and if you tp somewhere or leave the game it deactivates, this system will be perfect for rp factions and casual players who just like to wander.
The concept that bandits could appear and kill you while you are in the wilderness of a survival world is one you must come to accept.
I'd suggest using /dynmap hide if you don't already, as it will make you invisible on the dynamic map, where a lot of hunting occurs for players in your exact situation.
Unless there is some kind of cooldown... i think PVPers in actual wars would activate this to get out of dying...
This can be abused in dozens of way.

Such as:

Running around an enemy base before or during a raid with the Roleplay setting on, so that you're effectively an invincible spy.

Standing in a raid and buffing your allies with splash potions, while your enemies can't touch you.

Running circles around enemies so that they have trouble hitting your allies.

Running around in pvp killing people inavertantly so that the Roleplay setting does not turn off when you inflict damage on another player (I.E Fire, TNT, etc)

Etc, etc, etc. Would be great in a server without PVP, but this can simply be abused in too many ways, no longer how long the cooldown timer is.
can be solved.
Running around an enemy base before or during a raid with the Roleplay setting on, so that you're effectively an invincible spy.
to solve this, we can say it only aplies withing faction boundries.
Running around in pvp killing people inavertantly so that the Roleplay setting does not turn off when you inflict damage on another player (I.E Fire, TNT, etc)
who would do that? honestly? TNT, fire, lava, sure, if i want to risk to kil my allies at teh same time, wich i obviously don't want.

As for only letting it work within faction boundries, they can still serve as a 'spy' of sort for their own faction during raids, following the enemy that is raiding them around, alerting everyone wehre they are, what they're doing, etc.

And honestly the fire lava TNT thing would apply more to trolling then actual raiding, but the point stands.

And still, nothing stops someone from running around during a raid (or defence if 'RP setting' is only allowed in faction territory) and buffing their allies and faction members with potions while the enemy can't hurt them.

As for only letting it work within faction boundries, they can still serve as a 'spy' of sort for their own faction during raids, following the enemy that is raiding them around, alerting everyone wehre they are, what they're doing, etc.

And honestly the fire lava TNT thing would apply more to trolling then actual raiding, but the point stands.

And still, nothing stops someone from running around during a raid (or defence if 'RP setting' is only allowed in faction territory) and buffing their allies and faction members with potions while the enemy can't hurt them.
true that, but i'm sure a clever mind can come up with some sort of solution to that.
Perhaps it could auto disable in a faction land? That way you couldn't spy or anything. It could just stay enabled only in unclaimed land and would perhaps give you a 10 second warning if you enter faction land that it will disable