Archived Rp Reason For Premium?

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Toaster of Toast
Mar 20, 2013
Reaction score
I guess this is where this should go. :P I think it seems odd that (to my knowledge) there is no explanation in the server's lore as to why premiums have so many advantages. Maybe premiums could be people who have been blessed by the gods, explaining their "god-like" abilities. This is just an idea though, if you don't like it that's alright. :)

Edit: Also, if there is an explanation and I somehow haven't seen it, please let me know. :)
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Blessed seems nice, but it's my understanding that in all aspects of the server, premiums are technically no different than other people.
I don't see any reason for there to be a roleplay explanation, as in roleplay terms there is absolutely no difference between premiums and non-premium.
I actually think this would be a nice add to the already above-average lore :)
There is absolutly NO RP connection between premium and our lore - and it stays that way.
I guess this is where this should go. :P I think it seems odd that (to my knowledge) there is no explanation in the server's lore as to why premiums have so many advantages. Maybe premiums could be people who have been blessed by the gods, explaining their "god-like" abilities. This is just an idea though, if you don't like it that's alright. :)

Edit: Also, if there is an explanation and I somehow haven't seen it, please let me know. :)
That sounds a good idea, but blessed by gods seems a bit extreme. Why not have it they are Regalian lords, as most premiums actually do seem to own a manor (faction). All the other people not premium but own a faction could be like mayors. Admins be like Aristocrats/Priests (Priests were actually very high on the government long ago, their words were pretty much laws) And I guess Cayorian would be the emperor or close to that.

Did I over-explain that, make that too complicated or make it good enough? :p
Good to know you're open to a conversation on this, FireSoap :?

Anyway, beyond a few combat ability's, there really isn't much a difference. I like the idea of "blessed" people however. Folks given power by there respective gods, it would fit nicely in the server lore. I'll bring it up with Ulumulu and the rest of the wiki team. Hope that answers your question (wave)
However, they do get diamond armour and get to keep their items on a non-violent death. The armour as is makes them more important, and an accidental mis-calculation of that cliff they thought was a hill seems as though they have magic that can be sustained when not focusing on an enemy, or target.[DOUBLEPOST=1365986501,1365986477][/DOUBLEPOST]
^ - No that will not be done.
Glad to see you are open to ideas.
In minecraft people survive their deaths, the death mechanics already don't make sense, so some people keeping their stuff isn't really a problem to me.
Trying to create a reason for it won't really change anything, except in the way the few people bothered by it think about it.
Blessed by the Gods isn't a very good reason. Vampires can be premium and I doubt the Gods like them.
I don't like blessed, that would mean the majority of people are blessed.
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