Archived Rp Merchants Market Area

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Crazy Lore Writer of Worlds
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere with crayons...
Hello everyone, Devoruku here and today I'm here to talk about my amazing idea for Regalia.

Now first things first you are looking at the title and saying "But we already have a shopping district, this idea is useless" and I can see you're point but when you think about it, Regalia has not got much in real time market.

The Idea:
The idea I have is to build a market area that is similar to the market area from "Spice and Wolf 2" (picture show below) where players apply in the forums like in the tavern for their goods to be sold here. It could also be a cool place to host a merchants event.


Main Feature:
The main feature about this place would be some large boards at the main plaza area of the market with the real time Regalian stock exchanges on them, this would show the wholesale prices for things like ore, wheat, books and other items. We could also have a auction area for this bit.

Optional Extra Idea:
While I know this would not happen, why not morph the /tp market into regalia. While I know this would cause lag the mods could instead build a large area that is blocked off and has a tp where the entrances are, think of how the layers of the market work, and would tp you to a new and improved market on the market world.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
My criticism with this is that merchant RP is hardly actually RP'd out on the server. I haven't done it in a few months, because saying hello to everyone over 2 hours will little RP coming from it was not something I cared to do. Everyone ignores shops and heads straight to the Willow, and only go RP to another place if their buddies are the ones running the place.

It's centralization syndrome. The Golden Willow attracts everyone because it is the central building. Look in any outlier district and you'll be lucky to find another person. The Harbor was fairly decent when the rental regions came out, and there was an active community. But it died out after two months because everyone started going back to their original RP spots, which is basically the center of the city.

I don't think we should bring the market into Regalia, because survival items don't translate to lore compliancy. The current market area is fine as is, and players can buy and sell their goods there without much issue.

With this all said, there is nothing preventing a few dedicated RPers to set up a merchant fair and RP constantly away from the city center. Dedicate a time every week where you can commit to sitting in a pre-made tent and RP as if you own the place. I managed to run a navigation shop for a month by simply wandering around the harbor and getting a few people to come over from the Willow once in a while. I just gave up because everyone stopped coming and I was no longer getting enjoyment out of it.
My criticism with this is that merchant RP is hardly actually RP'd out on the server. I haven't done it in a few months, because saying hello to everyone over 2 hours will little RP coming from it was not something I cared to do. Everyone ignores shops and heads straight to the Willow, and only go RP to another place if their buddies are the ones running the place.

It's centralization syndrome. The Golden Willow attracts everyone because it is the central building. Look in any outlier district and you'll be lucky to find another person. The Harbor was fairly decent when the rental regions came out, and there was an active community. But it died out after two months because everyone started going back to their original RP spots, which is basically the center of the city.

I don't think we should bring the market into Regalia, because survival items don't translate to lore compliancy. The current market area is fine as is, and players can buy and sell their goods there without much issue.

With this all said, there is nothing preventing a few dedicated RPers to set up a merchant fair and RP constantly away from the city center. Dedicate a time every week where you can commit to sitting in a pre-made tent and RP as if you own the place. I managed to run a navigation shop for a month by simply wandering around the harbor and getting a few people to come over from the Willow once in a while. I just gave up because everyone stopped coming and I was no longer getting enjoyment out of it.
Thanks for the feedback fire but the main point of this is we need a way to show the stock prices for items in Regalia, it would add realism to most likely the most important aspect of a medieval kingdom and we would not have to keep seeing the random posts on the tavern notice board about bread prices dropping, instead we would see it here along with other main items like wheat and lumber.
I do agree, a more... functional, Market District would be nice. As it stands, most of the houses in the Market District are that, houses. There are occasionally stalls but none are rentable. Having a small area, even just like a square or whatever slotted into that district would be nice- In my opinion, its an old district anyway and could do with a remodel anyway, so that would be the perfect time to get that done with as well, and add in some cheap-to-rent stalls and carts and such people can harp their wares at.
we would not have to keep seeing the random posts on the tavern notice board about bread prices dropping, instead we would see it here along with other main items like wheat and lumber.
Ah, I must've misheard this then. I might have a way to go about this currently, but I need to ask around.

I thought this had to do with IG item prices, not IC prices. So I see the merit in the idea now.

In my opinion, its an old district anyway and could do with a remodel anyway, so that would be the perfect time to get that done with as well, and add in some cheap-to-rent stalls and carts and such people can harp their wares at.
While a remodel could happen, there's no activity in the district anyways to have reason to change things about. There needs to be activity in order to deserve changes. That's why the Golden Willow changes every half a year or so. People are actively there.
Why not compromise and do very minimal remodeling work in the area directly adjacent to the Willow, keep the RP centralized there, but still have stalls off to the side? There is a lot of space available for it.
Why not compromise and do very minimal remodeling work in the area directly adjacent to the Willow, keep the RP centralized there, but still have stalls off to the side? There is a lot of space available for it.
I kind of like this idea. Moving some of the houses to say, right of the tavern, they could be compensated with new houses as the people who were in line for the West Road were, make a full fledged Square with stalls, a, actual Inn to sleep at for travelers, and some stalls etc. Would be a nice thing. Plus makes it so its not just, everything happening right in front of the Willow. Make a larger space for announcements and events.

Edit: as a note, some of the roads in that area would need to be widened as well probably, if possible, to make room for carts to realistically be able to get about. Even if its like, one road that gets made 5-6 blocks wider thats all thats needed. Maybe make a path from the "New Market" to the Harbor district.
Clarifying I am strictly speaking from an active role player and World 3 perspective.

Thanks for the feedback fire but the main point of this is we need a way to show the stock prices for items in Regalia, it would add realism to most likely the most important aspect of a medieval kingdom and we would not have to keep seeing the random posts on the tavern notice board about bread prices dropping, instead we would see it here along with other main items like wheat and lumber.
I don't see the point of this quite honestly. While yes it would add "realism" there's no other reason outside of that. The merchant RP community, to my knowledge, is incredibly small and has been for months. There are few shops here and there, but 95% of them don't last and are empty most of the time. When the Merchants Guild was at its peak there was a decent community, but that fell long ago and working back up, while possible, will be difficult. Plus, the actual price of most items hardly ever comes into play in actual RP. The only person it affects is certain members with government positions and even then it doesn't really come too much into play. It's a flavor item and nothing really more. Furthermore, I doubt a lore staff would take it upon themselves to constantly change these boards every single time there's a change in pricing on some item.
Also, the posts about bread are usually simply to fill the notice-board as hardly anyone updates the thing.

In my opinion, its an old district anyway and could do with a remodel anyway, so that would be the perfect time to get that done with as well, and add in some cheap-to-rent stalls and carts and such people can harp their wares at.
The Commerce District is not at all old and looks great. It has the perfect Regalian style and is often used to teach new World members about the style because it is such a prime example. The new "Trade" District behind spawn is less so primarily a trade district and more so a melting pot of everything. Housing, shops, stalls, docks, etc.

Why not compromise and do very minimal remodeling work in the area directly adjacent to the Willow, keep the RP centralized there, but still have stalls off to the side? There is a lot of space available for it.
There is not enough room to comfortably add enough stalls to make this project worth the amount of time and planning it would take.

I kind of like this idea. Moving some of the houses to say, right of the tavern, they could be compensated with new houses as the people who were in line for the West Road were, make a full fledged Square with stalls, a, actual Inn to sleep at for travelers, and some stalls etc. Would be a nice thing. Plus makes it so its not just, everything happening right in front of the Willow. Make a larger space for announcements and events.
You're more or less speaking of a new district. That would require removing houses, redoing roads, etc. for some stalls? I don't see that working out next to the tavern. That further clutters the area, in my opinion, making it more chaotic.

Overall I don't see much of an entire district coming from this due to the fact that as I stated previously the merchant community is incredibly small and the amount of work it would take from the World department which already has double digit projects to finish. There is a small market square here (which could possibly be edited) and there are stalls throughout the Commerce District that aren't too far from each which could be used and possibly bring new life to the district once more.
The Commerce District is not at all old and looks great. It has the perfect Regalian style and is often used to teach new World members about the style because it is such a prime example. The new "Trade" District behind spawn is less so primarily a trade district and more so a melting pot of everything. Housing, shops, stalls, docks, etc.
I realized today, while digging around for old District maps, that the area I referred to was the Scholar District I think. Commerce District/Market one looks great, the area I was refering too (which on further examination is limited to a chunk of housing, not the whole district) is just a few really outdated houses.

But, that has no bearing on the suggestion I just wanted to clarify what I meant now that I've figured out what I meant lol.


To further the topic though, there is a large square area here that is almost perfect for this if someone wanted to host a merchant-esk event. And using the Roleplay Staff Assistance thread, someone could probably get the area retrofitted with additional stalls and carts with the only 'loss' to the area being a fountain and some trees maybe.

Hi everyone, I'm bringing this idea back a little!!!~
While yes it would add "realism" there's no other reason outside of that. The merchant RP community, to my knowledge, is incredibly small and has been for months.
I see your point but as a city Regalia does need more flare, if we moved market to Regalia or even just a false market that when you walk close to it TPs you to a new market world would help bring people together in RP, FAC, OOC and forums manners.
It's a flavor item and nothing really more.
Considering Regalia is basically a tavern, tons of houses that are useless unless you RP heavily and maybe a few items that never get used unless an event is on if we placed it somewhere with entertainment it would allow amazing RP to flourish.
Furthermore, I doubt a lore staff would take it upon themselves to constantly change these boards every single time there's a change in pricing on some item.
It would be an IC aspect mainly, so we could see in IC if the price of say wheat went up for winter, meaning it could be updated only once every month. If that doesn't work maybe try what we had in the Sewers V2 with panels that players can rent.
You're more or less speaking of a new district. That would require removing houses, redoing roads, etc. for some stalls? I don't see that working out next to the tavern. That further clutters the area, in my opinion, making it more chaotic.
The point would be to place it outside the main area of Regalia like near the back of the city from spawn forward. Since no major collection of RPers or Faction players can do without the market it would allow player integration and maybe start to bridge the RP-PvP world gaps we are having.
My criticism with this is that merchant RP is hardly actually RP'd out on the server. I haven't done it in a few months, because saying hello to everyone over 2 hours will little RP coming from it was not something I cared to do. Everyone ignores shops and heads straight to the Willow, and only go RP to another place if their buddies are the ones running the place.

It's centralization syndrome. The Golden Willow attracts everyone because it is the central building. Look in any outlier district and you'll be lucky to find another person. The Harbor was fairly decent when the rental regions came out, and there was an active community. But it died out after two months because everyone started going back to their original RP spots, which is basically the center of the city.

I don't think we should bring the market into Regalia, because survival items don't translate to lore compliancy. The current market area is fine as is, and players can buy and sell their goods there without much issue.

With this all said, there is nothing preventing a few dedicated RPers to set up a merchant fair and RP constantly away from the city center. Dedicate a time every week where you can commit to sitting in a pre-made tent and RP as if you own the place. I managed to run a navigation shop for a month by simply wandering around the harbor and getting a few people to come over from the Willow once in a while. I just gave up because everyone stopped coming and I was no longer getting enjoyment out of it.
On the contrary, I have managed to keep myself in merchant RP for several months now, with no shortage of customers, perhaps it is because my business is based so close to the willow? In that case, it would be possible to build the market in the area surrounding the Willow or at the very least, increase the number of shops inside