Archived Rp Characters And Death.

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Magos Errant
Dec 22, 2012
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Bitter winds of winter --
but later, river willow,
open up your buds.

The world, especially the medieval world is filled with death and destruction. In our fair world of Aloria, the same is true. Yet there are those who feel their death is unjustified and untimely, so they throw it in as a form of "God RP" and the person, whether right or wrong in their motives and means to kill the person is confined to a prison cell. When or what is god rp? Some can debate that is the "wrongful" death of a person, and some call it on anything that seems much too extreme. There are times when it is true, people do some impossible things and there must be some kind of barrier, there are however times where a death is justifiable and where the end does justify the means. We must start looking at death in RP as something more than just "I allow you to kill me." To "through my actions, or the actions of others, I have come to a point where I am possibly going to die for what I have done."

What is god rp? God RP, is that of being a "god" and doing things not normally possible by a regular person in a similar position or state. This has been attributed to coming up and pulling a shark out of your ass and using it as a maul, to killing someone without their permission. Now, while the first is obviously impossible, is the second so impossible that you must be a god to commit them? Is not a murder who takes the life of a victim doing it without their permission? Death, whether from natural causes or from unnatural causes, happens more than most times without the permission of the person. So almost any death in Aloria no matter from where or what cause is going to be "God RP" in some way.

A man comes up to another man in the street. The other man has wronged the first man and the first man is at the others back. The first man takes a sticker and plops it on the man's head, and then the man is struck with a meteor all the while amidst wails of "God RP GOD RP". This is an example of true "God RP", where as a situation where death happens but is in a way that any person is capable of without any divine powers; A man has been wronged by his wife who has cheated on him. He has been stricken with rage and hate and sees the only way of freeing himself is through the death of his cheating wife. As she slept he takes a knife and drives it deep into her heart. As she dies all she says is "GOD RP GOD RP". What here requires divine powers to take a life? Or is life so precious that it can never be taken, even though natural causes?
Death in RP seems to be only allowed if there is an agreement by both parties to allow one to kill the other. Now, this has been set up so people don't go on a RP "Murder-boner" and just start chopping everyone up. While this is a good system from preventing noobs from just going on a killing spree, it is rendered ineffective when it comes to serious and semi-serious rp. Now, if someone has in some way harmed a party, perhaps by a bad business transaction to maybe torturing and killing of a beloved comrade, doesn't the wronged party have a clear motive and line to get revenge on the first party? This seems to be blocked by the current system we have. Just today, a friend of mine was tortured, had his hands cut off, and almost raped. This infuriated me. So me and a friend took action. I was snuck into the area where he was being held and took a hostage, threatening to slit her throat if he was not released. He died several seconds later, would this not give me appropriate reason to kill my hostage, and enact some kind of revenge in my fallen comrades name, or does his getting torched and then killed not justify such a course of action. A similar situation that can relate to almost anyone is "Your best friend/family member has just been tortured and murdered. You have one of the culprits at sword point, what do you do?" This leads me to believe that your actions should directly lead to your possible demise. To anyone that you have not angered to a point where they may kill you and they want to kill you create an agreement. You are now allowing them to kill you. To someone you have greatly wronged, or injured in some way, you are now letting them kill you through actions directly or indirectly against them.
People must start to realize that if they run around being an evil murdering bastard, they are more than likely be murdered by those they have wronged. Right now we are giving a world that you can be anything with no consequence to you or anyone around you. If you have murdered hundreds and someone actually gets close enough to kill you, you should not be able to say "I do not wish to die" and that is the end of the conversation. Actions must be lived up to and people must realize that death is still a possibility no matter your power or your position. Whether you're a beggar or an Emperor, if you piss the wrong people off, you will die.

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"through my actions, or the actions of others, I have come to a point where I am possibly going to die for what I have done."

There is a problem with trying to balance realism with the personal boundaries of characters belonging to other people. It's a tough line to see and walk across, and I do understand frustrations when a character who "deserves" or realistically "should" die disallows it.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that characters belong to the people that create them, and in my opinion, you need the consent of the character's owner to kill them or permanently alter them, no matter the case. Just the other day, my character - who is not a fighter of any sort - should have realistically been killed by a surprise attack on her, against an armed and trained swordsman. However, I didn't allow it, making my character dodge when, again realistically, she would have been run through before she even noticed the person.

By your standards, I should have let my character be killed, because of the actions of others that would realistically kill off my character. Again by your standards, every character who has been the target of a sneak or sniper attack should die. If my character dozes off from alcohol at the Tavern, and someone slips up to her and sticks a knife in her back, I should just accept it and allow her to die? I mean, how would you like it if someone just walked up to your character's back, stood there for a moment to make sure you didn't acknowledge sensing them in RP, then cut your character's throat? I understand you're talking more about the on-going actions of characters that lead to someone taking a serious interest in killing them, but if we think about those situations realistically, we have to think about all situations realistically, including those surprise or sneak attacks on characters.

Your friend didn't have to acknowledge the RP that permanently altered his person, it was his choice to do so. Likewise, the person that your character cornered and held hostage didn't need to acknowledge being killed by your own character, even if the character herself "deserved" it. You having a RP reason does not justify killing off someone else's character without their consent, despite the circumstances.

If someone is RPing a murderer who's taken the life of characters that are not controlled or owned by anyone - random faces with no names, NPCs - then of course, their character has taken the lives of the victims against their permission. But the RPer hasn't taken the life of a character without the RPers permission. Again, it's the idea of a character belonging to someone that sets the boundary - the same way we don't allow other people to leave permanent marks on our characters (chopping off a leg or something, for example), unless it's something we want to happen.

I do understand, truly - if someone has picked a fight and is now surrounded by five other fighters, all gunning for him, the chances of him realistically surviving are next to none. He started the fight, he challenged the group of fighters, he should allow his character to die. The character who tortured your character's friend should allow her character, held hostage with a knife to her throat, to die. But if he doesn't, that's his choice, and while it might be considered a form of power-play, he is only controlling his own character, not other characters. So he is not god-moding. If you are RPing with a group of good RPers, they will understand this and react accordingly, but in my opinion, it still ultimately falls to RPers of the characters.

Yes, if by your actions you somehow let your guard down or somehow leave yourself open to a attack or oppertunity of interest to another, it is your fault that you got yourself into said situation. Now, you said you got ambushed, you should have died, realistically or not, you should have died. Sure Feawyn is your character, just like Tiberious Samoth is mine, but in a moment of weakness that open me, you or anyone else to a attacker should come, then it comes. I get my head chopped off, i make a new character, no matter how deep in the lore he/she is. If we all go around dodging out of the way, or blocking, then it gets nothing done. Hell, getting out of a situation that you clearly should die in is almost like god rping. You die, i die, we all die, natural causes or not, death is at all our door steps just waiting to walk in.
I agree that, under some circumstances, an RP character should have to die. BUT, like Faewyn said, death is up to the owner of the character. Sure, people's characters may be in vulnerable positions, but you seem to stress the point that under ANY moment of vulnerability a character should HAVE to die. Think about this: You buy a Viridian times, and sit down on a bench outside the golden Willow tavern to read the document. A guy sits down next to you, and whispers "-draws hidden dagger, then with a quick motion stabs the man in the heart. The newspaper falls on top of the wound, concealing it from view-"
The guy then walks away, and BAM! Your character, that may have taken hours to perfect, is now gone from existence. Simple as that. It could even be your first trip to Regalia as that character. But from what your saying, this move would be legal and the owner of the character can do nothing about it. Sure, they could take a few hours to perfect an entire new character, but the same thing could happen again. Do you see what I'm trying to say? People have lives, and they can't just write 50 RP characters because they want to sit on a bench and read a newspaper. And it doesn't even have to be that instance. It could be browsing a market stall, talking to someone, or even just walking the streets without looking behind you every 5 seconds. Your pretty much saying that if someone did something to piss someone off, then they practically can't have a good time RPing whilst letting their guard down. Pretty much no drinking, no walking in the middle of the street, no taking time to browse markets, no having a deep conversation, and not even sitting down.

And that's why I think that forcibly killing RP characters is wrong. If they get in a fight, it's legal. If they decide to duel someone, or sneak into an enemy's lair, it's legal. But when they're just letting their guard down in the middle of Regalia? That's just hogwash.

I'm not saying that everyone who shows vulnerability should die, but, if you leave yourself vulnerable, there is a chance you could die. For example.

Your walking down the street in the middle of the night, you have no gun, no flashlight, it's a dark street and you have pissed off some gang members. You are taking a RISK while walking down this street. This risk can be elevated or alleviated in a great many ways.

With the system massive already has in place, risk taking is almost completely off the table. It's like your giving the person who pissed of the gang members a note of pardon and sent him to walk down in their territory, at night, with no weapon, and he gets off scott free if anything should arise. Sure there are times where killing off a character by force is really not warranted, like when your just running down the street, no one is pissed at you in the slightest and some ass just tries to kill you. It's muderboning. If anything a reason should be able to justify the action.

I'm saying that if you want to play a dangerous game, then play it, but with the knowledge that there could be serious consequences such as death.
Well, this isn't as upsetting as seeing a person who allowed their character to die to just say "Oh, I never died... I changed my mind about it..." THAT is much worse.
Faewyn's right. I was origanelly going to post something about roleplay death, but I was to lazy to. To be honest, a lot of new people have taken the rp character "Mass murderer" and they run around, stabbing eachother. Some even have taken Creepy Pasta murderers, much to my disliking.

I actually have only had two roleplay characters through all my years on massivecraft, if you take away my noob one defying all lore rules when I first joined. I plan to make a third, only to have him killed by Posidem. This involves a awakening everything. At first I really thought somebody needed your premission to kill your character, like Posidem. But, I learned diffrently with my first character when BBB killed me in what I call "The origanel Tin plan." I didnt mind him dieing, I came back as a ghost to watch the last of the roleplay, only to disrupt it a bit, (Noob move.)

The point is, you shouldnt go around just stabbing people. There should be tension, and stuff. I still think you need the persons premission if you want to kill them, (Correct me if I'm wrong) and sometimes if you want a new roleplay character, there are better way's to get rid of them besides killing them off, be creative.

Noel and Cyril lived there lifes, even if puffy did creat six new rp characters. :P puffy60987
i see no proper solution to this that doesn't involve a very fair and random system being added into massive craft itself which wouldn't happen. So i guess we have to live with everyone being immortal until they are ready to die, or we get some massive rule change that explains why people don't "die" but seeing as that would be a sudden and most likely stupid change i don't see it happening. the best crazy solutions i can come up with are 1: dice rolls to decide what happens 2: the lore now states that player characters are "special" in that they cannot die by other player characters or 3: we just ignore it and let everyone live as long as they want until they schedule their death removing any kind of randomness or excitement from role playing "dangerously".
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