Preserved Sheet Roya Mazdaki

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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score


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Basic Information.
  • Full Name: Roya Mazdaki
  • Age: 49, 1.22.260
    • Physically 25 years
  • Gender: Cis Male
  • Race: Wylathar Kathar
  • Sexuality: Homosexual

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Skill Information.

  • 15 Stave Combat (+10 invested, +5 racial)
  • 6 Dagger Combat (+6 invested)
  • 4 Medical Science (+4 invested)
Art Category.
  • 10 Instrument Art (+10 hobby)
  • 10 Mixology Art (+10 invested)
  • 5 Husbandry Art (+5 invested)
  • 4 Cooking Art (+4 invested)
  • 2 Writing Art (+2 invested)
Point Buy.
  • 9 Linguistics (+9 invested)
Body Shape
  • 15 Physical Stat (racial cap)
  • Slim Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Common (free)
  • Wyld Altalar (native)
  • Kathar Altalar (parental)
  • Alt-Regalian (linguistics)
  • Middle Altalar (linguistics)
  • Modern Altalar (linguistics)
  • Dragonspeech (archblood)

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Special Traits/Spells/Mutations.

Kathar Binding 1
Kathar Binding 2
Arken Sense 1
Arcane Mastery 1
Peace Reign I
Emotion Sense I

Sorcery Skill 1 (inactive)
Nature Gift 1
Archblood Arsenal
Archblood Hearing
Archblood Overcharge
Archblood Repairs
Archblood Mindwall
Archblood Landing
Void Sight
Void Tears
Void Night
Void Claws

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Visual Information.
  • Eye Color: Grey sclera, red irises
  • Hair Color: Lavender Grey
  • Hair Style: Curly, parted
  • Skin Color: Varying Grey
  • Clothing: Casual-formal
  • Height: 5'2" / 157cm

Felix, the Anglian Missier
  • Roya is east asian in appearance, eyes mono-lidded. His lips have a sharp cupids bow, along with an average amount of plumpness to them, and has a button nose evenly on his face. His forehead is decent size before meeting his hairline, and he has a scar under his nose meeting his upper lip. His hair is lavender silver, curly and short, rarely reaching enough length to impair his vision. He tends to have it swept to one side or parted down the middle, curled horns also attached to his head.
  • He is about 5'2" in height, 157cm, standing a bit shorter than Wylathar height average but still in an acceptable range to be considered normal. His bones are thin, as are his muscles, as he's never really focused on being overly trained or fit. He tends to shave body hair, like his chest, the only place he has actual body hair being on his arms and his legs, though he keeps it groomed as well when he can. He has a squirrel tail, fluffy and nearly matching his hair color, sprouted from his tailbone.
  • Roya tends to dress what one would describe, casual formality; he tends to dress comfortable though usually making sure he could impress need the situation arise. It's rare to see him without some shade of red on his outfit, whether via a sash, small jacket, or accessories. He wears glasses, a pair of circular spectacles on his nose, which without he becomes borderline blind. He will always carry a dagger in one of his boots, if he has to defend himself. He has a necklace, which is a one piece regal, hole shot through it that he attached to a string. He tends to play with it when he's anxious or overall nervous; think modern day fidget toy, something he plays with to calm down. Newly, he wears a bracelet on one of his wrists.
  • He tends to speak rather monotone, sometimes void of emotion, his voice is neither deep nor higher pitched, though more on the deeper side. The speed he speaks depends on the situation, if casual chatter he will typically speak slower, though if flustered he'll speak faster, almost panicked. When flustered, he will struggle to form a proper sentence, stuttering and pausing when he speaks. He will also make random noises sometimes, such as an 'ah', 'eh', etcetera.

  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Personality: ISTP
  • Religion: Faith of the Dark Ancients (10/10)

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Life Story.

  • On January 22, 260 AC, Roya Aslan Mazdaki was born to a mother and her two loving partners. They welcomed the boy with open arms, the third child of two sisters and an older brother. By the time he were ten the count had raised to seven siblings.
  • His brother was a role model to him, though a good few years old, left the house before he were ten. He was heartbroken, and to get his mind off things his Paw began to teach him how to play the piano. He became a small genius with the instrument.
  • Romance never really interested Roya, the same way it did Kathar of his age. Of course, there were a few girls who asked him out, even that he dated around but none ever stuck for long. His gaze always diverted elsewhere, towards other boys, and upon asking his mother about it she was quick to explain. His fathers also dated, so she was quick to accept her son with open arms.
  • Around sixteen, he had his first long term boyfriend, a boy he met and fell for fast due to his sense of humor and charm, the relationship ultimately crashing upon finding him cheating with various other men and women alike. He was heartbroken for no more than two weeks, before he decided it wasn't in his best interest to dwell in the actions of arsehole motives.
  • Settling down in Sallatar after leaving the nest himself, he would spend the next twenty plus years running a tavern. He reunited with his elder brother there, the other teaching him around a Stave and a dagger to protect himself.
  • Growing older, his life began to slow down, no love finding him nor his business keeping his mind busy anymore. He remained in a constant loop for another year or two, before deciding one morning he'd rather move than to wither away.
  • Closing the tavern the following morning, he packed his bags and headed off again, this time onto a boat to the City of Regalia. His heart aches for adventure and love, hoping to find both in the constantly moving city.
  • In recent events, he expected his story end. Murdered by a masked figure, his body was dumped to bottom of a lake, the last thing on his mind his family, heart aching. He woke Archblood and aligned himself with the Void at the Red Spire.

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@cosmoddity Apologies for the delay! I fell asleep while reviewing applications last night. Here's your review:

Basic Information
- You cannot apply as a Void Archblood off the bat, unforntuanetly. Archblood conversations must happen ICly​
Skill Information
- Void Archbloodism​
Visual Information
- No issues​
- No issues​
Life Story
- No mention of ever becoming an archblood in the first place in life story.
Please address these issues before I approve you! Tag me when you have.
Sorry for the double tag, but I was wondering if it'd be okay to leave my sheet like this, because I plan to get him turned Void today I didn't want to make changes that won't last even 24hours.
I am getting opinions from other lore staff at the moment, the issue I have is you can't play an affliction that's lore compliant without a character application, this includes archblood. You'd be breaking the rules to have played an archblood and getting them turned before approval, but if you got it done ICly it's still valid and should be honored. I'm awaiting staff to get back to me.
Also-- if they say no or it's too much trouble I can simply make him primal as you requested, though my problem is that I didn't want to void the multiple rps I did where I established him as void archblood.
Given the weird circumstance, I'm just going to say it's alright, for now. But keep in mind for the future, you can't play an aberrant without an application. You can't play an archblood without an application. Approved.
MAY 3:
  • ADDED relationships! This is ABSOLUTELY NOT all of them.
    • I know I have probably forgotten some, & I will add them as I remember.
    • More will also be added as I deem new people fit on the list.
JUNE 27th:
  • Complete sheet layout overhaul!
  • Changes regarding half races update.
  • Small misc changes, nothing drastic.
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