Preserved Sheet Ro'xenalis - The Scion Of Light

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Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ro'xenalis
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Solstithar Kathar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Sorcery and Shortswords
Skill Information
29 Core + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby Points
  • Core
    • +10 Sword Combat (+10 Core)
    • +8 Sorcery Knowledge (+9 Core)
    • +6 Arcanology Knowledge (+6 Core)
  • Talent
    • +5 Bodycare Training (+5 Talent)
    • +5 Strings Instrument (+5 Talent)
    • +4 Percussion Instrument (+4 Core)
  • Hobby
    • +10 Dancing Arts (+5 Hobby, +5 Solstithar Racial Boost)
    • +5 Body Art (+5 Hobby)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 17
    • 10+2.5+5 = 17.5, rounded down to 17.
  • Muscularity: Average
  • Body Fats: Moderate
  • Common - Learned - Free
Special Traits / Mutations
  • Kathar Racial Abilities
    • Dread Rebirth
    • Dread Binding
    • Dread Tampering
    • Dread Linking
    • Dread Pact
  • Solstithar Racial Abilities
    • Solst'irc Solstice
    • Sollerian Insight
  • Sorcery Abilities
    • Light Mend I
    • Dueling Brand I
  • Arcanology Packs
    • Artifactism
    • Affliction Knowledge
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale Green, faintly glowing due to Hope's Beacon.
  • Hair Color: Copper.
  • Hair Style: Allowed to fall, long and free to her shoulders.
  • Skin Color: Kathar Grey,
  • Clothing: Lightweight wanderer's garbs, occasionally more flashy and accessorised.
  • Height: 5'9"
Personality and Abilities
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ENTP
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel - 2/10, Unionism - 3/10, Evolution Cultism - 5/10.
      • Ro'xenalis is pulled between numerous faiths due to the tumultuous nature of her upbringing.
Life Story
  • 0-10
    • Ro'xenalis was born to a pair of Solstithar in the slums of Regalia, due to her parent's abandonment of their homeland they refused to mentor her in Kathar Altalar.
    • Her childhood was somewhat chaotic and short, the girl forced to grow up quickly during a time of strife. Her family were of a poor and nomadic sort, frequently relocating themselves in an effort to find a more permanent home.
    • Her parents had long since turned their backs on the Dread Empire they had once called home, and eventually had accepted Unionism as their choice of faith, attempting to live ascetic lives, and encouraging their daughter to do the same.
    • At the age of seven Ro'xenalis ended up separated from her parents after their small caravan crashed by the side of a river, the small girl being thrown into the waves and dragged along for miles. By some stroke of luck she was pushed ashore and was picked up by a band of travelling mercenaries - hoping to sell the kid for a quick regal or two.
    • Sold rather easily to a Solstithar slaver, the mercenaries got their coin, and Ro'xenalis was alive, at least. Fortunately, the slaver opted to raise her as his own, as opposed to having her participate in his gladiatorial ring.
    • Such a consistent lifestyle was entirely unfamiliar to the youngster, and she eventually grew used to the Solstithar's lavish way of living. She was thankful for being taken in, and for the lessons she was being taught of living in elegance.
    • From the age of nine Ro'xenalis was taught the art of dance, tutoring which persisted into her teenage years and was readily accompanied by the art of swordplay. The two talents blended together into a form of ritualistic bladedancing.
  • 11-20
    • Ro'xenalis continued her lessons in the art of the bladedancer, lessons that were gradually phased into something of a curriculum involving purveying of the arts, appraisal of magical and fine goods, percussive musicianship and a budding natural talent in the Lute.
    • Her father and mentor eventually took it upon himself to hire her an instructor for further lessons in the Arcane. Namely, a sorcerer of Lightness was brought into his court to mentor her in the ways of Light. From this mentor she was also taught of the Faith of Estel, as opposed to the Evolution Cultism her father taught her. She studied this sorcerer's teachings dutifully, and rapidly became proficient in the arts by the age of twenty.
    • At the age of twenty, Ro'xenalis was instructed to depart from her cosy, safe lifestyle to start travelling on her own, making coin as an entertainer, and gathering friends and experience on her travels. She had become something of a social butterfly during her time under her adoptive father and family, growing in confidence and maturity that surely benefitted her on her travels.
  • 21-24
    • Ro'xenalis' travels proved to be fairly simple, driven from place to place by wanderlust and curiosity until a time that she could travel no further: The Dread War.
    • Ro'xenalis was vilified during this time for being a Solstithar, and no matter how silver her tongue was- or however many she cursed with her innate capabilities, she couldn't escape the fact that the world she was in- wasn't really her own. Scrutinized at every bend during this period, Ro'xenalis took to hiding in the underground and the backstreets.
    • With the conclusion of the Dread War, Ro'xenalis resumed her travels with another, larger experience under her belt- a greater awareness of the hatred the world held.
    • Able to return to surface-level living, Ro'xenalis decided that her next step was to travel to the bustling city of Regalia.
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Approved. Compelling Life Story.
Though do bear in mind that you can round up body stat instead of down.