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Work in Progress Roth Härborg

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
  • Full Name: Roth Härborg
  • Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Alior
  • Age: 41
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Religion: none (formerly worshipped Thirun)
  • Occult: Schools of Techmance, Enchanting, and Chronomancy
  • Character Occupation: Freelance Artificer
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: radiant purple
  • Skin Color: Pallid
  • Hair: Long, dusty brown hair that reaches just past nape. Has a moustache/soul-patch combo with visible stubble around it.
  • Height: 190cm
  • Body Type: Somewhat stocky but with 6'2" height is an absolute beefcake.
  • Additional Features:
    • Has a prosthetic arm forged by mixing Chemtech and Godsamtro principles. Filled with a flammable liquid that conducts with the air upon expulsion and can extend itself to land certain attacks at longer range.
    • Part of hair has a lighter streak on the fringe.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Farming, alchemy, Godsamtro and Chemtech technologies
  • Mechanics: Alior mechanics
  • Languages: Common, Tierraveran, Nātl
Backstory/Plot hooks
  • Roth comes from a lineage that prides itself on breakthroughs in magical artificing, most of which have been devout believers of Thirun.
  • When Roth was 17, he took part in an experiment for utilizing magic from the Abyss for weaponry, which became catastrophic almost instantly, creating an extremely dense mass that drained the life out of all his family. Roth managed to dispel the mass back into the Abyss, but not without the cost of his arm.
  • Through the incident, Roth became inflicted with a condition he calls Abyssal Rot, which absorbs part of the mana of those who die around him
  • Roth specializes in the creation of technologies often branded as obscene, unorthodox, or useless in the current market, but he strives to innovate for the benefit of society, whether they appreciate him or not.
  • Most of Roth's magic was self-taught through experimentation, however his father did teach him a fair amount of techmance magic.
  • Roth's greatest inventions to date are the prosthetic arm he is consistently improving, a handled mortar that could launch flaming rocks in a shotgun-style blast, and an image replication device called the Obscura.
  • There are rumors that he is an actual vampire due to his reclusive nature and how he is mostly nocturnal. However, these have been disproven on multiple occasions, as he does show up in the day every now and then.
  • Roth harbors great distain for most forms of authority, due to multiple interferences in his works and procurement of materials.
  • A very harsh critic, but means it all in good faith and to help others thrive.
  • Avoids direct combat on most occasions, but can hold his own if need be.
  • Roth values entrepreneurship and working your way up from nothing, holding nothing but distain for those who benefit from nepotism.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Intelligence.
Defense Stat: Wisdom.
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 2
    • Concussive Blow
    • Technique Parry
  • Constitution: 1
    • Interception
  • Intelligence: 5
    • Puretek Burn
    • Safeguard
    • Tech Bungee
    • Tech Auto
    • Wardrobe
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Chem Ignite
    • Chem Purge
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Ranger Fan
    • Ranger Shower
  • Magic: 2
    • Arcane Portent
    • Arcane Sap
  • Charisma:1
    • Fiscal Presence

  1. The extended lifespan curse is mostly there for a roleplaying purpose. It does not actually make Roth any more powerful than he is (he just can't die of natural causes lore-wise)
  2. With that prosthetic arm, my headcannon is for having most of my attacks be utilized by said arm. Doesn't really matter imo.
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