Preserved Sheet Roselyne Howlester

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just a swede, really
Oct 9, 2015
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Roselyne-Geraldine Howlester.
´´I always appreciated honesty.´´


~{❖}~ Basic Information.
Full Name: Roselyne-Geraldine Howlester. (Previously d'Eluise.)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor, Ithanian
Main Ambition: Roselyne wants more influence within the noble peerage, hoping to get more into politics and get a wider understanding for the subject. Other than that she aims to be a good mother when raising her children and create a family of her own.

  • Roselyne was born to Madeleine d'Eluise and Michael d'Eluise in Vixhall, where she grew up. As the firstborn daughter of the d'Eluise matriarch, it was decided that Roselyne was to become Madeleine's successor and the heiress to the d'Eluise lands and fortunes.
  • Later on, Roselyne lost all future holdings of titles as the Matriarch decided to make her younger sister Vivienne the successor instead of Roselyne.
  • At the age of 24 Roselyne took the surname Coen upon marrying Warren of house Howlester, sealing a deal with a Howlester - d'Eluise alliance.
  • Currently holds a Government position as one of the Custodian Adherents, serving the imperial family.
~{❖}~ Visual Information.
Eye Color: Very light sky-blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Soft, long fluffy braid

Skin Color: Pale, fair complexion
Clothing: Often seen wearing a purple and black dress with golden details
Height: 5'6
Weight: 124 lbs
Body Build: Slender, but well built.
Weapon of Choice: Bow And Arrow - Roselyne finds archery to be a very prestigious pastime. With years of practice given by the ex-Paladin Daniel de Blouscheur during his marriage with Madeleine, Roselyne has a whole lot of experience in archery. She even practiced it as a sport when she was little, together with her sister Nicolette.


Art by JoyShake.

Art by Betterer.

Art by LadyTeddington.

Art by PonyoWantHam.

~{❖}~ Personality Traits.
Irritable - Many things can set Roselyne off. This is why many people find her to be unapproachable. But this is not true, she is just very nit picky and has a result she is pissed off at easy mentions of things. Mentions of her faults, her enemies or anything in particular she doesn't very much care about will tick her off a tad.
Captivating - There is something, perhaps her alluring voice that keeps people interested in what she has to say. When she starts a story her peers always stick around to hear the end. People just seem to love whatever comes out of her mouth.
Disciplined - Since Roselyne did not grow up in some rag-tag family, her prospects and manners are supreme. She knows when to speak and when not to. She has proper table manners and doesn't use any type of un proper speech or slang. She grew up thinking people without manners were nothing less than animals.
Stubborn - When Roselyne is set on something, or thinks she knows right she avoids suggestions of others. This ignorant trait of hers has landed her in many troubles she could've avoided, had she been more open-minded. But she never does. Someone would have to have a silver tongue like her's
Intelligent - Coming from a privileged family Roselyne had a far from sophisticated education. Receiving this pristine education has benefit her indefinitely through her knowledge of herbs and alchemy, therefore allocating her to be well versed in basic field medicine. Nevertheless, her education is not limited to pharmaceutical purposes, instead she holds a keen eye for the luxuries of nobility such as art in it's many different forms. Such as:
Literature, Music, Drawing and Poetry.
Determined - Roselyne has a tendency to complete something she has set out for. And when she cannot complete it, she finds it very hard to let go of and give up on. This is shown throughout her daily life. Roselyn has tried to stray away from this but she can't help her urge to continue on in her strives.

~{❖}~ Strengths.
"Motivation is key."
Persuasion - Roselyne seems to have a knack for controlling people's thoughts with her words, on certain matters. She uses this to get what she wants in simple confrontations or life and death decisions. This strength of her's has gotten her out of a lot of trouble and into some as well.
Confidence - Roselyne has a very distinctive confidence that empowers her to do things she normally wouldn't. This will also strike fear in her enemies when they see she seemingly has nothing to fear. Still this air of overwhelming confidence isn't considered a norm for Roselyne's personality, alternatively it displays itself more in times of dire situated; demanding the utmost certainty.
Prudence - Roselyne tries to be very careful about the choices she makes, which means she does not take very many undue risks, not saying or doing anything that she might be regretting later on, a trait she earned after some minor life experiences, leading to her discovering that sometimes it is just for the best to stop and think before acting out of the blue.


~{❖}~ Weaknesses.
"It's not as easy as it looks."
Absent Minded - Sometimes stress and overwhelming events can make Roselyne's mind hazy. Roselyne has a bad habit of easily getting bored in an ongoing conversation, and just casually stops listening to what is being said, drifting off in thought within her own little personal bubble. Previously it had been responsible for the occasional moments of confusion, though upon collecting her demeanor Roselyne doesn't appear to have an issue becoming accustom to the conversation.
Theatric - Roselyne has a bad habit of over dramatizing her past experiences and events she saw or participated in. This can lead people to stupidity or be under-prepared because she'll leave something out or just make something seem a lot worse than it really is. Due to her Persuasive trait people usually believe what she is saying even if it sounds a tad foolish.
Jealous - When someone holds something she wants other than her it will enrage her on the inside. This will rarely show in public because of her tendency to try and keep a good reputation. But, it will overall effect her and she will make poor decisions such as showing reasonless anger to a friend. But all of this makes her a bit of a person to keep away from in Regalia.
Hallux Valgus
- Otherwise referred to as a bunion, has afflicted Roselyne's adulthood life through chronic joint discomfort in her right big toe. Solely responsible by her ballet training that required binding her feet with constricting shoes; adjoined with rigorous training sessions. Overall, her bunion is the inherent culprit to her inability to wear restrictive footwear, and the occasional sharp pain piercing her nerves. This often causes a lot of trouble for Roselyne dealing with her every day life. It brings her differculties when she is running, and sometimes it causes her to uncontrolably lose her balance. This conflicts her quite a bit, since she feels it is stopping her from performing.
Loud noises. - After spending several months in the environment of war and sieges during the Lo occupation where she and her family stayed with the Coen resistance, Roselyne has become rather sensitive to loud noises, slightly traumatized from the several sieges and battles they had to endure. The loud sounds of cannon-fire and crumbling stone still haunting her mind sometimes. Which has caused her to easily get startled, if someone drops a book on the floor, et cetera.

~{❖}~ Likes and Dislikes.
Art - Roselyne very much appreciates her art. She tends to doodle and dabble in her free time. Though she is no anticipated artist she will sell her drawings every now and then for a few regals and she is improving considerably. Just creating and seeing paintings and sketches fill her with enlightenment and when she is angry, sketching something out will calm her down a bit.
Music - This like is another stress reliever for the twenty-one year old. She has been writing musical notes since she was at the age of eight. Sampling whatever sounded good to her and playing it for family and friends. She remains using this method of trial and error to produce music, using a wide range of instruments.
Alchemy - Roselyne started her craft in brews quite young as well. On her eleventh birthday she was given a large book explaining herbology and what to mix to achieve great potions. So, if given enough time she can put together a pretty good potion to flush out bacteria from the respiratory system.
Liars - Roselyne hates being lied too. Especially when someone makes her completely think what they say is true and makes her continue playing into her hands. She finds it very annoying to be manipulated thus she uses her strong mind to avoid this instances of lies.
Being Abandoned - Roselyne tries to constantly improve her long list of acquaintances. This is mainly for business inquiries but another large factor is her overwhelming fear of being abandoned and alone. She tries to keep at least four friends at all times to avoid having to be left alone without her wanting to herself be alone.

Death - Roselyne hates the thought of death, and that she will inevitably one day die. She is horrible in comforting and reassuring friends when it comes to anything even scratching the surface of death. She tries to avoid this subject at all costs and is often something that will keep her up at night.
Horses. - Roselyne has after an incident during the Lo occupation developed a deep seeded hatred and minor fear for these large animals. The poor girl is absolutely despises them, due to have been trampled by one when she participated in an ambush on Rothburg, which resulted in her being temporarily bound to a wheelchair for quite some time.

~{❖}~ Relationships.
Madeleine-Fabienne d'Eluise. - Mother of Roselyne. @Ryria
Roselyne has always had a special bond to her mother, as mothers and daughters tend to have. But with Roselyne being the matriarch's firstborn, Madeleine focused on giving her daughter everything, not holding back when it came to education and such. She wanted her little girl to grow up and become a civilized lady of the court. Was this perhaps a shot at getting the bond back that she had lost with her daughter when she missed almost her entire childhood?
Nicolette-Laurine d'Eluise - Twin sister of Roselyne. @VintageMystic
Ah, the younger sister of Roselyne and the second daughter of the matriarch. Roselyne and Nicolette were always quite close, especially through their childhood since they next to only had each other, and as they grew up they sort of split up a little. As siblings tend to do. In their teen years, making their lives miserable for each other seemed to be a sport for the twins. Doing bad things, blaming the other one, even posing as one another to steal a boy from the other and such. And the sibling rivalry didn't get any better either as the matriarch announced which one of the two that would be her successor.
Nicolas-Francois d'Eluise. - Uncle of Roselyne. @Wumpatron
Roselyne's favorite uncle and one of the closest members of her family. Nicolas were always there for Roselyne when she grew up. Babysitting, playing games, telling stories and generally just caring for the twins. It was Nicolas whom gifted Roselyne her first herbology book and the one that awoke her interest for the scholar subject. In general, he always looked out for Roselyne, being a sort of father for her, supporting her through rough times and being there for her.
Lola-Aimee d'Eluise. - Aunt of Roselyne.
Vivienne-Héloïse d'Eluise.- Sister of Roselyne. @Ryria
Roselyne's second sister and her least favorite triplet. Vivienne was the perfect image of Madeleine, whom had spoiled her and raised her to be a perfect lady of the court. Roselyne and Vivienne always found themselves in arguments during dinners and events. It seemed the younger d'Eluise found it quite amusing to tease and pick at her older sister, to Roselyne's regret. Vivienne was given everything that Roselyne had, and more. A mother. Vivienne got to grow up with her mother at her side, teaching her and caring for her and that was something Roselyne never had. And
unconsciously Roselyne developed an envious attitude towards Vivienne, slowly tearing at their relationship. And as the Matriarch decided to make Vivienne her successor instead Roselyne herself, it only made her more contempt with her younger sister.
Jourdain-André d'Eluise.- Brother of Roselyne. '
Bastian-Ludovic d'Eluise.- Brother of Roselyne.
Wulferic Willard Coen.- First son of Roselyne.
Her most beloved and only child, so far. Born on the 12th of June around midnight.
Philip Kade. - Former fiancé of Roselyne. @TheBioverse
Roselyne's first big love interest. This specific young Kade swept the young lady off of her feet. Roselyne held her beloved fiance most dearly, and would put him before close to everything. The two met at the d'Eluise family's annual hosted spring festival, the first light. And later on the same evening, whispers could be heard around the Deveruex castle that the young lovers had been seen sitting outside of the party itself, embracing one another very tightly. It was quite the scandal, many thought. But they soon swallowed their words as it was announced that the two would be wed. The young Kade presenting his newfound fiance with a special made engagement ring, to the d'Eluise's excitement. Alas, only weeks before their wedding, the mad Queen, Freya Lo rose from the grave, causing quite some trouble for the couple. After being separated and the Kade had been reunited with his mother, dreadful news reached Roselyne. He was to be married to another, his own sister.
This took a toll on Roselyne, and she began to doubt her own beliefs and her trust for the man, having people tell her daily what a traitor her late fiancé was. But Roselyne showed courage, even stomaching to show up to the twin's wedding, witnessing the ceremony with her own eyes. After this, the woman isn't quite sure how she could move on from this. And she would definitely never forget the happy expression he wore during the wedding. Disregarding that, she still held strong emotions for the man, and as she was shortly after that whole ordeal promised to another it pained her immensely, but as time passed her feelings began to fade, as she had come to the realization that things could never be as they were and she now regards the man as a closed chapter of her life.

Percy Ravenstad. - Former Liege Lord of House d'Eluise. @iMcMuffins
Roselyne always held respect in regards for her Liege lord. She found him very wise and cunning, and the few times they actually spoke they didn't seem to have anything specific against each other, at least that is what Roselyne thought. Later on, Roselyne began to lose her respect for the man, seeing as he wasn't being too cooperative with the Kronau resistance during the Lo occupation, other than that she just finds the man utterly selfish.

Warren Coen. - Husband of Roselyne. @Brycea111
This specific Coen is certainly one of Roselyne's absolutely closest friends. They have always had a strong bond to one another. In Roselyne's early days in Regalia, she even had a brief love interest for the man, but that was swiftly swept under the rug after some minor circumstances. But lately, the two has been good friends, and Roselyne feels that she can share any thoughts or worries to the man. As the city was invaded by walking dead, the deathlings and the mad queen Freya Lo, Roselyne and her family were granted shelter at Fort Kronau, House Coen's own very secured fort in the countryside. Warren proved to be of much use to Roselyne, helping her and being there for her and her family through the horrible conditions at the fort and after some time, the woman developed other feelings for the man, to his delight. It appeared that the Coen had desired her for a long time, which he had admitted, and as the family heads of House Coen and House d'Eluise decided to join their houses in an alliance, Warren didn't waste any time, insisting on that it would be Roselyne he was to be married to. The woman had split feelings over this. She had her duties to her family, alongside with gratitude for her close friend, but at the same time, she had yet to let go of her recent fiancé. But time is often the best cure for a broken heart and soon she had accepted her future, facing it with a much more positive attitude, seeing herself lucky. And so they were wed on the 25th of February by the lake in Rothburg, the woman now taking the surname Coen with pride.

Trevor Grey. - House guard of House d'Eluise. @NariTheKamikaze
Roselyne's favorite servant. She might've even enjoyed Trevors company mroe than the nanny that cared for the twins all those years. Trevor had always been there, lingering in the background, being the main house guard for the family, taking care of any troubles for the girls and generally just caring for the twins. Although, the matriarch didn't seem to happy that he was bonding with the twins. Madeleine always seemed to be angry or disappointed in Trevor, more than the other servants, and Roselyne couldn't get into her head whatever Trevor had done to anger her mother so.

~{❖}~ Life Story.
"I don't want to talk about it."

Youth and childhood.
Roselyne-Geraldine d'Eluise was born on a beautiful summer morning July 24th 283 AC, alongside with her twin sister, whom was born only a few moments after Roselyne herself, whom takes great pride in being the first one to escape her mother's womb. Born and bred in Vixhall, Roselyne was almost immediately accustomed to the Ithanian culture, learning how to dance and write, paint and sing, which was expected, since she was born into a rather privileged family. Her mother and father were both very important parts of her life, and so was her twin sister Nicolette-Laurine d'Eluise. Although, She never really had the chance to get to know her father too well, since he passed away when Roselyne and her twin sister Nicolette were only toddlers. Some time after the father's death, Roselyne and Nicolette would be missing their mother, whom had locked herself away, mourning over the death of her beloved husband. Having her mother not taking part in most of her childhood was hard for Roselyne, which created a gap between the two. They lost their mother-daughter connection, and it took quite some time before Roselyne once again accepted Madeleine as her mother, the gap healed and they were a family again.

Growing up as a lady of the court.

Growing up, she had a lot of expectations she had to live up to, and she was being prepared all her life, being brought up to become the heiress of House d'Eluise. Due to the mother's choice of making Roselyne the heiress instead of Nicolette, Roselyne's twin sister, the two took distance from each other, they were no longer as close as they once were, and a sort of sibling rivalry bursted out between the two. Years passed, and old skeletons were dug up. Apparently the family had huge debts to other noble families in Vixhall, due to the old matriarch's gambling problems. Shortly after this discovery, as Roselyne had just had her twenty-first birthday, the family relocated themselves to Regalia, the holy city. Roselyne saw it as a fresh new start, and found it very exciting. Although, the city did not impress her entirely, she thrived in it. The family was once more on square one, and they had to work hard to climb the ladder of nobility in this new setting, encountering many problems, making new allies and friends, as well as foes and enemies. As the family thrived, they were soon to be noticed by the high-nobility, and was eventually granted land. They were once again, a little less irrelevant. And soon, by hosting many events and parties, the family earned a duchy and the house slowly became the talk of the city.

~{❖}~ Chronicles.

An unexpected love.
During a traditional d'Eluise family event, Roselyne met a person whom would soon capture her heart and sweep her of her feet. A young gentleman of Imperial blood, so to speak. A young Kade by the name of Philip, whom soon became Roselyne's fiancé. With her family behind her, her newfound lover by her side and the whole city before her, Roselyne would throw herself into a new chapter of her life, a chapter of self-discovery and misadventures, a chapter where she would have to make many hard choices, for this is the time of her life where her decisions might affect her whole future.

A promising future.
As seasons passed and the young d'Eluises life went on, Roselyne found herself getting involved with different sort of work. She soon became the Confidante of the Edelweiss order, working at the clinic not only as a healer and an alchemist, but as the right hand of the two Grandmaesters. There was a time when the woman had the opportunity to get the title of Grandmaester herself, but she turned it down due to having a difficult time, being busy enough as it was, and the title of Grandmaester was handed off to Cecile Durant whom is now leading the order with her recent fiancé, to Roselynes regret. She wished she would've accepted the title and not so simply hand it off to Cecile. But she was happy, spending time with her family and her fiancé, thoroughly enjoying life.

Unfortunate turn of events.
Alas, little did she know that everything she had worked so hard to achieve would soon be ripped from her. It was the 12th of November, 304 AC and the winter evening was rather cold. A number of nobles and commoners were gathered. And it was that night the dark queen, Freya Lo rose from her grave together with an army of deathlings supporting her, causing most nobles and commoners to escape the city as they refused to succumb to the reign of their new queen. Roselyne and her family found themselves in Fort Kronau, the House Howlester taking them under their wings thanks to Warren Howlester, whom had a soft spot for Roselyne. As more families and citizens arrived to the fort, they all banded together to create a resistance, fighting against the oppression of the mad queen Lo.
Roselyne found herself doing clinic work at the fort, trying to keep everyone calm, overall just doing her best to put in an effort and help the resistance. Soon enough, after showing enough will and taking initiative, Roselyne was promoted to being the right hand of the Lord Commander, becoming a full commander herself and getting the opportunity to get her voice heard in the commanders tent. She spent a lot of time worrying, about her family, about her significant other that was still in the city. And after the announcement made by the queen, she found out her fiancé was being married off to his sister, putting her off track a little only adding to her stress and worries. But she had her friends and family to support her, and it didn't take long before her mother had found her a new fiancé. She was going to involve Roselyne in binding house Howlester and house d'Eluise together, marrying her first born off to Warren Howlester, the patriarchs brother. Of course, she wasn't all too happy with her mothers decision at first, but soon enough she came into a realization that she had little choice, trying to see the positive in the situation.

Back to business.
After many months and weeks of fighting for survival and freeing the Holy city from it's dictator, the mad queen Lo was finally declared dead as the resistance army had swarmed the Lo palace. Regalia was once more free. The citizens began to settle in once more, desperately trying to get back to their old lives. And after a couple of months, everything was somewhat like how it used to be. Roselyne and her family had been met by a trashed town estate and permanently moved to their Country estate.
Roselyne would slowly but surely put the past behind her and focus on the future. She created a new medical order together with her sister-in-law Dianne. They called it The Olennais Society, and Roselyne found it as her new safe haven for her scholar work and Alchemy.

A holy union.
The day couldn't have come sooner than it did. It was on the 25th of February 305 AC that Roselyne took the biggest step of her life and engage in a long lasting marriage. It was early in the evening, by a lake located in the Rothburg area's where the venue had been set up. Flowers were scattered everywhere, candles hanging from the birch tree's, tents and banners with in Purple and Cyan standing proud. Roselyne married Warren Howlester and took his surname. She was very happy and the ceremony went through brilliantly. And as she stood there on the dance floor, chest to chest with her husband, waltzing about with her white dress flowing with each step, she felt more confident. She felt free. That day, a new Roselyne had been born. A Roselyne Howlester.


Creating a Legacy.
A beautiful midsummer night on the 12th of june 305 AC, Roselyne had her first ever children, fathered by her husband Warren. They were twins, A male and a female Howlester with Brown hair and deep blue eyes like their fathers, the boy taking the name Wulferic Willard Howlester and the girl Angelique Madelinne Howlester, The boy being named after Warren's father as well as the Howlester family's crest-animal, the Silverwolf and the girl Angelique as she was described as Angel-like, Madelinne after Roselyne's mother Madeleine. Roselyne absolutely adores her children, taking pride in being the mother of such healthy and beautiful children.​
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Peer Review
Its always a good thing to see people putting this much effort into devolving there characters. Hello and I'll be doing this peer review today so lets get started shall we.


  • Art - Roselyne very much appreciates her art. She tends to doodle and dabble in her free time. Though she is no anticipated artist she will sell her drawings every now and then for a few regals and she is improving considerably. Just creating and seeing paintings and sketches fill her with enlightenment and when she is angry, sketching something out will calm her down a bit.
  • Music - This like is another stress reliever for the twenty-one year old. She has been writing musical notes since she was at the age of eight. Sampling whatever sounded good to her and playing it for family and friends. She remains using this method of trial and error to produce music, using a wide range of instruments.
  • Alchemy - Roselyne started her craft in brews quite young as well. On her eleventh birthday she was given a large book explaining herbology and what to mix to achieve great potions. So, if given enough time she can put together a pretty good potion to flush out bacteria from the respiratory system.

  • Liars - Roselyn hates being lied too. Especially when someone makes her completely think what they say is true and makes her continue playing into her hands. She finds it very annoying to be manipulated thus she uses her strong mind to avoid this instances of lies.
  • Being Abandoned - Roselyne tries to constantly improve her long list of acquaintances. This is mainly for business inquiries but another large factor is her overwhelming fear of being abandoned and alone. She tries to keep at least four friends at all times to avoid having to be left alone without her wanting to herself be alone.
  • Death - Roselyne hates the thought of death, and that she will inevitably one day die. She is horrible in comforting and reassuring friends when it comes to anything even scratching the surface of death. She tries to avoid this subject at all costs and is often something that will keep her up at night.
This section could be put into its own little Spoiler called: Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

Relationships (Optional)



Madeleine-Fabienne d'Eluise. - Mother of Roselyne. @Ryria
Daniel de Blouscheur. - Step-father of Roselyne. @Kihle
Lola-Aimee d'Eluise. - Twin sister of Roselyne. @Kyrakshi
Vivienne-Héloïse d'Eluise.- Sister of Roselyne. @Ryria
Thomas-André d'Eluise.- Brother of Roselyne.
Bastian-Ludovic d'Eluise.- Brother of Roselyne.
Nicolas-Francois d'Eluise. - Uncle of Roselyne.


Philip Kade. - Engaged in a courtship with Roselyne. @TheBioverse
Percy Ravenstad. - Liege Lord of House d'Eluise. @iMcMuffins
Same with this except you would call the Spoiler: Relationships (Optional)

Intelligent - Coming from a privileged family Roselyne, had a far from primitive education. Receiving this pristine education has benefit her infinitely.
Absent Minded - Sometimes stress and overwhelming events can make Roselyne's mind hazy. This causes her to make /very/ silly decisions. And in turn this causes people to think less of her.
  • Confidence - Roselyne has a very distinctive confidence that empowers her to do things she normally wouldn't. This will also strike fear in her enemies when they see she seemingly has nothing to fear.
  • Prudence - Roselyne is very careful about the choices she makes, which means she does not take very many undue risks, not saying or doing anything that she might be regretting later on.
All of these could use some more elaboration, for instance, Why is she like that, what happened to her to make her that way?

Other then that this is a very well done app.
Add one physical or combative weakness.

Exactly how much actual archery training has she had? Being great at target practice and being "reliable in combat" are entirely different things.
Add that the. bunion thing makes it very difficult for her to run, and often can be set totally off balance if someone targeted it. Make it far more severe.

Updated relationships and made it pretty.~
I'm going to be updating this app in the near future.
Updated relationships /again/ and life story. Uh.
And overall just made it more neat and pretty.

wow updated relationships again, what a harlot.
Updated the application again.
  • Added a weakness to loud noises.
  • Added a dislike to Horses.
  • Relationships updated again, minor edits.
  • Life Story extended, but will probably be edited further.

  • Backstory extended.
  • Relationships edited.
  • Surname changed due to marriage.
And so they were wed on the 25th of February by the lake in Rothburg, the woman now taking the surname Coen with pride.
*cries because she missed the wonderful wedding*

((Also very pretty application <3))
Added faceclaim to this extremely old application help
(i will make a new one. later.)