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Played Character Rosalleia Menvaela Llewellyn

This character is actively played.


elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
under your bed
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"Every rose has its thorns and I am no exception."

[| Daughter of Beauty |]
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" Say naught of beauty she is good,
Or aught but beautiful,
Or sleek to dove's wings of the wood,
Her wild wings of a gull

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  • || CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note one's identity. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • « FULL NAME » | Rosalleia Menvaela Vala Llewellyn.
      • Day to Day | Rosalleia Llewellyn.
      • Address As | ❝Truth and roses have thorns about them.
        • » Sera/Dame Rosalleia | Rosalleia's formal title as a knight.
        • » Rhosyn | A childhood Breizh nickname given to Rosalleia. Reserved for close friends.
        • » Rosy | Similar to above, but more of a simple shortening of her name. Also reserved for close friends.
      • Occupations & Titles | ❝I do what I must.❞
        • » Aelrrigan | Occupation | Rosalleia is a Rank-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order, having graduated from the Penn Archwilio chapter. She has been part of the Order since childhood.
        • » Artist | Hobby | Rosalleia is by no means a master, but she is adept in painting both individuals and landscapes in watercolor, always constantly having a kit on her even in armor.
    • « PEOPLE » | Teledden.
      • Ancestry | Rosalleia descends from a lineage of Teledden who had moved away from the Allorn Empire for the lands of Kintyr, particularly Tir Clustig Hir. Her upbringing was a blended mix of Teledden and Breizh culture, shaping the Elf as we know her today. Her father was an Evergrowth mageborn, alluring the Beauty Arken with his flowers.
      • Affinity | Arkenborn of Beauty.
    • « AGE » | Twenty-five years old.
      • Birthday | May 4th, 286 A.C.
    • « GENDER » | Female.
      • Pronouns | She/her.
      • Preferred Terms | Feminine. Lady, queen, sister, wife, etc.
    • « OCCULT » | Rosalleia is an Arkenborn of Beauty and a Mageborn.
      • Alignment | Exist.
  • || CORE CONCEPT || to note one's personality. .ೃ࿐
    • FAITH |Kind heart, wise mind, brave spirit, bold faith.
      • Overall Outlook | Rosalleia is an Estelley faithful, taking after her Teledden heritage in that regard. She holds Sapphora in high regards alongside Leyon and Sinnavei, seeking their Standards of Perfection above all else. Regarding the recent ascension of Artarel, God of Justice, she holds complicated feelings. She knows as an Aelrrigan, countering Arken is their duty, but she saw the vision, the change.. Yet this wavering doubt is not present towards other "ascended" Arken present in other religions, such as Fornoss.
    • IDENTITY | We know what we are, but not what we may be.
      • Who am I? | A Teledden raised in Tir Clustig Hir, Rosalleia is somewhat of a unique sort when Solvaan and Breizh are the majority. Her youth was fairly quiet in contrast to many of her siblings, especially those raised in Ithania. Training as a knight left her little time for beauty pageants and socializing, so her inclinations manifested in a way of keeping her armor sparkling, using her ability to shift to settle on a face of natural beauty. Yet, she does not lean heavily into this; There is an implication that she struggles with her identity as a child of Beauty, as an Arkenborn.
      • What have I achieved? | Not much, yet, besides graduating as a Rank-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order.
      • What are my goals? | Rosalleia seeks to ascend up the ranks of the Aelrrigan, with her goal of someday becoming a Regal-Knight. She has a chip on her shoulder in a sense, feeling that she has much to prove being an Arkenborn. She does not feel that she has to prove she is beautiful, rather, she must prove she is more than her heritage, all too aware of the scornful looks she receives from the mundane commonfolk, and even some of her own order. She wants to discover who she is, not who everyone thinks she is.
        • » MBTI Type | ESFJ-A | The Consul.
        • » Alignment | Neutral Good.
        • » Enneagram Type | The Achiever.
  • || VISUAL INFORMATION || to note one's appearance. .ೃ࿐
    • TYPICAL APPEARANCE | Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
      • Oddities & Mutations | As a daughter of the Beauty Arken, Rosalleia bears silver eyes and blue sclera that set her apart as an Arkenborn, almost otherworldly in appearance. She lacks any blemishes, often being described as a natural beauty.
      • At a Glance | Rosalleia stands at a modest six-foot for a Teledden, sporting a lean, but slightly curvy, build befitting a spellblade. While she does sometimes shift her appearance as is her nature, her hair primarily stays a salmon-hued pink, reaching as far down as her waist when not kept twisted in an ornate bun. Her skin is slightly tanned- not too much, not too little, but one would be hard pressed to find her adorned in makeup reflecting the value she places in "natural" beauty. She primarily is seen in armor, armor which she had custom made to include several rose motifs throughout the set.
    • SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | ❝The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses.
      • Eye Color | Silver irises, with blue sclera.
      • Hair Color | Salmon pink
      • Hair Style | Either pulled back into a bun, or long and flowing.
      • Skin Tone | Lightly tanned without blemishes.
      • Clothing Style | Knightly, though will dress up off duty.
      • Height | 6', or 183 cm.
    • Art Albums | Art Gallery
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" She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

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  • || PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to note one's skillset. .ೃ࿐
    • 0 STRENGTH.
    • 0 DEXTERITY.
    • 12 MAGIC.
      • › Magic Bolts Pack. (Free, Teledden)
      • › Magic Snare Pack. (Free, Teledden)
      • › Magic Smog Pack.
      • › Magic Curse Pack.
      • › Magic Resist Pack.
      • › Magic Cleanse Pack.
      • › Magic Bolster Pack.
      • › Magic Barrier Pack.
      • › Magic Warp Pack.
      • › Magic Isolate Pack.
      • › Magic Counter Pack.
      • › Magic Feather Pack.
      • › Magic Shove Pack.
      • › Magic Revenge pack
      • › Shapeshift Pack. (Free, Beauty Arkenborn)
      • › Safeguard Pack.
      • › Mimicry Pack.
    • 0 WISDOM.
    • 0 FAITH.
  • || ABILITY INFORMATION || to note one's powers. .ೃ࿐
    • Arkenborn | Daughter of Beauty.
      • » Required Traits | Beauty Arkenborn can be any type of Elf (or Half), as the Beauty Arken is an Elven Shapeshifter. Exist Arkenborn eyes (silver irises with or blue eye-whites.)
      • » Optional Traits | Universal beauty.
      • » Mechanic One | Beauty Arkenborn gain the Mundane Shapeshift Pack for free. However, they can get the Magic version by re-buying it.
      • » Mechanic Two | Beauty Arkenborn can (with strict OOC consent), enchant a person to make them fall in love with them. This only applies where sexuality and gender would confer compatibility with the Target. | Hidden.
      • » Mechanic Three | Beauty Arkenborn can mend any ruined art, disgusting tasting food, shattered decorations, or otherwise dirty objects to their pristine and beautiful original shape and state, reverting time on them.
    • People | Teledden.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Teledden have the Voice of Command, meaning their voice itself sounds oppressive and hauntingly loud if they want it to.
      • » Mechanic 2 | Teledden can use telekinetic magic without Magic Talent even, able to automate simple spells like autonomous cleaning/service.
      • » Free Packs | Two Magic Point Buy packs of choice.
    • Magic | Mageborn.
      • » Alignment | Exist.
      • » Spells | Magic Bolts, Magic Snare, Magic Smog, Magic Curse, Magic Resist, Magic Cleanse Magic Bolster Magic Barrier, Magic Warp, Magic Isolate, Magic Counter, Magic Feather, Magic Shove, Magic Revenge, Safeguard, Mimicry.
      • » Main Themes | Beauty, roses, thorns, briars, Evergrowth.
    • Dice Rolls | Battle of wills.
      • » Magic | 7 points invested. /roll 17 | /roll 15.
      • » Intelligence | 2 points invested. /roll 12.
      • » Wisdom | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Faith | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Dexterity | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Constitution | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Strength | 0 points invested. /roll 10.
      • » Persuasion | 3 + 2 Intelligence = /roll 5.
  • || LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to note one's languages. .ೃ࿐
    • Native Languages | Breizh, Altalar & Common.
    • Learned Languages | Due to her time spent on missions as an Aelrrigan.
      • » Fluent | d'Ithanie, Calem.
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" Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.
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  • || PLOT HOOKS || reasons to engage. .ೃ࿐
    • DAY TO DAY: A perfect present.
      • » Rosalleia is apart of the Aelrrigan chapter Penn Archwilio, and fellow knights in that chapter may have studied alongside her; For an Aelrrigan, Rosalleia can be described as fairly laid back in most circumstances. There are exceptions to this, as anyone has their limit.
      • » Rosalleia's demeanor towards her siblings is typically neutral, lukewarm even. She seems at odds with the idea that she has multitudes of half siblings all across Aloria, and does not quite regard them as family like other Arkenborn might.
      • » Rosalleia acts somewhat contrary to some of Beauty's children. She most definitely takes pride in her appearance, but does not go over the top- At least, most of the time. There is some hint of identity struggle in this, for on occasion such influences take full hold of her and she can act vain and prideful. Sometimes, her struggles to 'act normal' can be perceived, such as when she is dirtied to a severe degree.
      • » Rosalleia is fond of painting, specifically in watercolors. She usually has some sort of travel kit in her satchel, even away on missions.
      • » Rosalleia is a massive flirt with both men and women, though is incredibly slow to progress to anything beyond words. This reflects also in her friendships- While she will be friend/ly/ with others, to become her friend takes much longer.
    • BACKGROUND: Echoes of time past.
      • » Rosalleia was raised in Tir Clustig Hir, "Long-Eared Land", where Breizh, Solvaan and other Elven people settled and intermingled. She grew up in this mingling of cultures, influenced heavily both by Kintyr and Teledden heritage.
      • » Rosalleia's youth was nothing extravagant; Her magic took on after her father's, an Evergrowth mage, with her own twist on it (or perhaps Beauty's). She caught the attention of the Aelrrigan Order unintentional due to its strength and her lack of control, her father unable to teach her to temper her potency. After once such incident, it was decided that she would be taken and taught the ways of an Aelrrigan, offering a lens to her unfocused magespark.
      • » Upon graduation of Penn Archwilio, Rosalleia had been sent on missions, venturing to places such as Calemberg and Ithania where she picked up and learned the local languages somewhat. Her Calem deployment required some.. Tweaks to fit in, which her ability as a shifter came in handy.
    • MISCELLANEOUS: Small facts and rumors.
      • » Rosalleia is known as more of a laid back Aelrrigan- Not necessarily as lazy, but not heavy handed either.
    • TIE-INS: How could my character know Rosalleia from before she lived in Regalia?
      • » Rosalleia was the child of a prominent Teledden botanist-Evergrowth mage in Kintyr, and garnered a reputation for being an Arkenborn. It's possible to have come across his 'grove' of sorts, where naturally Rosalleia would be present.
      • » Rosalleia was a squire for a period of time at Penn Archwilio, of which she graduated. Fellow knights may recognize her as the supposed "Briar-Knight".
  • || LIFE STORY || to note one's past & their actions. .ೃ࿐
    • Origins | Anything but humble beginnings.
      • » Rosalleia is the result of one fateful encounter between Lanassil Llewellyn and the Beauty Arken; Drawn in by word of mouth of such a spectacular garden kept hidden away in the lands of Tir Clustig Hir, Beauty would find its equally as handsome tender in its midst.
      • » She bestowed upon him an enchanted seed, instructing him to tend to the plant like it were a prized possession. He took extra caution in tending to the flower, and after many many months, it would grow a singular massive rose, from which bloomed Rosalleia, named for what which she had emerged from.
    • Childhood | Youthful beginnings..
      • » Rosalleia had a fairly pleasant childhood, truly never wanting for much. That is not to say that it was lavish, but she led a fairly quiet life alongside her father Lanassil until her magespark truly began to rear its head.
      • » She had taken after her father's magic, Evergrowth, with a twist. Her magic styled itself after rose bushes and briars primarily and upon it emerging, it was not long before it would spiral out of control. Her magic was simply more potent than her father could have anticipated, and despite his best efforts, word spread of the Existling's chaotic rose brambles that were overtaking what once was a reputable grove.
      • » This caught the attention of the Aelrrigan Order, sent out to investigate a renegade mage. Imagine their surprise when they came to find it was no willing renegade, simply a girl without a focus. After going back and forth with her father, it was decided that she would go along with the Order, to give her magic a lens to focus through to harness it for the greater good. It was a hard departure, but a necessary one.
    • Adolescence | Oh, how I bloomed with time.
      • » It took time and rigorous study, but Rosalleia would finally be able to temper her magic and control it properly, utilizing her magic both offensively and defensively to become a menace on the field. She gained the nickname of 'Briar' for her magic and her use of brambles to ensnare fellow squires in training exercises.
      • » Her shapeshifting capabilities came to light while she was a squire, which came as naturally as breathing air. She used this power sometimes to cause mischief, or suit her own vain desires surrounding appearance. She is frequently admonished for this, and there is some degree of mistrust. This is also a period where she is incredibly vain and struggles with the influences of her Arken parent, influences which she slowly learns to fight against to prevent them from completely overwhelming her.
    • Early Adulthood / Recent History | My duties have taken me far and wide.
      • » Rosalleia graduates, now a fully fledged knight. She is sent on various deployments- The first being to Calem, of which her shifting ability allowed her to blend in without drawing much ire from the locals and later Ithania, where she would stay for an extended period of time.
      • » She acts as a lone wolf, tracking down minor artifacts and renegade mages by foot and wing. She has a good success rate, this period of time allowing her to reflect on herself, her mother, and her place as an Arkenborn.
      • » Rosalleia is present in Ithania when the [REDACTED] missiles strike. While not caught in a direct hit, she abandons the mage she is currently pursuing and and instead aids the injured peoples caught in the fires and rubble. This event is horrifying to her; Never has she heard of such destruction, and to see the toll it had leaves a deep impact.
    • Present Day | Let us see what the future holds.
      • » Rosalleia arrives in the city, having been reassigned after the horrific incident in Ithania. But the city is not without its own messes, and she is shocked to discover what it holds in tow for her. Within a month she discovered a dear friend was deceased, then revived, in addition to Arken being present all over the city. It was.. Shocking to say the least.
      • » Currently Rosalleia has her sights set on ascending through the ranks of the Aelrrigan Order, determined to show her worth and that she is more than solely her lineage and is a capable (beautiful) woman in her own right.
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Art by Microwavemmm
Leaf Side Graphics
Rose Graphics
Formatting by Rowet!
Inspo from Canaa!
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