Preserved Sheet Rolf Av Drixagh

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your server farmboy
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Rolf av Drixagh (Rolf Haagenvig)

  • Age: 38

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Bolven Velheim Ailor

  • Preferred Weapon: A Warhammer, brass knuckles or a dagger.
Inventory Information (Optional)

  • A pair of brass knuckles with 'Rolf' engraved on each one.

  • A coin-purse with roughly 200 regals in it.

  • A pack of siggs.

  • A silver pocket watch.

  • A Beorl Axe with runes carved into the handle.
Skill Information

Total Points: 5+38=43

Proficiency Points
I boost strength training by +5 for being Bolven.

Core Group

  • +20 Two-hand Blunt Combat Skill (+20 from Points).
  • +18 Fist Combat Skill (+18 from Points).
  • +5 Sailing Art Skill (+5 from Hobby Points).
  • +5 Hunting Art Skill (+5 from Hobby Points).
  • +10 Strength Training Skill (5+ from Talent Points and +5 from Bolven).
  • +10 Captain Command Skill (+5 from Talent Points,+5 from Points).

Body Shape
  • 35 Physical Stat. (38 from combat points, 10 from Strength Training, 5 from Sailing and Hunting combined, 10 for being bolven, equating to 63 but capped out at 35.)
  • Strongman Body Shape.
  • Built Body Fat.

  • Skodje (Native tongue).
  • Common (Learned to communicate with non-Velheimers easily).
Werebeast Mutations: Ursarr Bloodline with Scorrico Fusions ACTIVE

  • Strength of Ursarr
  • Bunkering of the Cave Bear
  • Growl of the Grizzly
  • Stagger of the Sloth
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Ice Blue, now gray.

  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde.

  • Hair Style: Viking mullet.

  • Skin Color: Pale white.

  • Clothing: Traditional Velheim commoner clothing, or his blacksteel armor.

  • Height: 7' 4 ''.

Personality and Abilities

Option One: The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Rolf usually is a joyful man who is content with fighting alongside those he considers friends. Although, anyone could buy Rolf a mug of ale and become his friend. Deep down, Rolf has a cold soul from his years of killing and being abandoned.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Fear is what fuels Rolf as he does not usually let it affect him, as he was taught to always keep a cool composure with any situation. Rolf has been scared before but always faces his fears head on, tackling any situation.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Usually with a mug of mead or a pipe full of herb, it's what keeps his nerves together after a long hard day. Rolf is an alcoholic, drinking any chance he can get.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Rolf respects law and authority and believes it is necessary for ridding of crime, whereas he can be hypocritical as he kills for money.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Rolf believes Velheim are superior to all others but respects all other races including the Orcs.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Rolf is an advent follower of the Oldt Fayth despite his lack of reading and writing skills, usually praying before going into battle. He believes all other religions to be false.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Magic has always interested Rolf albeit never really understanding it as he was more akin to a blade than a book.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Rolf does not know any of his family being abandoned at a young age, but he considers the Haagenviggs the closest thing to family and would fight and die for them.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His pure and brute strength and skill with the Beorl axe. He has never been bested in combat in his life when it came to the battlefield.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Fame, he wishes to be known around the world as the strongest man alive. Always wanting to pick up the biggest thing he can see. He also strives to protect the ones he cares for and that is what makes him get up in the morning.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • His lack of knowledge when it comes to reading and writing, he is afraid others will think less of him. Rolf isn't the most intelligent man and he knows that, afraid others will ridicule him for his ignorance.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Dying a peaceful death with no weapon in hand, in which Rolf believes is a coward's death. Rolf has lived his life as a warrior and wants to die as a warrior, no other way about it.

Life Story

In the year of 274 AC on June 9th, Rolf was born to unknown Velheim parents. A short two years would pass and his parents would dump him off in the middle of Drixagh at an orphanage, growing up not knowing any of his family would harden his soul. Being unusually large at a young age, the orphanage would cast him out onto the streets around the age of nine not being able to feed him. Rolf would spend a majority of his youth on the streets of Drixagh, working blue collar jobs, such as a lot of carpentry work, which undoubtedly made him a massive man with strength that put most Velheimers to shame. He got into brawls often as he reached his teenage years until he picked the wrong fight with a big man in black armor, Rolf gave him a good hit though earning the man's respect while getting beat by the mysterious armored man. Eventually, it was revealed to be a Blackmark mercenary, offering the giant man to come train with his warband north of Drixagh, where Rolf would spend the next six years training with heavy armor and war hammers.

After he completed his training with the mercenaries, he adopted their code and went on to train at another prestigious school but for unarmed combat called, School of Sølslåssing. Rolf spent most of his time hunting and training, improving his wrestling and boxing techniques. He graduated a short three years later, bidding his farewells and going out to find work. He found passage to a port town, finding work on a ship as a crewmate and soldier, learning all the ins and out of the ship. He eventually climbed up in rank to first mate after five years of service. It was a trading company in the public's eyes but would go raiding at night. Rolf enjoyed the sight of coin as it ran the world around him.

At the age of thirty-two, Rolf would be traveling with aristocrats he was doing guard work for near Drixagh when the Burning of the North would occur as forests and villages went ablaze. This angered Rolf deeply to see his home put to the sword, burned, and fellow Velheimers slaughtered but at the same time, he knew there was nothing he could do himself. He watched as his fellow comrades split off to fight and to only die. Escaping with the few members of the family he was guarding, he ended his contract and made way to Regalia for a new life. Eventually, the House of the Haagenvigs would hire him as a guard. Whilst working in Regalia, Rolf hired a mage to teach him Elemental Sorcery and learned a spell to aid him in combat. Whilst exploring the magical aspect of the world, he got more in-tune with his religion, sprouting tusks and various other things through Pagan Ritualism. While working under the Iron Watch, Rolf came across a rather large woman named Sigrid who offered him the gift of a lifetime being that of a conversion to Ursarr bloodline which Rolf willingly accepted. Recently, Rolf was cured of the Ursarr gift to unfold his own plans, and to find his own lineage and making a trip back home to only discover that Osvald Haagenvig was his true father albeit still not knowing who his mother is, revealing himself as the bastard brother to Valbrand, Markus, and Hjalmar.
Last edited:
Made some changes to Rolf's character as far as his story goes and added in the Ursarr Bloodline along with the mutations, I made the changes in red.
Made major changes concerning his backstory to make him part of the Lionpelt Order, increased his age from 30 to 35, added one more language, changed body stat according to new points added, as well as body type. Removed labour training in favour of hunting knowledge and added more to extra heavy.
Recently had Rolf cured of being a werebeast, was revealed as a bastard of the Haagenvigs, and swapped out hunting knowledge for metallurgy science. Changes were made in red.