Archived Roleplay Werewolfs

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Lachlan Hearthe
Jun 4, 2013
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i think they should add werewolfs to massive craft because it would be great because vampire plaus werewolf= a good story (Y) but if you do make werewolfs you should make it the same way a vampire turns into a vampire they donate blood like the companions of skyrim;)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Moved to Feature and Idea Discussion.
i think they should add werewolfs to massive craft because it would be great because vampire plaus werewolf= a good story (Y) but if you do make werewolfs you should make it the same way a vampire turns into a vampire they donate blood like the companions of skyrim;)

This isn't Skyrim, and adding the plugin on the server isn't possible right now.
ok sorry but it would be great but the server is pretty good im just giving ideas
Personally, while I feel like werewolves could be interesting, I don't feel like they're the necessity people seem to think they are. A vampire doesn't need a werewolf to be interesting, it just needs an interesting story and good lore. Now, that said, there -are- the Frostmane to consider, some of which were said to be wolflike in appearance. It's very possible that werewolf myths and legends spawned from the sightings of such creatures, even if they are not, in a technical sense, werewolves. The presence of ACTUAL werewolves coupled with the lupine Frostmane would make for a sort of weird comparison. What would set them apart, really?
Twilight doesn't own vampires and werewolves. You bite your tongue.

Ye, but when there are werewolves and vampires together, you know what happens...[DOUBLEPOST=1370417894,1370417706][/DOUBLEPOST]And this has been suggested so many times, and every time it gets rejected.
And this has been suggested so many times, and every time it gets rejected.
Yes it has been rejected so many times as this would only let vampires and werewolves basically become op players. Werewolves is a good idea but the actual logic in it is not needed to overrun the server, our RP now with the vampires and other races is fine but the implement of this one thing will ruin the reputation some what.

Look at the bright side vampires are everywhere and are being hunted so there is no need to find a wolf clan tribe thing to make werewolves just suddenly appear in Regalia or any other places, there could be a mob that is a werewolf but it is very unlikely.
Ye, but when there are werewolves and vampires together, you know what happens...[DOUBLEPOST=1370417894,1370417706][/DOUBLEPOST]And this has been suggested so many times, and every time it gets rejected.

Vampires and werewolves have been paired together far longer than Twilight has been a thing. And in far more interesting ways.

All the same, as I said in my post above, I don't think werewolves are a good fit for Massive, especially not with the wolf-like Frostmane already existing in the lore.
Vampires and werewolves have been paired together far longer than Twilight has been a thing. And in far more interesting ways.

All the same, as I said in my post above, I don't think werewolves are a good fit for Massive, especially not with the wolf-like Frostmane already existing in the lore.

I get what you mean, but with this implemented Massivecraft will get a lot of twilight fans, bending the lore to the twilight lore. I have already seen this before with vampires.
yeah well now I here all this just makes me think werewolfs in massivecraft there is really no reason :/ it sounds fine just to keep massive craft as it is:)
I get what you mean, but with this implemented Massivecraft will get a lot of twilight fans, bending the lore to the twilight lore. I have already seen this before with vampires.

And then we bop them on the head with a newspaper. This is Massivecraft, not Twilight. We will not bed to the will of the media driven pop culture. Indeed.

Besides, when I think werewolves, I think Underworld not Twilight.
Not bad... But I really dont want to see a huge breakout of wars...
Not bad... But I really dont want to see a huge breakout of wars...

The whole werewolves vs vampire thing was another media driven influence, they really had no rivalries in old lore.[DOUBLEPOST=1370483771,1370483624][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not bad... But I really dont want to see a huge breakout of wars...

The whole werewolves vs vampire thing was another media driven influence, they really had no rivalries in old lore.
The whole werewolves vs vampire thing was another media driven influence, they really had no rivalries in old lore.

Vampires and werewolves have been categorized together since the late 17th century in certain parts of the world. The role of werewolves as servants to or rivals of vampires didn't become popular until recently, that much is true, but in the past they were both considered to be coexisting monsters or minions of satan or witches.

I love werewolf and vampire lore, old and new (Twilight vampirism not included). The World of Darkness lore regarding the two is a personal favorite of mine. All the same, while I like werewolves a lot, I just don't see them making sense with a wolf-like humanoid race already existing.[DOUBLEPOST=1370486129,1370486112][/DOUBLEPOST] the_more_you_know.jpg
The whole werewolves vs vampire thing was another media driven influence, they really had no rivalries in old lore.[DOUBLEPOST=1370483771,1370483624][/DOUBLEPOST]

The whole werewolves vs vampire thing was another media driven influence, they really had no rivalries in old lore.

I know, but people may create a werewolf hunting faction and since today, most people think that werewolves and vampires are against each other... They WILL go against each other. I would like being a werwolf but I wouldnt want to break all lose... Besides, have you seen how a REAL werwolf transforms? The body breaks down and then reforms as a werewolf. Its pretty sick :&
Ye, but when there are werewolves and vampires together, you know what happens...[DOUBLEPOST=1370417894,1370417706][/DOUBLEPOST]And this has been suggested so many times, and every time it gets rejected.

Uh... The Elder Scrolls? Are you trying to tell me the Elder Scrolls series is bad?
Personally, while I feel like werewolves could be interesting, I don't feel like they're the necessity people seem to think they are. A vampire doesn't need a werewolf to be interesting, it just needs an interesting story and good lore.
Yeah, this isn't Twilight. -Shivers at the thought- We can do fine with just Vampires! :)
Type werewolves in the forum search system and you will get your answer. This have been suggested so many times and rejected more, adding werewolves will only hurt RP by creating more god RPing hipsters who are "Good werewolves" who only eat animals and can control their powers so they hunt vampires. So no, just no.
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