Archived Roleplay Vs. Pvp: The Ultimate Conflict

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That builder guy.
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score

(Warning: Some of this information is biased from a "middle man point of view", as it focuses on my own take on the situation, however the problem/solution format will take information more bluntly in a less biased point of view.)

Greetings players of MassiveCraft I am Flashera. Throughout my time on the server I have noticed something that is arguably the current biggest issue which is the following:

Those who roleplay and those who PvP almost never see eye to eye on most issues. Whether it be about issues with Ender Pearls, or the nerfing of McMMO, and even the developments with the Premium rank.

For those who do not know, this issue has been brewing for years, seemingly without rest, that's why I created this thread: To have the main sides talk it out.

Now I know what you are thinking: "But Flash, you handsome devil you, this concept has been posted before!" And you would be correct, (thanks for the compliment, by the way) however, I believe the difference between this and others is that it takes a mostly unbiased point of view, having ideas from both sides of the argument.

Now then, without further adieu...

The Problem

Roleplayers and PvPers are having a long time conflict that has currently been left unresolved.

The Solution

Not sure yet, that's why I created the thread. Currently it is to simply talk it out and find one. (This will be updated as the issue is discussed.)
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No one is just gong to "talk it out" almost all the other threads that started this either ended up locked for flame or had flaming then got deleted.
Yeah pvpers and rpers don't see eye to eye, but what's this "Problem" and "Long time conflict"?

You state it, yet you don't say what the problem is. IMO there's no real issue, other than pvpers sometimes tease roleplayers. I've yet to see anything worse than that and if you have any examples of that, I'd love to see them.

This server isn't exclusively pvp or exclusively rp, it's both which is what people seem to fail to see. The server for the most part has the equal experience for both sides of the spectrum, you have your mcmmo and factions and all that and roleplayers have the lore and Regalia. I don't see how this is a problem, then again I've never seen any arguing.

The reasons other threads have ended in flame is because they get off topic, or just go for other things that don't pertain to the thread's idea.
Ok, first of all, it's great that you want the playerbase to get along as much as possible, and that's very respectable. What I don't agree with about this is what problems we really have between PvPers and RolePlayers.

Honestly, this whole PVP vs RP thing is a cliche that is brought up a lot more than it should be. Ironically, most of the problems I see between PvPers and RPers are on the forum, on threads similar to this one that encourage the idea that there is in fact a conflict between the two, when there isn't.

As players of Massive, which is labelled as an RP and PVP server, that also allows for other activites such as building or survival, we are free to choose how we want to play the server, as long as it fits in the rules. That said, we are also allowed to have our own opinions on how the server should be, in regards to some of the examples you gave such as McMMO and the premium rank. Lets say there's a thread suggesting changing the raid rules, or removing the home territory buff, or something. Some will like the ideas proposed, some will not. What tends to happen though is that we assume that it's a 'PvPer opinion' vs an 'RPer opinion', implying that those are the sides to the argument.

Naturally, not every player will see 'eye to eye' with every other player, and nothing said on this thread or anywhere else will force people to. So what is the issue you're seeing exactly? If it's disagreements on the forums, honestly I think it's a good thing, as long as it doesn't get to the point of flaming. One of the good things about Massive is that it's ripe with player suggestions, and because of the different types of players on the server, we get different opinions, and in the end, we get a nice balance. If it's ingame conflicts that you're referring to, I honestly don't see them happening. The server has it's fair share of plugins and features for both RP and PvP, so it's not biased to either side. There's plenty of factions that welcome both RPers and PvPers last I checked, so I'd say they get along quite fine ingame.

Really, there is no long brewing conflict between PvPers and RPers. What little issues that there are, I feel would be encouraged by this thread. Adding a poll to pick a side doesn't help either.
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The Problem

Roleplayers and PvPers are having a long time conflict that has currently been left unresolved.

This thread has no point and is borderline from being locked. You are clearly not stating a problem at all. You are basically stating that everyone, yes everyone, does not see eye to eye. What can we do about this? Are you serious?..

I'm sorry if I do not see it the same way you do but everyone has their own way to play and you are not even taking into consideration players who do both PVP and RP.

What is this long time conflict left unresolved that you are talking about @Flashera ?

(Warning: Some of this information is biased from a "middle man point of view", as it focuses on my own take on the situation, however the problem/solution format will take information more bluntly in a less biased point of view.)

Greetings players of MassiveCraft I am Flashera. Throughout my time on the server I have noticed something that is arguably the current biggest issue which is the following:

Those who roleplay and those who PvP almost never see eye to eye on most issues. Whether it be about issues with Ender Pearls, or the nerfing of McMMO, and even the developments with the Premium rank.

For those who do not know, this issue has been brewing for years, seemingly without rest, that's why I created this thread: To have the main sides talk it out.

Now I know what you are thinking: "But Flash, you handsome devil you, this concept has been posted before!" And you would be correct, (thanks for the compliment, by the way) however, I believe the difference between this and others is that it takes a mostly unbiased point of view, having ideas from both sides of the argument.

Now then, without further adieu...

The Problem

Roleplayers and PvPers are having a long time conflict that has currently been left unresolved.

The Solution

Not sure yet, that's why I created the thread. Currently it is to simply talk it out and find one. (This will be updated as the issue is discussed.)

Brewing for years?
Simply both sides have different things they want the server to take priorty on. For example a new quest world was released so the PvE and the RP people are happy. I expect a mainly pvp thing will happen next, though an invasion has been hinted at which would be good for everyone.

Essentially both communities have some slight things they disagree on, but its not a /huge/ problem
Guys guys guys. I have a solution.

People need to take there heads out of there own behinds and see what Benifits the ENTIRE server community, rather than just there part.

You want us to have no ender pearls? Okay then, let's remove quests.

Oh you don't want quests removed? Good, cause neither are ender pearls.

Massive is massive and for once can we all just agree and move on? The decide exists because of posts like this one.
Guys guys guys. I have a solution.

People need to take there heads out of there own behinds and see what Benifits the ENTIRE server community, rather than just there part.

You want us to have no ender pearls? Okay then, let's remove quests.

Oh you don't want quests removed? Good, cause neither are ender pearls.

Massive is massive and for once can we all just agree and move on? The decide exists because of posts like this one.
Wait ender pearls are an issue?????
Also th RP community really dosent care about pearls so thats not a good comparison.
Wait ender pearls are an issue?????
Also th RP community really dosent care about pearls so thats not a good comparison.
That's not what he meant. Awhile back someone suggested the removal of enderpearls, an important part of PVP. He was saying if we remove enderpearls, just remove quest and see how RP'ers like it.
I don't care what people like, I just care if they're nice or a complete ass.
Like, I'm a roleplayer, but I get along with PvP'ers.
I don't really care for it myself, because I will get murdered on sight.
But we don't have problems.
I even got involved with factions for a while, but lost interest eventually. [Sorry, @GoldenCoconuts..]
Roleplaying is my passion, I dream to become semi-known at one point.
I know that Pvp'ers have similar goals.
So, what it really different about us?
I don't care what people like, I just care if they're nice or a complete ass.
Like, I'm a roleplayer, but I get along with PvP'ers.
I don't really care for it myself, because I will get murdered on sight.
But we don't have problems.
I even got involved with factions for a while, but lost interest eventually. [Sorry, @GoldenCoconuts..]
Roleplaying is my passion, I dream to become semi-known at one point.
I know that Pvp'ers have similar goals.
So, what it really different about us?

I roleplay a good amount, but peaceful faction life is nice.
I may not be good at pvp or have high stats but I HAVE 74 HERBALISM LEVELS GOSHDARN IT
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