Archived Roleplay School For Newcomers?

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey everyone!
I've noticed that a lot of new and potential users leave the server, for various reasons. But as a lot of new roleplayers leave, I thought we could perhaps find a way to keep them here? If MassiveCraft wants to become the best Server (which it is in my opinion), they should try to keep these potential players and mods.

My idea is simple; as I'm mostly into roleplay, I will only discuss how we can help new roleplayers. Most new roleplayers leave the server because of it's big lore (which is good, but is a bit too big to start with), or just by more experienced roleplayers yelling "Go away, you stupid God Roleplayer!".

Well, I was thinking what if the Server would make a roleplay school, where they teach newcomers to Roleplay? Aswell as getting them introduced with the Lore? I can hear you think: "Staff doesn't have the time for that blahblahblah..". That's why I was rather thinking of some special rank, which doesn't have any power: Lore Teachers! These would mostly be better roleplayers themselves who volunteer to help a few newcomers to get on their feet.

I would personally asign myself for this if it would become a thing, because I would love to finally do something in return for these awesome times the server brought me. It's quite late, so I didn't write too much. But I do think this is enough for the Staff to understand what I'm saying. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask me. :)

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't know what this is but I think it summarizes my feelings on this.
Technically regular players can just do this by themselves. I suppose this boils down to giving certain people a new rank or sign of authority (like a "Trusted" rank or something), as well as creating a new department which players may aspire to.

You should go into further detail about how a roleplay school would work. I feel a school or something would be a bit awkward since it'd be players from different roleplay skill levels and background. How do you find a common ground? What would you teach? Would it be the teachers lecturing them or would it be like a Q&A thing? The latter I feel isn't as effective since it'd be hard to think of questions to ask that you know for sure would be useful for roleplaying. Personally I feel the best way to teach newcomers is to let them get right into it and help them along the way.
I say a combination of this and @Enkiddu's ideas. A sort of "mentor" that acts as the newbie's training wheels.
Technically regular players can just do this by themselves. I suppose this boils down to giving certain people a new rank or sign of authority (like a "Trusted" rank or something), as well as creating a new department which players may aspire to.

You should go into further detail about how a roleplay school would work. I feel a school or something would be a bit awkward since it'd be players from different roleplay skill levels and background. How do you find a common ground? What would you teach? Would it be the teachers lecturing them or would it be like a Q&A thing? The latter I feel isn't as effective since it'd be hard to think of questions to ask that you know for sure would be useful for roleplaying. Personally I feel the best way to teach newcomers is to let them get right into it and help them along the way.
A "Trusted" rank or something would be better, because it would notify people that they don't have /op powers and stuff, so they aren't bothered by people requesting special things, as well as it would allow players under 16 that are very skilled to feel like they're helping out the server, and possibly help ready them if they want to apply for Lore Staff upon turning 16.
I think it would be helpful when you enter the roleplay in the lobby there was a littly rundown of how to use the chat and things like that. When I started on this server I roleplayed in the first minute and i had no idea how to use the ooc function or the emote function or any of that. It would be helpful if there were some tips in the RP lobby about that kind of stuff.
What if the staff acted out a minecraft lore drama that served as entertainment as well as lessons on how the server rp worked hell it could end up being entertaining and become an ongoing drama that could go in depth in the lore and even bring some revenue to the server through youtube.