Archived Roleplay Ratings

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
everyone starts with 1 point, and you can give a person one point each or take away a point you have given. people can do /rp,roleplay <point rating> and anyone under that would be invisible/ignored by the user. just so that the god roleplayers/people who don't follow lore can be avoided.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is stupid, what's stopping someone just giving every one a minus point? I think it is better just to let the player to decide who they should ignore.
Seems pretty abuseable. I mean what do you think would happen if a god rper or a troll with 10 alts appeared? Everyone who meets said person either has to put up with it or get -10 points. Also people might assign the points based on their personal feelings ("I don´t like that person" -> -1 Point regardless of rp abilitys).
People should be roleplaying with an open mind, regardless of how experienced someone else is. They rely on other people to teach them- this takes that element away.
This would be abused, and would push away many new roleplayers, many people are just starting to learn how to roleplay well when they come to massive, not everyone will start perfect and as such they could be given minus points therefore eliminating the chance for them to rp, see their mistakes, and learn.Also it could many peopel would troll vote or just vote on bias not actual roleplay skill. This idea is, no offense, but just terrible, and I disagree with it entirely.
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