Archived Roleplay Question And Answer Dedicated Section

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Apr 13, 2013
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I find myself coming back to the Roleplay Q & A thread quite often, but I had a few more questions and I find that I cannot find the thread anywhere.
I know it's probably me, but to prevent having problems finding it and creating new threads, Perhaps an addon to the forums in the roleplay section-
Main Section- Roleplay Q & A
Subsections- Questions on Magic
Questions on Physical traits
Questions on Races

This is a somewhat simple idea, but will be a bit more organized and easier to find the thread, as well as users not having to constantly inbox a bunch of administrators to try and find out more about the race, or post in help central a question like "is blond hayr alowed??/?" that fits less than a single line.

+Easy for members to find the correct thread to ask their questions on roleplay
+Admins won't have to worry about being inboxed a question that they are potentially unable to answer, for example if inboxed to a RP admin if they can have something happen that they might not be aware of the answer for
+More organized sections to ask the proper questions instead of having 10,000 questions in a single thread, making looking through the pages for some potential roleplay knowledge expansion more difficult

-Currently none that I see

Questionable~ Fills the roleplay section of the forums even more, not really a con or pro but it's just something to point out.

Feedback would be nice, as would +Support or -Support would be appreciated!
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This is a good idea considering the fact that some RP staff are "Specialized" in areas of lore. It would also de-clutter the RP question thread. The one con I see is that currently Xskill is the only one answering questions on the RP question thread. If we split it up into 3+ threads then he would have to check all those threads every time there is a question, which would be a little annoying.
This is a good idea considering the fact that some RP staff are "Specialized" in areas of lore. It would also de-clutter the RP question thread. The one con I see is that currently Xskill is the only one answering questions on the RP question thread. If we split it up into 3+ threads then he would have to check all those threads every time there is a question, which would be a little annoying.

Actually I know that Monmarty checks it and answers a few questions, but a few roleplay admins who are willing to help answer would be nice too. I feel it would actually be easier for Xskill because it's not all in one spot in which he has to answer everything in one single post. However, some of his input and opinions would be nice :3
This is a good idea considering the fact that some RP staff are "Specialized" in areas of lore. It would also de-clutter the RP question thread. The one con I see is that currently Xskill is the only one answering questions on the RP question thread. If we split it up into 3+ threads then he would have to check all those threads every time there is a question, which would be a little annoying.

I don't really see this as a con. If he finds it annoying to click onto a different thread, he probably has anger issues or something lol. I can see where you're coming from though. But it'd be less clutter if there were a forums section dedicated to roleplay. Then again though, the Help Central section kind of already does this.
Xskill I looked there a few times and the thread didn't show up.
But my suggestion still very much stands as is.
Actually I don´t like the idea of adding another new section, it may look more organized and you can find the questions easily but it also would lead to people making a thread for every question.
And in my personal Opinion the forum is already to clutterd with all the new threads posted every day.
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