Roleplay Instanced Plots


tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
RP Instance Plots are an application-based system where a roleplayer and their group of friends can have a unique plot to roleplay in and host events. These plots are sectioned spaces with world edit enabled for the owner and their friends to build in, and roleplay in. The purpose of these plots is to allow for roleplay events in locations that are unable to be done in Regalia.

The Benefits of an RP Instance Plot, compared to Roleplaying in a Creative Plot, are as follows:
  • RP Instances is on the same "shard" as Regalia, meaning you will appear on the tablist for players who are present in Regalia.
  • You will have access to World Edit to make your builds, within limits.
  • Roleplay that happens in RP Instances counts for activity line checks that we do, whereas roleplay in the Creative World does not.
  • There is theoretically no limit on the amount of plots we can grant to players.
  • Roleplay that happens in RP Instances is semi-private, meaning, players can be asked to leave the plot by the group who runs it.

Before applying, please be sure to read all of the rules, listed below. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in a revocation of the RP Instance Plot, which is a privilege, not a right.
  • Applications are not on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • You are expected to use the Instance with regularity and reasonable activity. Extended periods of no use will result in revocation.
  • Instanced Plots are for upstanding members of the community, and will not be granted to players who break the rules, have been punished for a rule violation in the past 6 months, or are generally toxic/unpleasant.
  • Roleplay that happens in RP Instanced Plots must be Lore Compliant. Meaning, while some Roleplay may be treated under "Private RP Rules," we require of players that generally, the RP that happens in the Instance is something that other players can reference or talk about in Regalia, meaning it must be congruent with the Lore and general rules of the world. Creative Plots should be used for non-canon roleplay.
  • Roleplay, Events, and the usage of a Roleplay Instance cannot be used in an Argument application for a Custom Kit. RP Instanced Plots are considered a "pseudo custom kit," meaning they cannot be used to apply for any others.
  • While World Edit is available in these plots, we request that the Contact Point list the absolute minimum number of players that require World Edit, and inform us immediately if someone no longer needs World Edit. The potential abuse cases for World Edit are many, and we would like to be safe.
Registry of Plots

Contact point/Group Leader:
Your Minecraft Username.
Group Members who need World Edit: (Minecraft Usernames)
Group Thread: (Link Here, if applicable. If not, list group members.)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: (What do you plan on using it for? Mostly public events? Private events? Public RP? Etc.)
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Contact point/Group Leader:
Group Members who need World Edit: Jouster.
Group Thread: CainsTedTalk, xX_OliverOnly_Xx, HeyItzAPotato, Doopelganger, Erzly.
Why do you want an instanced plot?: I want an instanced plot that has events & scenarios tailored to the theme and style of my group and its interests. This can include any roleplay ranging from events customized for the Sihai, hosting customary traditions of the Kuroki-rengo family, and general events for everyone with the added freedom of creative mode to design it in the likeness of our group.
Overall, curating a location with the Sihai in mind is our goal should we receive an instanced plot.
Contact point/Group Leader: @Snoreb @jjaspurr @Sunliate (If you need only one username, please mark Snoreb as the owner as they will be building the most.)
Group Members who need World Edit: @Snoreb @Sunliate @Hierophant_ @jjaspurr (If this is too many, please only give WE to myself and Snoreb.)
Group Thread:
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Public events and private DMed events.
Contact point/Group Leader:
Group Members who need World Edit: Jouster.
Group Thread: CainsTedTalk, xX_OliverOnly_Xx, HeyItzAPotato, Doopelganger, Erzly.
Why do you want an instanced plot?: I want an instanced plot that has events & scenarios tailored to the theme and style of my group and its interests. This can include any roleplay ranging from events customized for the Sihai, hosting customary traditions of the Kuroki-rengo family, and general events for everyone with the added freedom of creative mode to design it in the likeness of our group.
Overall, curating a location with the Sihai in mind is our goal should we receive an instanced plot.

Approved. Instances will be made soon, and once made we'll give world edit/region perms.
Contact point: alianon
Group Members who need World Edit: alianon
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Public events / Private DM'd events / Spontaneous DM events
Contact point/Group Leader: Sparrower
Group Members who need World Edit: Sparrower
Group: @Sparrower @Birdsfoot_Violet @Stellarrix @uwuMaple @Gabigailll
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Public & Private Events & RP. We have plans for spirit/monster hunting, training courses, & Kintyr/non-Regalia builds.
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Contact point/Group Leader: uwuMaple/Erra
Group Members who need World Edit: Erraaaa, Trepidity
Group Members: Errrra/Erraaaa, KitchenRefugee, HeyItzAPotato, Trepidity, Nearmyth, a couple of others pending that might be ticketed to add (tm)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Death Cultist/Rexit/Spirit shenanigans, planning on hosting DM'd events for both cultists and outsiders, private and public.
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Contact point/Group Leader: Okanara
Group Members who need World Edit: Okanara, Lizmun
Group Thread: Mostly the Blue Crown Conclave, specific interest replies from HoaxHoodwink, Stellarrix, Simslp, Lizmun, Siriusly, Seoulmate
Why do you want an instanced plot?: A mixture of public and private events. Plans include 1) group excursion to Ellador, 2) dungeon set in Anglia for enemies of the Dragon Cult to raid, 3) expanded scholar library for inquest events, 4) flight practice obstacle course. All of these things are pretty terrain-heavy, especially 1) and 2), and I need a lot of space for set dressing.
Contact point: Gwyndo
Group Members who need World Edit: Gwyndo
Group Thread: Mortis Tithe
Why do you want an instanced plot?: When players decide to destroy a Tech Hive, I hope to have it open a secret bunker or perhaps a portal to the instance plot. It will be used to host relatively public events for attacking and destroying said Tech Hives so that regardless of the Hives' location it always has a fitting event-sized venue.
Contact point/Group Leader: Jaehaerys
Group Members who need World Edit: Jaehaerys, Spectriel
Group Thread: Spectriel, WateryOldSlime, (some others will be added who are interested)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: A combination of hosting public and private events. A bit of dungeon crawling, monster hunting, criminal shenanigans, and more.
Contact point/Group Leader: canaaa
Group Members who need World Edit: canaaa
Group Thread: canaaa (More people will be added as time goes on, I will give access to Unionist/Unionist Divine players but I can't say that anyone would be necessarily attached to it other than me)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Would love to have a Unionist event hosting place + temple building for more personal Everian RP - aside from confession booths, there is no real space for Everians to use in the existing Temples, and I would love to have areas to use for religious RP that don't have to be catered to a wider public only. I want spaces like offices, libraries, and other areas that can be used for conversations and public works projects and I don't want to have to bother World Staff every single time I want to do something off the top of my head.

My creative plot is currently being used for other purposes and I don't want to disturb the building there. Ask me in VC if you have questions about it.
Contact point: Gwyndo
Group Members who need World Edit: Gwyndo
Group Thread: Mortis Tithe
Why do you want an instanced plot?:
When players decide to destroy a Tech Hive, I hope to have it open a secret bunker or perhaps a portal to the instance plot. It will be used to host relatively public events for attacking and destroying said Tech Hives so that regardless of the Hives' location it always has a fitting event-sized venue.
Contact point/Group Leader: canaaa
Group Members who need World Edit: canaaa
Group Thread: canaaa (More people will be added as time goes on, I will give access to Unionist/Unionist Divine players but I can't say that anyone would be necessarily attached to it other than me)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: Would love to have a Unionist event hosting place + temple building for more personal Everian RP - aside from confession booths, there is no real space for Everians to use in the existing Temples, and I would love to have areas to use for religious RP that don't have to be catered to a wider public only. I want spaces like offices, libraries, and other areas that can be used for conversations and public works projects and I don't want to have to bother World Staff every single time I want to do something off the top of my head.

My creative plot is currently being used for other purposes and I don't want to disturb the building there. Ask me in VC if you have questions about it.
Applications are being denied on the basis of a limited Group Thread. Please feel free to reapply in the case that you get more members than just yourselves.

Contact point/Group Leader: Jaehaerys
Group Members who need World Edit: Jaehaerys, Spectriel
Group Thread: Spectriel, WateryOldSlime, (some others will be added who are interested)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: A combination of hosting public and private events. A bit of dungeon crawling, monster hunting, criminal shenanigans, and more.
Application is approved. Instance will be made soon by World Staff. Please feel free to follow up with a ticket if any questions arise.
Contact point/Group Leader: @Stellarrix
Group Members who need World Edit: @Stellarrix, @Caelamus, @Lazzulai
Group Thread: (member list is in the second post).
Why do you want an instanced plot?: I plan on using this to provide publicly-hosted RP calls in a larger workshop and guildhouse space, whilst also hosting events for things such as resource gathering for the guild. (Primarily hunts). These will oftentimes involve bringing players from outside the guild to participate in combat PVE events DMed by myself. The generally planned roleplay loop is doing initial roleplay in Regalia (at the keep in the city) and then moving things over to the instanced plot when we've gathered people to bring along with us.
Contact point/Group Leader: SevenBirds
Group Members who need World Edit: SevenBirds
Group Members: SevenBirds, Salerrra, SorryNari, tarotocol, MightyElf90, lilack45 (potentially more, these are the ones starting off)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: This is a follow-up on the Halfvel's Grove mechanic from my Custom Kit that we delayed while World was busy with Amontaar. To avoid wasting Patsie's work, I intend to continue using the Stone Circle as a public Marken "neutral ground" where Marken and non-Marken can peacefully meet under truce (no hunting or attacking, it's a sacred place) and as a portal to the private Marken Sanctuary (activating runes in the arches to allow Marken access). This Sanctuary would be freely accessible to Marken but would require a specific escort for non-Marken. This provides them a place to train, hunt, rest, and socialize without fear of being hunted. I would like to host a hunt and social event there soon.
Contact point/Group Leader: @Stellarrix
Group Members who need World Edit: @Stellarrix, @Caelamus, @Lazzulai
Group Thread: (member list is in the second post).
Why do you want an instanced plot?: I plan on using this to provide publicly-hosted RP calls in a larger workshop and guildhouse space, whilst also hosting events for things such as resource gathering for the guild. (Primarily hunts). These will oftentimes involve bringing players from outside the guild to participate in combat PVE events DMed by myself. The generally planned roleplay loop is doing initial roleplay in Regalia (at the keep in the city) and then moving things over to the instanced plot when we've gathered people to bring along with us.

Contact point/Group Leader: SevenBirds
Group Members who need World Edit: SevenBirds
Group Members: SevenBirds, Salerrra, SorryNari, tarotocol, MightyElf90, lilack45 (potentially more, these are the ones starting off)
Why do you want an instanced plot?: This is a follow-up on the Halfvel's Grove mechanic from my Custom Kit that we delayed while World was busy with Amontaar. To avoid wasting Patsie's work, I intend to continue using the Stone Circle as a public Marken "neutral ground" where Marken and non-Marken can peacefully meet under truce (no hunting or attacking, it's a sacred place) and as a portal to the private Marken Sanctuary (activating runes in the arches to allow Marken access). This Sanctuary would be freely accessible to Marken but would require a specific escort for non-Marken. This provides them a place to train, hunt, rest, and socialize without fear of being hunted. I would like to host a hunt and social event there soon.

Applications are approved. Instances will be set up by World Staff. Please ticket if any inquiries arise.