Archived Roleplay Flag

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Fact: Allot of times people in Regalia or outside of it won't notice you are stopping to talk to them, sometimes you have to PM them stating you are attempting to interact with them.
Their names sometimes pass to quick to read in a crowd and sometimes they start doing other things and you miss your change to RP with them.

Scenario :
Your walking around and you stop on behind a guy that is standing on front of two others, you want to touch his sholder so you make the emote : touches bla bla's sholder , he did not notice and keeps talking.

people are running in the street and you quickly start clumbsily start trying to type in the guys name you wanted to stop to talk to and he pulls the corner before you get the message.

Idea :
What if you could send an orange message to a player simply by targeting them with your mouse cursor and pressing a button.

Scenario :
Guy running down the street he is about to run through you when you hit [Y] while looking at him
He stops while he turns around and flags teh other two behind him that where chasing him, they also stop
you type in the emote : Attempts to close line bla bla.

Think this could also be used outside of RP.
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OMG i would love to see this happening, but Y? if we could chane teh button via command it would be better, i don't know wich key's you use or waht kin of keyboard you have ut y might be (in my case) just a liel to far away from the usual key's
I love the idea but i don't think just looking at them and taping Y would work as this would probably require a mod and this would be hard to interate maybe a /tag Dworvin S (s is for stop ect.)
That's odd, I didn't receive an alert either...
I love the idea but i don't think just looking at them and taping Y would work as this would probably require a mod and this would be hard to interate maybe a /tag Dworvin S (s is for stop ect.)
Having to type it out like that defeats the purpous since allot of times it has to be instant and you don't have time to figure out what their player name is.
I like it, though Im 99% sure It couldn't be coded in a plugin, due to the fact it adds a new key bind
Possibly implement an "RP hotkey" command type of thing? Click a player then use the appropriate hotkey with a customized saying? Such as, but not limited to "___ stares at the man/woman" "_____ taps man/woman on the shoulder (as exemplified previously)" and "_____ attempts to pick the man/woman's pocket".... I realize that these are not the BEST examples, but they're things to show how a hotkey would work. For example... Staring= "N", Taps="Y", and pick pocket= "P". This would only activate if you are in chat and you have selected the player, if you wanted to make it a bit more complicated but also avoid accidental clicks, type CTRL+Hotkey. That's my 2 cents worth anyways... I realize it would be kinda difficult, but I believe it would be more worthwhile in the end.

@Dworvin, what do you think?
This is possibly one of your best ideas @Dworvin. You are right to say thereare lots of times that there's such a high cluster of people Role-playing different scenes that a lot of other people trying to weeve their way into those scenes are completely misinterpreted or brushed aside.
It's nobody's fault, just a way people slip through the cracks because of all the commotion of text.

This method, if possibly, would allow people to, As Dworvin said, click on A Player's avatar, send a message (Role-play or not), and it would be highlighted in the chat box so that it's seen that this LOCAL message would directed at them.
A nice thought, if not brilliant.
I like it, though Im 99% sure It couldn't be coded in a plugin, due to the fact it adds a new key bind
There would have to be a command, and an additional optional mod which adds the hotkey, but everyone has to in install it themselves. Like the vampire bloodlust, where you could just type the command, or press V if you have Spoutcraft (I think it was?) installed. Same counts for MPM, where you could either type /dance to dance, or press B by default.

I like the /rphit idea the most, actually. It is rather easy and uncomplicated, and should not take too much time.
Possibly implement an "RP hotkey" command type of thing? Click a player then use the appropriate hotkey with a customized saying? Such as, but not limited to "___ stares at the man/woman" "_____ taps man/woman on the shoulder (as exemplified previously)" and "_____ attempts to pick the man/woman's pocket".... I realize that these are not the BEST examples, but they're things to show how a hotkey would work. For example... Staring= "N", Taps="Y", and pick pocket= "P". This would only activate if you are in chat and you have selected the player, if you wanted to make it a bit more complicated but also avoid accidental clicks, type CTRL+Hotkey. That's my 2 cents worth anyways... I realize it would be kinda difficult, but I believe it would be more worthwhile in the end.

@Dworvin, what do you think?

Making it so you can have user defined messages when you send an allert to a player?
Smarts though it would have to work like this /tag set 1 [message] then latter you do /tag 1 and click towards a person and it would send them the orange message in their chat.
you could set like up to 9 tags or something. and a plain /tag would be the generic message stating player is attempting to interact with player.

I know this would work because it does with locked chests.
I've barely run into this issue, and if I do I'll just message them, "Hey, [Current character] tried to do something." Even though you stated you don't like doing this it's still a simple solution to the problem.
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Solution 1: Type faster.
Solution 2: Yell.

Ive run into this issue seldom, and if i have I've found that just yelling: "Hey! Major description of character! [Masked man, Red hood, Armored man]" And if their character would stop, they would. Or if they wouldn't, they simply yell something back quickly and run off. I don't think its a big enough issue that it would require a new command to deal with it.
All Roleplay would become repetitive is my only issue with hot keys and such; not nearly as much detail or variance in Roleplay and making it an overall bland experience, just my two bits.
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