Archived Roleplay Family Template

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
It's been quite annoying in the past when I've attempted to write a nice family thread that there is nothing to base it off, aside from other family threads. I believe a universal template would be very handy, helping organize the parts of a thread while also having required sections like members, history, current state, rules and recruitment, and also additional optional areas for spice, such as anthems, crests, mottos, etc.

Though this is very short, I believe it's also quite straight-foreward.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I hadn't noticed this was a thing. I feel that having some sort of basic template for reference would be useful to have. A large amount of families follow a very similar format, perhaps taking the common features and breaking them down into their basic details. Take these individual points and there's the format. I am a bit against for having required sections for a single reason alone. That being if it does have requirements it would create another review process to implement. You can't have requirements without having a system to ensure they are met. So keep the formatting, just don't make it required. Just a template to use, that way no extra resources are needed to make it work. Great stuff.
Family threads don't exactly get approved, so the lack of a template gives a lot of creativity room to the player. I've always assumed that the only thing you're required to include is the family lore. I suggest being original and including the only aspects that you personally think matter.
I'm going to disagree on this and give my reasoning.

I see the family pages as a representation of the players in the family. Some enjoy writing, so they have a long chronicle of history that a wiki age wouldn't be able to contain. Some, like me, keep only a roster in order to encourage players to interact with my family IC to learn more about us.

I'd like to say House Drache's thread goes against the norm. We don't have history pages, we don't have a tree. Heck, we don't even have applications anymore (all recruitment done IG and IC). Instead, I have a directory for accepted family members/staff to look at, as I feel that some knowledge is best reserved as an IC interaction and not just a forum read.

Digression aside, I feel that the family threads should be formatted based on what the thread owner feels is necessary.
I agree with all of this, yet for someone like me who isn't incredibly creative, I just want to have a basic idea of what to even put.