Archived Role-play Staff Recognition On The Server

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Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score

I've seen a lot of Role-play Staff doing some of their duties within Massivecraft Forums and the Server, and most people don't know who the Role-play Staff actually are half the time.
I don't know if this has ever been suggested, but couldn't you do what you did with Moderators and Admins, and implement a color to signify Role-play Staff? It sounds kind of pointless, but it would help people to know who to "Follow in the Footsteps" of great role-players and to become better Role-players themselves.
Unless, the Role-play Staff are actually only for the forums and Lore creation.

Thank you for any feedback in the Future!
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Eh the counter to this is that trusted don't have a forum rank because their work is not relevant to the forums, just like forum staff lack in game titles.
I sorta thought of this a bit ago, and never had the decency to suggest it, and finally other people besides me with a genius idea :D
As roleplay staff members, we're mostly in charge of helping players have a better roleplay experience, and approving lore compliant roleplay characters. We rarely help write lore, as that's more lore staff, who are Trusted in the game.

While it would be nice to get a colored name plate to help the newer members give us a little respect, I doubt it's a huge issue for the majority of us, and it'd be low on the list of priorities of the game staff.
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