Preserved Sheet Roland Heinrich

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Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score





Full Name: Lewis Roland Heinrich.
->Nicknames: Roland
Age: 40 (Born 277 AC).
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor, New-Regalian
Faith: Unionism
Weapon of Choice: A Iron-Age sword (Xiphos) named Träne.
- Iron-Age sword
- Pouch containing few regals
- Silver ring
- Brass ball
- Silver chain




Total Points: 45 (Age +5 base)

+25 General Tactic Skill (+25 Proficiency points, New Regalian)

+10 Finanical Case Skill (+10 Proficiency points)

+10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (+10 Proficiency points)

Body Information:

Physical Stat: 20 (10 x2 fast blades)

Body Shape: Ripped

Body Fat: Low Body Fat


-> Alt-Regalian - [Primary Mother Tongue]

-> Common - [Secondary Taught]




Eye Color: Ocean Blue.

Hair Color: Ash Black.

Hair Style: Comb over.

Skin Color: Pale Tan

Clothing: Often wearing navy blue tunics paired with dark pants, with something more refined and expensive for events.

Height: 6'1.




Character Alignment

Lawful Good - Due to his education and being a Heinrich, Roland follows all rules and laws he is made aware of. His sense of duty requires him to be in good standings in these regards

Character Personality Type

Logistician Commander - Roland would lead his men into battle while carefully weighing his odds in an attempt to avoid massive loss to his men.


Unionism (10) - Roland being a Heinrich was taught that Unionism is the only true religion. All Heinrichs worship Unionism from childhood and would regularly open up in discussion about the religion.





Lewis Heinrich or more commonly known as Roland Heinrich was born to Chay Heinrich and Adi Heinrich on the 23rd of September 283 AC in Regalia. In his younger years he would be taught by the family tutor on how to read, write and basic history. Like most other male members of the family he was taught how to fight in the Heinricher Fechtsturm. When he became of the right age he'd leave home and go to be taught at Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie.

Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie

There he was taught mainly in the school of leadership learning the discipline of tactical command but he also furthered his understanding of the Heinricher Fechtsturm style when he had the chance. Compared to the other students in his class he was the best by far, due to the fact he loved the discipline greatly. However, he found himself becoming stressed with all the work he was putting in and would sometimes lose track of time and miss assignments. Due to his family name being Heinrich he gained a lot of friends and was always socialising with new people, although there were a few people that tried to bully him.

Young Adult -Present

At the age of 21 he'd graduate from the school and be an official tactical advisor for the Generals of the military, much more favoured than the others due to him being so good at his job. He is constantly trying to improve himself whether that be studying or training his body,after all he is probably the fastest in the family. At the age of 26 he was instated as a general of the State and is commanding the Eschevard's Banner in the war against the Altalar, with many bumps and twists, including the utter destruction of his army at the hands of the Avanthar. The Heinrich settled down and married Corbette dei Azul, taking her in as his consort, however this did not last long.

Almost as if he was hit by a mid-life crisis, Roland fled Regalia due to the heavy stress of the family falling from nobility and went missing in action for a handful of decades to find himself, only recently returning home to the city, curious to what became of his family in his absence.
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My sole point of review is to please ask that you do and show the actual physical stat calculation, the + and x2 and all of that.

Tag me once the edits have been done in green @onearmsquid