Preserved Sheet Rokmaan Storntr

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Mar 4, 2016
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Britun over ther



Name: Rokmaan Ashec Storntr - Rok

Age: Forty-Two

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Elf

Sexuality: Homosexual



(-) +10 Musical Arts (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Visual Arts (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Bodycare Training (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Athletic Training (+10 from Points)

(-) +2 Unarmed Combat Skill (+2 from Points)

(-) +10 Stave Combat Skill (+10 Racial Boost)

(-) +10 Light Bow Combat Skill (+10 Racial Boost)

Languages - Alt-Regalian, Modern Elvish, Common.

Physical Stat

10x2 +2 = 22.

Body Fat: Low Body Fat.

Body Shape:



Rokmaan is like any other working class male, he works at the Dove's Sanctuary, Rokmaan lives in Regalia as he sees no reason to leave, he believes if he were to move he'd have to start all over again as if he were having a new life and he doesn't see the need in that just yet. Rok lives and stays in a nice and comfortably furnished house near the Golden Willow Tavern, whereas beforehand he lived at his place of work due to his previous troubles with accommodation.

Rokmaan's childhood was healthy, his parents Penelope Storntr and Simon Storntr, stayed together and relied on one another through thick and thin as they raised Rok and his six siblings as well as balancing their jobs and social life. Rok got along with all of his siblings except one, Joseph Storntr his older brother, Rok disliked Joseph because of his violent attitude and later on his hatred grew for Joe as he found out how homophobic he was. Rok's three sisters were kind to him, his eldest sister would always be in charge and Rokmaan enjoyed that because her ways of taking care of his siblings and himself were similar to his parents. Rok's family was rather large, so large that he doesn't even know who most of his cousins are. Him and his siblings never really interacted with anyone outside of their immediate family other than their grandparents.

As Rokmaan grew older, he began to see himself as successful if he continued to put his mind to his work and continue being determined. Being ambitious, he'd have many goals; becoming an artist, becoming a male model, becoming a musical artist or even having a functional family, and or dancer.



Eye Colour: Dark Gleaming Brow.

Hair Colour: Raven Black.

Hair Style: Usually pulled back into a manbun.

Skin Colour: Pale Pink.

Clothing: Comfortable attire, Work uniform or smart teal butler clothing.

Height: 6'2



Rokmaan has a defined jawline, with almond shaped eyes, large plump lips and small rounded ears with some point at the end, being a halfling, he has a barely visible forehead as his fringe usually covers it, yet whenever it shows his forehead is rather small, averagely sized. His usual expression is stoic, he refuses to show his feelings unless genuine, he believes showing expression allows others to know a bit more about you.

Rokmaan's body is a Ripped Build, he's long thin legs however there are some muscle on them, he's barely any fat on him, at least not visible.

Rok enjoys wearing his Spa uniform however, due to enjoying fashion he wears showy clothing or comfortable clothing occasionally. He has an expensive looking necklace either within his pocket or hung around his neck with a gleaming sapphire gem around it, the chain gold. He carries a small dagger in his heels/boots at all times in case of an emergency. In his trouser pockets he always keeps two miniature flasks of tea, he refills them with warm tea before he goes out.

His voice is quite deep and almost very intimidating, it's the sort of tone to put people on edge, it makes him sound unpredictable and in charge. He enunciates his words en order to make them as clear as he can to others due to his voice being riddled with an Alt-Regalian accent as he visits his family for long periods of time.


Paragraph One:

Strangers, upon just seeing him and not interacting with him, would percieve Rokmaan as a quiet yet tempered and aware person due to his permanent stoic expression. Most people, once having spoken to him, would still think of him as a timid person, though his voice is slightly deep and almost intimidating. Lastly, people that know him well would know that he is an obedient person with a temper that he is bad at controlling, a will to protect others and overall a great role model for a Halfling.

Paragraph Two:

Rokmaan used to think he was nothing more than a butler. He believed he was lower than most people unless they do him wrong however, now he thinks of himself as the sort of acquaintance for anyone. Rokmaan thinks of himself being open to talking to everyone but not just being a butler to them. He will help them like he's a normal friend, not a butler. Rok thinks he's an equal rank to all of his friends and everyone, apart from nobles of course. He has more anxiety than confidence but overall he pretty much stays to himself a lot. He's paranoid about what people will think of him due to previous events, he was laughed at before whilst walking by and being assaulted for being homosexual, causing him to stay away from people and wear a mask occasionally in his past. Despite having many anxieties he has some things he is confident in. He expresses himself through dancing, singing and fashion, not many people know he dances daily. He's not so confident in fighting, unless he's driven by rage.

Paragraph Three:

Rokmaan is usually awkward and timid around friends and family as most of them discriminate him. He usually doesn't say much but greetings and just stays quiet the whole time in his family reunions. When people bring up his missing parents they jump to conclusions that he killed them, he once got up and left a reunion due to being suspected of murdering his parents. With lovers he's very timid as he allows his partners to be submissive, due to having no real way with relationships and love. He has some close friends who support his homosexuality. Not many of his friends know about it yet but he's not sure if he wants to tell people.

Paragraph Four:

Rokmaan knows between right and wrong and usually stays in the middle, he does wrong things but then regrets it immediately and wants to change everything he did wrong. He believes he's more of a good person but sometimes, he's mistaken for something that he is not. He thinks he's usually more good than bad. Rokmaan overall, is neutral, he doesn't side with anyone unless he's made to and really doesn't have a preference on most things. Rok isn't corrupt but at times he'd act like it, because he has some depression issues he tends to blame things on himself and physically beat himself up about it, like hitting his head against the wall and cursing, the list goes on. He thinks he can help people like him but he doesn't feel like he wants to just yet.



(-) Unstable Emotions.

(-) Pride.

(-) Fatigue.

(-) Easy to fall for people.


(-) Music.

(-) Books.

(-) Dancing.

(-) Singing.

(-) Sculpting.

(-) Drawing.

(-) Painting.

(-) Tea.

(-) Fashion.

(-) Children.

(-) Alcohol.



Dead Mother - Penelope Storntr - NPC

Dead Father - Simon Storntr - NPC

Despised Brother - Joseph Storntr - NPC

Eldest Brother - Edward Storntr - NPC

Younger Brother Simon Storntr - NPC

Older Sister - Julie Storntr - NPC

Eldest Sister - Alice Storntr- NPC

Younger Sister - Gretchen Storntr - NPC

Younger Half-Brother - Richard Echer - NPC

Trusted Friend - Elliot Cooke - @bxrnes

Friend - Faye Cassarina - @bxrnes

Ex Lover - Tengoku Shimura - @Hatobito

Ex Lover - Theodore Ses - NPC

Frenemy - Meiukki Cassarina - @Hatobito



Early Life (0-13)

Rokmaan was born to a set of caring parents, many siblings and a large outside family. Rok's family's relationship was good within the community of Regalia, they were seen as a moderately healthy family, however, people didn't see how Rok's parents could take care of so many children. From an early age, Rok showed signs of enjoying the company of males more than females, with the exception of his female siblings. He kept to himself usually, and enjoyed playing his father's piano and sitting in the park reading or drawing.

Teenage Life (14-16)

Once his younger sister, Gretchen Storntr, started to attend dancing and singing tutoring, Rokmaan asked to accompany her to her tutoring and even take part. However, he was denied any relation with dancing and singing by his father as he enjoyed to see Rokmaan not take part in such feminine activities and become a fighter or an artist. As Rok was denied anything to do with singing and dancing, as soon as his sister got back from her lessons they'd go to her room and Grethchen would repeat her lessons to Rok and teach him exactly how she was taught. He enjoyed dancing and to practice his sisters steps, he'd dance in his room alone. His teenage life was the peak of his interest in all sorts of arts, mostly visuals. His father bought him his own grand piano by fifteen and never stopped playing apart from meal times and chores.

Early-Adult/Adult Life (17-22)

Rokmaan was now singing as he drew and dancing as he sung. Sadly, once he was eighteen his father suffered a tragic death within the workplace, as he was schooling peasent children who could not afford proper schooling or didn't wish to attend a school, he suffered a major heart attack. The death of his father brought sadness to his family however, Rok reacted in a different way, he got on with his life as usual but slowly changed, he hardly ever smiled and he never sung happy songs. He began to grow distant from friends and family. By Twenty-One, Rok had enrolled in The School of Visuals to make his father proud and he didn't mind painting as he already knew some of things from being self taught.

Present Life (23-42)

Whilst Rokmaan was still enrolled in his school he recieved a letter from his hated brother Joseph, to inform him that his mother had died. His mother had been pregnant with another man's child since his father's death and his mother had died during childbirth however, the child was healthy. Rok had been more distant from his teachers, peers, friends and family. Once he returned home he moved out of his parents house and so did his other siblings. Gretchen, only being Twenty, took care of his half-brother as she moved into her fiance's house. Rok had lives in many of his friend's house and briefly lived at his workplace too. Rok is still distant and emotionally unstable.
Last edited:
  • Formatting:
    • Please move everything back to the left side.
  • Basic Information:
    • Can you specify whether he is Half-Human or Half-Elf.
      • If Half-Human, add +5 General Command to the skills or if Half-Elf, add +5 Elven Recurve Bow
  • Skill Information:
    • With the School of Visuals, those proficiency points fall under the cultural tab along with your 32 free points. With skill points, you have 22 free points which is already done, but 2 of those points are in drawing. Please remove this and put it under something else in the skill line or simply leave it as free.
    • Because of the lack of Muscular or Strongman body build, you automatically lose 5 points whenever putting points into Unarmed Boxing. Please adjust this to +5 Unarmed Boxing. You do not get these points back if you do keep with the Unarmed Boxing.
    • Add what languages Rokmaan is capable of speaking.
  • Expansions:
    • Put all of these into a spoiler.
  • Visual Information:
    • Choose one body build not two.
  • Personality Information:
    • Add one more sentence to the first paragraph for a minimum of four.
    • Small edit, but in the second paragraph it says he's on the first line rather than he.
    • First sentence in the second paragraph is quite a long one. Could you perhaps break it up into multiple and check over the grammar to make sure it flows along when you do.

Make these edits in a different colour and tag me when finished!

  • Formatting:
    • Please move everything back to the left side.
  • Basic Information:
    • Can you specify whether he is Half-Human or Half-Elf.
      • If Half-Human, add +5 General Command to the skills or if Half-Elf, add +5 Elven Recurve Bow
  • Skill Information:
    • With the School of Visuals, those proficiency points fall under the cultural tab along with your 32 free points. With skill points, you have 22 free points which is already done, but 2 of those points are in drawing. Please remove this and put it under something else in the skill line or simply leave it as free.
    • Because of the lack of Muscular or Strongman body build, you automatically lose 5 points whenever putting points into Unarmed Boxing. Please adjust this to +5 Unarmed Boxing. You do not get these points back if you do keep with the Unarmed Boxing.
    • Add what languages Rokmaan is capable of speaking.
  • Expansions:
    • Put all of these into a spoiler.
  • Visual Information:
    • Choose one body build not two.
  • Personality Information:
    • Add one more sentence to the first paragraph for a minimum of four.
    • Small edit, but in the second paragraph it says he's on the first line rather than he.
    • First sentence in the second paragraph is quite a long one. Could you perhaps break it up into multiple and check over the grammar to make sure it flows along when you do.
Make these edits in a different colour and tag me when finished!
Edits should be done at 7:30PM GMT, thankyou by the way!
  • Skills:
    • The School of Visuals still needs to be moved to the cultural pool.
    • Add 2 points to the proficiency pool or state they are unspent.
  • Expansions:
    • Add every optional part of this app into a spoiler.

Make the above edits and tag me once done.
Please highlight the edits for easier readings. Before I continue this review, please decide whether the character is Half-Human or Half-Elf and add the racial bonuses.

Do this and tag me when done.
I'll be taking over this app.

  • Your body count is incorrect. Athletic training (10 x 2 = 20) + Unarmed Combat (+2) is 22.
  • Half elves receive +10 Light Bow Combat Skill and +10 Staves Combat Skill. Please adjust this in your points.
Make these changes and tag me when you're done.