Archived Rogues In Regalia

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Dec 7, 2012
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This thread, Chair Glitching And When Is It Unacceptable | MassiveCraft Forums has brought something to mind. While glitching shouldn't be the means of doing this, I think that the roofs of Regalia should be slightly more accessible, for clever individuals who can, in a sense, solve subtle puzzles. There should be ladders, fence posts, and such like that that make it possible to climb onto the roofs. Perhaps you can jump off onto a bush, which gives you the proper height to jump onto a fence on the other side of the road, which in turn can allow you to climb up onto one block which will allow you to get onto the roof. They should be subtle access's, and maybe be about 10-20 of these throughout Regalia. They should be hard, like maybe a couple jumps out of Emerald island. But if the roofs were accessible, it would be fun for sneakiness. :)

Edit: I am currently prowling through Regalia, searching for ways to get onto the roofs, in case there already are some and this thread is pointless. But in Silveredge there were many ways to get onto the roofs, if you knew where to look. I want it to be like that, except there were too many ways in Silveredge, it was TOO easy to get to Silveredge roofs.

Edit: I have found a way to sort of get to a semi-accessible area, by climbing to the top of a building, getting to a balcony, and then I can jump down onto a lamp, and from there I can jump to another lamp, but there is nowhere else to go. I spent like 10 minutes enjoying myself on that lamp until some orcs ran by arguing about a book, and I was forced to jump down and impart some good old Golem wisdom. But, that's off track, I suppose.
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I have found a way to sort of get to a semi-accessible area, by climbing to the top of a building, getting to a balcony, and then I can jump down onto a lamp, and from there I can jump to another lamp, but there is nowhere else to go.
i was spelunking one day long ago and found a mysterious old chest covered with rust. i carefully pried it open and there they were... little green orbs and lo and behold, when i threw one to break it open, i flew to the spot where it landed.

i can hook you up. meet me in the northwest alley and i'll tell you the secret of these so-called... enderpearls!
i was spelunking one day long ago and found a mysterious old chest covered with rust. i carefully pried it open and there they were... little green orbs and lo and behold, when i threw one to break it open, i flew to the spot where it landed.

i can hook you up. meet me in the northwest alley and i'll tell you the secret of these so-called... enderpearls!
Hmm.... I am no stranger to these objects. In all serious, I can't believe that those never came to mind. *facepalm* However, it would still be nice to have some way to get to the rooftops by climbing, even if it is in a dark alleyway that I will never find. Although for now I suppose enderpearls will suffice.
the roofs are very accessible if you can locate a balcony :D
Well I found one, but was only able to get to a couple lamps that were just below the roof. That has given me more excitement, so lately I've been barging into many buildings searching for more. (chuckle)
or another way to get to the roofs, is a magical curse known as bloodlust.
I found a way onto the library roof. Its kinda easy. I could maybe show you someday :D
i was spelunking one day long ago and found a mysterious old chest covered with rust. i carefully pried it open and there they were... little green orbs and lo and behold, when i threw one to break it open, i flew to the spot where it landed.

i can hook you up. meet me in the northwest alley and i'll tell you the secret of these so-called... enderpearls!
The hidden implication of my thread was that not everyone has enderpearls to burn just to creep around the rooftops of Regalia. As a career rogue, I use enderpearls specifically for getting access to enemy bases, or escaping when I'm caught. Casual exploration of spawn isn't on my list of things I'd use enderpearls for.
I've gotten unto quite a lot of the roofs, but there are plenty that seem to be completely inaccessible without pearls or bloodlust.
whilst balconies are one of the better ways to get up most are fringed with fences, so with many there is no way to jump out of them.
I have found at least two accessways to the roofs so far. One in the building with the clocktower. Another via a balcony at the house owned by the mining company at the docks that take you up on the city walls which you can use to run quite far and jump off in various directions.
I've gotten unto quite a lot of the roofs, but there are plenty that seem to be completely inaccessible without pearls or bloodlust.
whilst balconies are one of the better ways to get up most are fringed with fences, so with many there is no way to jump out of them.

Many balconies have flower pots on them. Jump on the flower pot then onto the fence.
Yes, after searching the city for a while, I have found a few ways to get onto the roofs. However, the roofs aren't as connected as they appeared to be from the ground, which was a slight disappointment. Still, it's better than nothing, and with the help of a couple enderpearls during tough spots, I have been having fun traversing the roofs.
If Regalia was more like the Sly Cooper series or Assassins Creed that would be awesome. I've found, in the poor district, a great deal of ways in which a determined and skilled individual can reach the rooftops, walls, and towers of Regalia. It's in the other districts that such is impossible. Perhaps if they put blocks along the strings that hold up the lights (like decoratively colored wool?) to make it possible to jump from roof to roof? And perhaps a few 'abandoned' or 'burnt out' houses that allow people to reach the rooftops in the first place? Or just some vines and a convenient tree branch?
If Regalia was more like the Sly Cooper series or Assassins Creed that would be awesome. I've found, in the poor district, a great deal of ways in which a determined and skilled individual can reach the rooftops, walls, and towers of Regalia. It's in the other districts that such is impossible. Perhaps if they put blocks along the strings that hold up the lights (like decoratively colored wool?) to make it possible to jump from roof to roof? And perhaps a few 'abandoned' or 'burnt out' houses that allow people to reach the rooftops in the first place? Or just some vines and a convenient tree branch?
It shouldn't be too easy, but yea, stuff like this is what would be fun to have added. Those are some nice ideas for how to have the access's make sense, though. They should be uncommon, though.
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