Character Information
- Full Name: Rodolfo Pérez
- Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Ailor
- Age: 62
- Gender: Male
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Orientation:
- Religion: Agnostic
- Occult: Mage
- Character Occupation: Butler, The Butler Society
Appearance Information
- Eye Color: Dark brown
- Skin Color: tan
- Hair: Gray
- Height: 5'7
- Body Type: thin looks long
- Additional Features: Always in their butler uniform Roldolfo is always ready to greet nobilty
Skill Information
- Skill Information
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Alchemy; Cleaning, potions, medical, boxing, healing/concoctions/salves,
- Magical Talent
- Mechanics:
- Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
- Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
- Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
- Languages:
- Droque
- Cesk (Český)
- Common
- Canta
- Sign
- Hobbies and Talents:
Born in Westwynd, Basq. Aligned with The Eternum and connected with the veil from birth. Rodolfo was born in the year 253 AC on June 29th. Recived Mentor Training from their father and mother during their young age. Magic came easy to Rodolfo, even while easy he decided all he wanted in life was to see more of the world. And traveling the world happened in the world of butlers. And wanting to support and give comfort to his family decided to start studying to be a butler around 17. Joinning the Butler Society gave Rodolfo many opportunites. At near the end of his studies, he managed to go up the ranks to Butler Supervisor. Which was unheard of. Managing to master two types of butlery. B.O.C (Butler of house chores) and B.O.S (Butler of strength). When Rodolfo became around 20 he decided to sail to come to Praag, Ostiermark. Saying goodbye to his parents he came to Praag to Serve the House Lavis. As time went on serving the family became a joy Rodolfo didn't expect. Seeing Sir Ardor grow up and seeing the births of Sir Ignac and Sir Ciridan. Brought Rodolfo happiness he did not expect to being the butler of a noble family. When Sir Ciridan left to Regalia Rodolfo was quite sad but proud to see him pursue higher goals. Near that time Roldolfo managed to rise up the ranks to Butler Leader. Now Roldolfo has come again to Regalia to serve Lávís Family.
Born in Westwynd, Basq. Aligned with The Eternum and connected with the veil from birth. Rodolfo was born in the year 253 AC on June 29th. Recived Mentor Training from their father and mother during their young age. Magic came easy to Rodolfo, even while easy he decided all he wanted in life was to see more of the world. And traveling the world happened in the world of butlers. And wanting to support and give comfort to his family decided to start studying to be a butler around 17. Joinning the Butler Society gave Rodolfo many opportunites. At near the end of his studies, he managed to go up the ranks to Butler Supervisor. Which was unheard of. Managing to master two types of butlery. B.O.C (Butler of house chores) and B.O.S (Butler of strength). When Rodolfo became around 20 he decided to sail to come to Praag, Ostiermark. Saying goodbye to his parents he came to Praag to Serve the House Lavis. As time went on serving the family became a joy Rodolfo didn't expect. Seeing Sir Ardor grow up and seeing the births of Sir Ignac and Sir Ciridan. Brought Rodolfo happiness he did not expect to being the butler of a noble family. When Sir Ciridan left to Regalia Rodolfo was quite sad but proud to see him pursue higher goals. Near that time Roldolfo managed to rise up the ranks to Butler Leader. Now Roldolfo has come again to Regalia to serve Lávís Family.
- Friendships
- Family
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Combat Proficiencies and AbilitiesAttack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Consititution
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 2
- [Heavy Throw Pack]
- [Overstep]
- Constitution: 2
- [Interception]
- [Iron Will]
- Intelligence: 1
- [Wardrobe]
- Wisdom: 4
- Medical Stance
- [Medical Bolster]
- [Medical Extension]
- [Medical Resist]
- [Medical Rescue]
- Dexterity: 0
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 3
- [Arcane Blade]
- [Arcane Snare]
- [Arcane Revive]
- Charisma: 3
- [Hosting Presence Pack]
- [Undisclosed Presence Pack]
- [Saving Presence Pack]
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