Preserved Sheet Robin Holly

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The Seeker of Serenity
Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Sir Robin Redcloak of the Holly Tree


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Sir Robin Redcloak of the Holly Tree

  • Age: Twenty

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor, of High Ailorian (Alt-Regalian) descent.

  • Main Ambition: Having received his cloak and shield from the School of Bloodcast- officially deeming him a member of the knightly brotherhood- Robin has taken to the road, seeking to gain himself favor among the commons and to give them a voice to the nobility of the present.

  • Special Permission: N/A


Skill Information

  • School: Military - School of Bloodcast

  • Level: Warrior

  • Source: Admitted to the Casting Crucible as a young boy and has since been trained up to this level.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Cobalt blue

  • Hair Color: Light brown mix

  • Hair Style: Parted in the center, of middling length, forming waves to either side.

  • Skin Color: Slightly tanned pinkish hue

  • Clothing: Usually dressed in a fanciful navy blue vest with gold embroidery and fashionable golden clasps, along with a loose fitting, white dress shirt beneath and comfortable trousers of a similar color to his vest. All are quite expensive looking, but a bit ragged due to wear and time.
  • Height: 5' Feet, 8'' Inches.

  • Body Build: Athletic

  • Weapon of Choice: Sword and shield, as is taught by the School of Bloodcast, but he has recently taken up the poleaxe most often used by the School of Lancyon, as it is a more effective weapon against both plate armored and mounted opponents.


Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Robin of the Holly- Robin Holly for short- is widely regarded upon first encounter as both a maniacal and irreverent individual, often making light and jesting at the most serious of topics on the most serious of platforms. This tendency of his comes from a long history of familial neglect and disregard, as having nobody to love or be loved by can determine the outcome of a person in the strangest of ways, and he's an excellent example of this fact. While by no means a misanthrope, he's largely seen as a pest and annoyance in most public and personal gatherings, his monologues, antics and verbose manner resulting in many a scowl, curse and disappointed shake of the head. However, when his passion is matched and his good intentions perceived for what they are, he can become the staunchest of allies, closest of friends and best party rocker in the entirety of Regalia, and maybe even beyond.

  • Second Paragraph: His life, such as it's been, has been a dull thing to Robin. After years of shenanigans, pranks and antics in the Casting Crucible, he's dealt with reprimands and disappointment over and over again, the castle, in his opinion, being an austere place sorely in need of the fun. An isolated childhood was destined for him inside the castle's walls, as his only peers were males and most of those being Ailor humans, often leading him to ignorant conclusions about the bestial and less familiar races to him. One trait Robin can certainly lay claim to is his propensity for danger and trouble, both coming to him in spades. Either he was never told that his life is a precious thing, or he was and he simply didn't listen. He lets passion and want determine the course of his life, leading him from one misadventure to another. If he sees injustice, if he sees unhappiness, he seeks to remedy it in anyway he sees possible, as is his desire. No matter numbers, odds or the frightful possibilities.

  • Third Paragraph: If one is not too perturbed by Robin's unfamiliar and jovial nature and behavior, they will find him as a friend that arms and disarms himself on request. There is precious little more important to him than the admiration and love of his peers, something he actively and ardently strives to obtain. That being said, Robin draws no distinction between a new friend and an old one, treating even a passerby on the street with the same gleaming smile and affable hug he would afford an old family friend, seeing himself as a friend to all.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Robin, as a knight and as a man, sees himself as incapable of committing evil upon others, desperately seeking to avoid hurting others. This may come as a surprise, given his blunt and naive speech, oftentimes inadvertently giving insult where none was intended. This, in his mind, is less an issue caused by his own action. It is more a matter of poor perception on the part of the offended party, something he cannot change. However, he does not accustom himself to the morality of others. If he does not, personally, see the evil in their deeds or misgivings, then it is not an evil.


  • Acrobatic
Though not a learned skill, Robin has a precocious talent for all matter of athletics, further enabled by his impressive physical shape. He has no explanation for his feats of jumping, running and balance, but the truth lies in his lineage, being the son of a circus performer, whose many acts included fire dancing and tightrope walking, though Robin does not know this. What he does know, is that even from a young age, scaling cliffs, tower parapets and castle crenelations were his favorite hobbies.

  • Eloquent Speaker
But second to climbing and jumping was reading. As a youth, Robin spent many a day, a vast majority of his time outside training, reading for little more reason than finding new words and phrases to confound, confuse and perplex his friends and superiors, savoring their frustration and annoyance. As well as entertainment, this knowledge can help in situations that would otherwise go poorly if not for a lengthy, superfluous explanation, allowing tempers to go from a boil, to a simmer and then die.

  • Gifted Fighter
While arguably the greatest of his attributes, Robin regards it as the least valuable. He has seldom taken a liking to fighting, but it was expected of him as a youth to learn the art of sword, shield and plate, so as to please his father and earn his place at the Crucible. It took years, but eventually the idea of Knighthood took to him and he renewed his training with vigor before unseen, and upon earning his cloak, he finally felt purpose with sword in hand, even if it still is not his preference.

Life Story

The Good Times
From Birth to Eleven

Fortunes change rapidly in Aloria, for examples, one only need to look to the fates of the Allar and Nelfin in very recent history. Not only empires and cultures fall prey to these fluctuations, but individuals as well. As it was destined to be, Robin was born into such a cycle, at a time of great prosperity, a peak in wealth among his family. The reasons for it were many- the recent Chrysant War and the end of the Pessimism- but as a merchant captain, and a senior one at that, his father was an important man. As the newborn boy's father personal capital increased, so did the opulence of their lifestyle and the influence that was bought along with the luxuries they- along with his mother, as a family- enjoyed.

As in all things however, this rash of good luck did not last indefinitely. As time wore on, and when Robin turned the age of four, his unfortunate mother had contracted Qui'quilli Disease, normally nonlethal, but given their conditions at sea and distance from shore at the time, the next pair of weeks saw her health compromised and body ravaged by the illness. Shortly thereafter, she passed, her body burned on a pyre once the nearest landfall could be made. His father, a loving man, never recovered from that sickbed of her's, remaining by her side for long nights at a time, despite the communicability of her disease, praying to the Old Gods and the Spirit both to recover her health and return her to him. He never married again afterwards, and worse yet, took to drinking in a most terrible way.​

His father still had love for him, as he was proof of the union between him and his late wife, and did him all the courtesies a father could. However, during this same time, their fleets diminished from three ships, to two, to only the one, that single vessel sporting a crew half it's size during the good times. Their treasury dwindled and previous business partners and associates began to look elsewhere, to faster, better outfitted captains. Their family manse, was eventually sold, when payments could no longer be made to maintain it, and even their ship was sold away to pay for food and board as the now itinerant family had to move in a new direction, onto new ventures. It was at this time Robin's father reverted to a life he had shunned for years and left behind him: the life of a sellsword. At only the age of ten-and-one, Robin had known a great tragedy- the loss of family, home and business all.

Tough Adolescence
Eleven to Fourteen

For the next two years, the duo lived a meager existence, not a proud one, but one of passing comfort. Robin's father sword arm was strong and true, hardened by training from years past, training he had not mentioned even passing to the young Robin, who was now tasked with squiring for him. Regals were earned, Regals were spent, and not on the wisest of ventures, it could be said. Robin was bedecked in finery and made to live a life of luxury, surely a plea of atonement on the side of his now wretchedly alcoholic and indebted father, hoping such excess would bring about the happiness he wanted his son to have. But his was not to be bought with money, his mother was gone, his father a shell of himself, with no home but the road for the pair of them, their relationship broken. Still, under his father's supervision, young Robin trained with the sword, shield and dirk, outpacing the peers of his youth. He learned the baser points of swordplay, and few boys could boast more hours spent sparring.

Tragedy would strike again however. Now at the age of ten-and-four, the extended and lengthy suffering of the unfortunate young man's father was at an end, a jousting lance placing itself on his breastplate, knocking him from his horse, with the creature landing atop of him, crushing his leg and instantly crippling him. The Lord hosting the event helped Robin and his father from the field and back onto the road once again with some money for their troubles, though the noble's charity extended precious little beyond this, as their mount, armor and sword were all ransomed to his knightly competitor. With nowhere else to turn and nothing remaining to him, Robin's father did him- what he perceived as- his last disservice, by admitting him to the School of Bloodcast at the Casting Crucible.​

Born, Bred, Blessed; A Knight
Fourteen to Twenty

Robin heard the assurances and the pleading from the desperate, sad, pitiable man, telling his son that there was no way to provide for the both of them, and now at least they'd both be able to survive and perhaps restore their honor. But the deed was done, and on such terms, the family was at last broken asunder, their destruction wrought in whole. So Robin's life continued rather dully for the next six years, training, learning and living under the banner of Bloodcast, making as much of the time as he could, learning as he lived among the knights, that his father had indeed gotten his training from these romantic, knight-errants. Now armed with his hard-won knighthood, sword and cloak, Robin seeks a new life, a happier one, with fortune and glory to enjoy. Not with the cursed surname his father had given him, but as Robin Redcloak of the Holly Tree. The holly tree being the last, beautiful memory he has of that manse he once lived in. Though it remains as little but a shadowy reminiscence, it looms large in the young man's mind, as a goal, as a metaphor and as a lesson.
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Claimed for Staff review! Expect a response within 48 hours.
Bump. I don't want to annoy, but it's almost been 48 hours.
Could you place your headings formatted to the left? I feel that it would make it more clean.
Basic Information
You may not use nobility in your application especially in the scenario at claiming on the backstory of a young lord, especially claiming the house to be bannermen. Do not fret, you may use it after progressing in activity later down and obtaining the appropriate privileges to do so. The noble canonization system is in place, hence on why you may not use this lore at the moment.

I will humbly request that you rewrite your lifestory to instead use a wealthy man and patriach of his family? You may write it with a level of vagueness.

Personalities and Abilities
Could you bold important characteristics?

Life Story
I will raise your attention on pre-existing cultures that you may use to flesh out your application instead, both of which have much to do with the Kades.

Do not be disheartened by this, I was duly impressed with your application. Tag me and make changes in red!


Alright, I greatly rewrote and redesigned the Life Story section, as upon second reading I was disappointed with myself for even thinking it passable.

This should be a much more entertaining and interesting read for you Suicidum, and thanks for your patience, I don't know how well I would've received the garbage it was before!

Thanks again!

Well done with your application, especially with the changes.
