Preserved Sheet Robin Cariveau

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Just a guy
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
[Editing in Progress]
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Name: Robin Cariveau
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Ithanian Ailor | Archan Lineage
Sexuality: JUSTICE ╰(*°▽°*)╯
Preferred Weapon: Arming Sword and Heater Shield

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Total Points: (24 Core; 10 Talent; 10 Hobby)
School: Villiers-Eclaire Order

+10 Sword Combat (5 Core; 5 Ailor Racial Boost)
+10 Spear Combat (10 Core)
+3 Shield Combat (3 Core)
+3 Fist Combat (3 Core)
+3 Union Blessings (3 Core)

+5 Strength Training (10 Talent)
+5 Perception Training (10 Talent)

+10 Husbandry Art (10 Hobby)

Body Shape
Physical Stat: 30
Body Shape: Athletic
Average Body Fat
Melee (10 sword; 10 spear; 3 Fist) = 23
Special (6 Shield) = 6
Strength: 5
23 + 6 + 5 = 34
Archan Lineage Cap: 30

Common | Free
D'Ithanie | Mother Language
Alt-Regalian | Father Language

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Union Blessings
Call of the Union [Constant Passive]
  • Archan Ailor can inscribe, engrave, tattoo, write, speak and draw the Sanktist holy scripture on any surface. This scripture will start to glow with a golden glow when within Emote Distance of an Archan using any Blessings, or on command from any Archan.
  • Archan Ailor can cause an Eye of Union to appear behind their head on a vertical axis that shines with a golden glow, illuminating their head from behind. This can be turned on and off at will.
  • Archan Ailor can cast an Orb of Light at the tip of their weapon, a stave or a wand, which will illuminate the direct area of 5 blocks around them. This will not work against Ability based Darkness, and lasts only for up to 30 minutes, but can be cast an infinite amount of times.
  • Archan Ailor are immune to Vampirism, Werebeastism, upon dying do not become Undead or Archblood, cannot become Dragon Warriors, cannot use or wield Artifacts besides Unionist Artifacts and cannot learn any other Sorcery or Ritualism Proficiency Category Abilities or become any other form of Aberrancy.
Blessings of the Lord [Sorcery Spell]
This Ability can only be used when wielding a shield of any size. Blessings of the Lord allows an Archan to use a shield to cause a radiating blast to emanate from the shield towards whatever the shield is aimed at. If the shield is aimed at a person or group of people, the blast reaches up to 6 blocks away in a 5 block wide funnel, that knocks all those within that range off their feet. If aimed at an object or group of objects, it will propel them forward at non-lethal speeds. If aimed at a regular Regalian Housing door or inner estate door (thus not the front door), it will eject the door off the hinges and sear the door portal, while also producing a very loud bang. This Ability can only be used once every 15 minutes, though using it on a door does not put it on cooldown. For each door ejected however, one traditional piece of evidence is left behind according to the Burglary rules for the Criminal Proficiencies.

Husbandry Art
  • Familiar: Red Fur Fox (Name: Ismael)
  • Mount: Two-horned Horse (Name: Achille)
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Eye Color: Forest Green
Hair Color [Natural]: Medium-Light Blonde
Hair Style: Neck-length, straight hair
Skin Color: Fair
Clothing: Comfy, casual attire that's easy to move in, but doesn't mind the occasional formal-attire if needed
Height: 5'8

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Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality Type: Mediator (INFP-T)
Religion: Unionist (9/10)

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Birth - Childhood
Robin was born in an Ithanian city, among a fairly wealthy family of Unionists, though he never really knew his father as he had died a year after his birth. At a young age, he learned to read and write scriptures. Being the oldest son in his family among three brothers, his family ushered him to study knightly codes, and thus didn't really have a lot of free time. Most of his childhood was mostly spent either at a church, studying and finding guidance by the spirit, or small training sessions with his father, Anthony, to prepare him for knighthood. By the time he was 10 years of age, he packed his things, bid farewell to his family, and was sent on his way to Basta, where he would study and train to become a true knight at the School of Villiers-Eclaire.

Upon arrival at the school, he was rather quiet, focusing mostly on his studies and training and nothing else. He actually found some enjoyment in sparring, though he still chose to not really interact with his peers, but eventually found some new friends while sparring against them. After some years of hard work, he had been promoted to a squire, and was assigned under a Man-at-Arms; Nathaniel Delorin. Starting off as a "mentor & student" relationship, Robin eventually grew to admire and respect Nathaniel, and after having known him for quite a few years, he began seeing him as a father figure. When he turned 19, he became rather skilled in his abilities as a swordsman, and had been getting better with cavalry combat. Needless to say, Nathaniel was proud of him. The young squire appreciated everything Nathaniel taught him, and hoped to keep learning under him even after becoming a knight. Unfortunately, that wish would not last very long.

One day, Robin was informed that Nathaniel had been assigned to go on a scouting mission. However, it didn't end well for him or the small group he was with, as it was discovered they all had been slain by a group of bandits. Robin didn't take the news well, having lost who he could essentially call a father. Shortly after the incident, he was assigned under Karp Kippings as replacement, and travelled to Regalia with him. He held respect for the man, having heard of some of his accomplishments, but it'd take him some time to get used to him.

After a few months, Robin learned more about Karp. He learned his way of thinking as well as how he saw the law, which took him some time to adapt to, but eventually learned it. Despite his current skills as a swordsman and use of cavalry, Robin learned some skills under.
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