Archived Roar Of The Cursed/ritual Of The Cursed

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
These ideas are specifically for vampires, RP purposes only:

Roar of the Cursed:

If 5 or more vampires are within a 5 block radius of each other, each player types /v r, which then speaks this message out loud as a whisper: "[nickname] prepares to roar". Once at least 5 players type the command, the following effects occur simultaneously:

- Each individual vampire automatically shrieks in unison
- The thunder sound animation plays (audible over a larger radius than a shriek)
- Smoke particles emit from each vampire (possibly more than normal)

Cursed Ritual (very similar to Roar; meant to be one or the other):

If 5 or more vampires are within a 5 block radius of each other, each player types /v r, which then speaks this message out loud as a whisper: "[nickname] unsheathes a small blade". Once at least 5 players type the command, the following effects occur simultaneously:

- Each individual vampire automatically shrieks in unison
- The thunder sound animation plays (audible over a larger radius than a shriek)
- Red "blood" particles emit from each vampire (to signify some sort of blood sacrifice/ritual; same particles seen while accepting blood offers)

Why I believe this idea could work:

1. It's fun and exciting! Whether you're a vampire or a human, it is an event that causes RP terror and fear. A sure sign those foul demons are nearby, and quite a few as well!

2. It significantly encourages organized groupings of vampires, rather than many individual vampires roaming the streets committing petty crime

3. By RP'ing together in larger and more organized groups, I believe the RP maturity of vampires would greatly increase

4. It would help vampires to accept that they are evil according to lore, and embrace it! No more "good vampires"!

5. It would add greater depth to vampire RP specifically; this roar/ritual has infinite RP possibility with a group of 5+ vampires: Cult imitation ritual, pre-attack war cry, strategic intimidation, the list goes on!

6. It would bring greater depth to human vs vampire RP situations. It's one thing if a guard is in the tavern, hears a shriek, and then goes out to arrest the foolish vampire. Now imagine this: same guard is in the tavern, and all of the sudden he hears several shrieks simultaneously, followed by thunder. Now it's getting serious.

7. This combination of organized vampires, larger groups, better RP'ing, and acceptance of their evil nature go a long way towards shaping two distinct sides of a (dare I say it?) war; the living, versus the cursed.

Additional ideas:

- Very long cool down to avoid overuse
- Some sort of particle effect that lasts for a period of time afterwards (so nearby citizens and guards can identify those taking part in the roar/ritual)

In lore, and server inspired literature, vampires are feared! Today, they're seen as nothing more than a small nuisance. I say we change that and in the process, with my idea, help vampires learn to RP! Please comment with your thoughts, anything you would change, etc. Keep it constructive please :)
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๖ۣۜAlthough this could easily be done as RP terms, and Cayorion might not have time, (defending his point because I got an offensive from him for making a procrastination joke T^T), it would certainly be neat to see.
+1 Support
Oh god yes pretty please yes. I bave always wanted a sort of ritual for either the cursed or the undead!
It seems cool, on paper. but what will happen when five 8 years work together to spam that? you will just keep hearing funder and shrieks. maybe if they change the vampire shriek to a creeper hiss, and if 5 vamps do the /v r thing it will be a ghast shriek. The hiss makes more sense any way. supported if vampire gets a hiss not a shriek.
Not a bad idea in my opinion but there are plenty of possibilities for this to be implemented and I have a few ideas to add that could make this idea better.
Now what I would suggest is some sort of potion effect to give the vampires a buff for a certain amount of time.(could replace bloodlust) Maybe a speed buff or damage increase that would last for a few minutes. Now I say a few minutes because I am thinking of this as a way for vampire attacks to become more of a threat in Massive, where a group of vampires attack a village, when they would need more time to use the abilities. I would keep this from being overused by creating a once a day time limit.(to create or participate in a ritual)
With my suggestions, I think that Vampires would be feared a lot more in massive, and would be an actual threat to the whole server without being overpowered.
But these are just some suggestions I thought of on top of my head..
Not a bad idea in my opinion but there are plenty of possibilities for this to be implemented and I have a few ideas to add that could make this idea better.
Now what I would suggest is some sort of potion effect to give the vampires a buff for a certain amount of time.(could replace bloodlust) Maybe a speed buff or damage increase that would last for a few minutes. Now I say a few minutes because I am thinking of this as a way for vampire attacks to become more of a threat in Massive, where a group of vampires attack a village, when they would need more time to use the abilities. I would keep this from being overused by creating a once a day time limit.(to create or participate in a ritual)
With my suggestions, I think that Vampires would be feared a lot more in massive, and would be an actual threat to the whole server without being overpowered.
But these are just some suggestions I thought of on top of my head..

Adding Speed could definitely work. Vampires cause this giant pantaloon-soaking sound and whiz around everywhere with Speed 4, that is some dang terror right there. Coding it in would be the hard part though...
This could kill some of my plans I have for the future of vampires. For the same reasons you gave for implementing this Idea I want to say -1 support. I personally like the foolish vampires that take to the streets of Regalia. They are much more easy to take advantage of, unlike a group who could warn each other not to trust me. All of these changes to vampire behavior would seriously affect my ability to befriend vampires.

So, no. Vampires are more individualistic than united. However, I would like to see if this could be implemented for Vespids. Those guys seriously need a popularity boost.
๖ۣۜMan, with how many penguins you have, you need Morgan Freeman to hop in there to narrate your idea...

Vampire features are not going to be looked at for quite a while.
I definitely SUPPORT this. You had this thread organized very well and had it thought through and your reasons were all valid and reasonable. I support this but I do not think it may be coded in because of the business lately.
Not a bad idea in my opinion but there are plenty of possibilities for this to be implemented and I have a few ideas to add that could make this idea better.
Now what I would suggest is some sort of potion effect to give the vampires a buff for a certain amount of time.(could replace bloodlust) Maybe a speed buff or damage increase that would last for a few minutes. Now I say a few minutes because I am thinking of this as a way for vampire attacks to become more of a threat in Massive, where a group of vampires attack a village, when they would need more time to use the abilities. I would keep this from being overused by creating a once a day time limit.(to create or participate in a ritual)
With my suggestions, I think that Vampires would be feared a lot more in massive, and would be an actual threat to the whole server without being overpowered.
But these are just some suggestions I thought of on top of my head..

Ugh, you people are always looking at vampires with a pvp/buff and something or another like that; What you get out of it and what benefits you may reap are not important! Vampires are for roleplay purposes and its all about making the roleplay environment better for those around you, its not about you (At all!)!
It seems cool, on paper. but what will happen when five 8 years work together to spam that? you will just keep hearing funder and shrieks. maybe if they change the vampire shriek to a creeper hiss, and if 5 vamps do the /v r thing it will be a ghast shriek. The hiss makes more sense any way. supported if vampire gets a hiss not a shriek.
Remember him talking about a long cool down? Like a week -.- That'd be lovely..sort of like how race changing takes 3 days, this thing is important. The longer the cooldown, the more important/rare it'll be and people will deem it as..more noteworthy. If it was a shorter cool down, it would be like the vampire shrieks now. Unless you specifically hate them with a passion, you won't really note the shrieks anymore, because of how common they are and how many of the vampire roleplayers dont really ROLEPLAY.
Ugh, you people are always looking at vampires with a pvp/buff and something or another like that; What you get out of it and what benefits you may reap are not important! Vampires are for roleplay purposes and its all about making the roleplay environment better for those around you, its not about you (At all!)!
First of all I am no Vampire and despise them like everyone else, so I would not get any benefits out of my suggestion. I play as a human as that is my Roleplay character's race and it is my favorite race.

Secondly, are the other races not for roleplay purposes as well as vampires? They also have benefits in-game especially with PVP, it is to make them more desirable to play as rather than just a cosmetic.

Thirdly, your last statement is offensive. I do not believe Massive's Roleplay environment is about me, but I am a part of it. I am not selfish(My suggestion does not benefit me or anyone I know), and Roleplay is for everyone(Including me!).
First of all I am no Vampire and despise them like everyone else, so I would not get any benefits out of my suggestion. I play as a human as that is my Roleplay character's race and it is my favorite race.

Secondly, are the other races not for roleplay purposes as well as vampires? They also have benefits in-game especially with PVP, it is to make them more desirable to play as rather than just a cosmetic.

Thirdly, your last statement is offensive. I do not believe Massive's Roleplay environment is about me, but I am a part of it. I am not selfish(My suggestion does not benefit me or anyone I know), and Roleplay is for everyone(Including me!).

I was not trying to call you a vampire and I was naming in general, those people who become vampires not to role-play as them, but just to reap the benefits of them PvP wise.
I Understand your point but why did you quote my post? I am not a vampire and I do not plan to be one, it was a suggestion and you could have disagreed in a less offensive way.

Also, what is your opinion about other races and their benefits? Undead take less damage, orcs, dwarves, and elves do more damage with a type of weapon. Does your opinion differ on them? They are the most likely reason as to why people want PVP advantages when it comes to vampires. How can you blame those who have a curse that not only gives no benefits such as the other races, but also has major weaknesses. Its like being a dakkar(Agni) that gets burned in lava. Try to place yourself in those people's shoes instead of ridiculing them for wanting Vampires to be useful like every other race.
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