Character Information
- Full Name: Rivenna Milaanavei Bel-Callaï
- Shortened: Rivi Callaï
- Race: Solvaan
- Subrace: Delveborn
- Age: 24
- Gender: Female
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Religion: Syncretism
- Broken Gods & Estelley (Sinnavei)
- Occult: Eldertide Godborn
- Posing as a Sapphora Godborn
- Character Occupation: Bartender & Mercenary
Appearance Information
- Eye Color: Rose-Gold
- Skin Color: Midnight Blue
- Hair: Charcoal Black with a streak of gold
- Height: 6'2
- Body Type: Muscular
- Additional Features: Rivi has tattoos as swirling floral patterns that glow pink whenever she invokes her magic. The tattoos cover her spine, collarbone, and shoulders.
Skill Information
- Hobbies & Talents: Metallurgy, Mixology
- Mechanics
- Eldertide Godborn
- Emotion Sense: You can sense the emotional states of others, even when they are trying to hide it with their expression or body language. This will not detail why or how they came to such an emotion, you will just be able to feel it by looking at them. You can also try to telepathically heighten or lessen these emotions, though it is up to the other person whether this succeeds.
- Eldergod Transformation: You can use a Eldergod Transformation, changing into an eldritch horror that counts as a Disguise. This counts as a Monstrous Transformation, and you will transform back to normal if you reach 0 HP in Combat. (Monstrous Transformations are illegal in Regalia).
- Solvaan
- Solvaan can use the Mist Form Transformations, which does not count as a disguise, and uses a variety of weather effects on their appearance.
- Solvaan can use the Mist Beast Transformations, which allows them to change appearance to that of the classical Mist Beasts, which is a Disguise.
- Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
- Solvaan are able to sense the mind of wild animals, which allows them to determine if an animal is an animal, or a eprson disguise as one (ex. Body Arkenborn).
- Solvaan can see through low visibility conditions of any kind (sand storm, blizzard, fog, ash clouds, dust, etc), but must still protect from choking hazards.
Combat Proficiencies & Abilities
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