Preserved Sheet Riressil Delosseth

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Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
~ Character Application ~


Full Name: Riressil Delosseth
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Race: Slizzar
Main Ambition: Vigor and Domination

Basic Information
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
Riressil sulks mainly in the abhorrent sewers, and rarely - only on business - visits the daylight of the surface. She traveled to Regalia, hearing the rumors of opportunity and competition and fixture. She was intrigued, setting sail for the city after mere weeks of preparation. Riressil has made a grueling residence in a gang located within the sewers after a month of arrival to Regalia, totaling in one year of living in the city.
  • Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
Riressil was born in the regions of Sendras, daughter of Cellinor (mother) and Ulhael (father), with 5 siblings in total (all now passed). Her ancestors perished at the hands of the Archdemon and its Tendrils in 268 AC. It could even be said that her ancestors never existed.
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.
Riressil aims to start her own black market business - or perhaps her own gang in the sewers once she gathers what she needs to. Though, a secret desire of her's is to rise the Slizzar in a higher class. Perhaps to unleash some kind of a rebellion against the empire...
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Hair Color: Violet
  • Hair Style: The tendrils coming from her head are tightly pulled from her face with a metal headband.
  • Skin Color: A dark grey.
  • Clothing: Out of uniform, she dresses in blue and silky robes. Her uniform consists of a white mask with subliminal designs, and heavy padded clothing.
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: Arcol Bow
Visual Information
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more.
The Slizzar is seen with sharp features, for example - cheekbones which nearly stick outward, or a chin so pointed one would think she could stab you with the end of it. Her eyes are pointed and catty, stern and focused, her orange irises nearly glowing in the dark. Her mouth frowns as it rests, and the connection between the upper and lower lip are sharp. Her ears.. Well. She has holes for ears. Her forehead is speckled with purple tattoos (same goes for her cheekbones).
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
Riressil's torso and arms are skinny and rubbery, seeming to easily bend and flex at will. The start of her tail starts outward, giving the illusion of strong hips, which slowly slinks down as it goes down the tail. Her core is weak, her stomach showing the frailness of her persona. Her arms are more average than the rest of her body, though never being strong.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
Her natural fashion appearance tends to be a bit more cultured with dance - a traditional look with silky blue robes loosely covering over her body. She has a golden headband tightly pulling back the tendrils of 'hair' from her face, letting the long weaves dip all the way to her lower back. You will never see Riressil without her Arcol Bow in the sewers, and she always, always carries a brown bag by her side, filled with a variety of alchemy, a 2" dagger, multiple thick rolls of bandages, a stash of more than 20 arrows, and a large, ordinary stone.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
Riressil speaks with a hissed tone, prolonging her 'S's. Her speech is clear and content, though she speaks rather slowly, perhaps even malicious at times. She's normally seen speaking Common, though she's very experienced in her first language - Zasta.

Personality and Abilities

  • Malicious and Cold: To others, Riressil could seem unsettling, as she's mostly seen in her uniformed mask and padded armor. Perhaps - in this form, dwellers of the sewers have heard of the Slizzar with the mask leaving her victims leg-shot and mugged clean, perhaps even taken hostage. ((OOC Note: The muggings have all been strictly without NPCs)). The 'ruthless' masked Slizzar at first glance could be interpreted as somewhat of a threat as her still-featured mask stares right back. (The mask consists of two large, red tinted, glassed over holes where her eyes are, a painted green steak of 'tears' coming straight from the bottom of the red eyes. Just above the eyes, are hovering, painted on eyelashes, and concerned and worried painted brows.) All the while of the mugging - if there was one to begin with - the victim would simply have nothing but the image of her strange mask all the while.
  • Driven: Riressil knows how strongly she's looked down upon on the surface - based on race. She's confident in her fighting skills, and pushes herself to her full potential, though deep down inside, something screams that she's weak and incapable of anything better. She yearns for a companion, though she persistently tells herself that love just proves herself weak, and a shame to her morals.
  • A Vulnerable Friend: Riressil feels like she can open herself and smile and laugh with friends, as people such as these could be her only haven in her independent world in the sewers. Though, this is taken differently with family. Riressil absolutely despises her family, as they were the first step to her overwhelming loneliness. On the other hand, both of these examples differ greatly when strangers or co-workers are present. Despite her cruel looks, she is never the one to first be rude. Though, she's never the first to be kind, either.
  • A Malicious Hypocrite: Riressil's morals are usually dark and unhealthy, an example being to 'do whatever it takes to rise', though she draws the line at slavery. She has a full understanding that mugging and injuring dwellers of the sewers is wrong, and unjust, though she will stop at nothing to simply be paid. Though, when others are in their wrongdoing, she finds this a perfectly good excuse to release the anger she's built up on herself to the other person in fault, going to the height of pushing siblings off of a roof for lying. ((Siblings: Tiatha and Christopher Fayeth played by @KingBrooke & @iaydenbee ))


  • Alchemy: Riressil has read nearly everything there is to know about aids, detriments, and other herbs and flowers. Keeping in mind her continuous venture out for supplies, she can obtain even something like Lyss-Eish dust in a mere week, using others to help her along the way. She's skilled and precise with brewing and mixture, giving rare times that she lets a mistake slip by.
  • Archery: Riressil - given her talent of preciseness, her aim is extraordinary, trained and able to shoot a moving target without as much difficulty as one might think. She's able to whip an arrow from its quiver and into the bow's string with one swift motion, firing three arrows within the span of ten seconds. Her first attacks usually consist of shooting a victim's thighs or calves, leaving them immobilized and helpless to flee. If they do not yield, she moves for their shoulders, lacking their arm movement. Soon, this would end to an easy and quick sweep of their items, and perhaps a sweep of their stable mentality.
  • Manipulation: Riressil rarely uses her manipulation through truth, often slipping in multiple white lies throughout a conversation in a sweet attempt to grow closer to whoever she chooses. She normally finds an excuse to dance - as most Slizzar do. Though, she does tend to keep a distance from getting too close. If that were to happen, someone would end up finding some kind of a flaw within her logic.

Life Story

271 AC: Riressil was born in New Ceardia in a small home, whereas she was placed by her mother into a straw-made basket with her 5 other siblings which came from birth. While the infant Riressil began hunting for any mice or squirrels, her siblings, sadly, had not been able to run from predators. Some starved, or were eaten themselves.
276 AC: Once she was at a decent age (age 5), she was able to find a city, and pick up on a small bit of Common. (Words such as: hello, goodbye, please, thank you, no, yes, help, and name). She found a single regal tossed to the side of a street, and had seen the people of the city give regals in exchange for food and water. Mimicking their actions, she was given a single piece of bread. She continued to find a few regals tossed here and there along the days, and began living off the money she found on the street. This of course did not leave her well fed. She was only able to feed every couple of days.
283 AC: Age 12. Riressil decided that she had enough for the city. She traveled outward to the north, and found herself in a town. She had sought shelter within an abandoned home. By now, the long lasting war which she had been born in was worsening, and jobs were scarce. The 12 year old Slizzar had found herself being stolen right from the street by a gang that consisted of Ailor men. They were "going to kill her," they said. For a day, she was tormented and bullied, beaten and thrown. She begged for mercy at the hands of these malicious killers, and she was told that no Slizzar deserved mercy. She soon gained a single member's pity, and he had convinced the rest of the gang to give Riressil a chance at life. She was released from their prison-like domain, and was spectated as she snatched a pouch of fifty regals from a woman's hand on the street. They took her back, and assured her her life. The Ailor who had helped Riressil was named Henry, who shortly after gave her an Arcol Bow he had obtained.
288-302 AC: At age 17, Riressil had enough after being held for 4 years, simply for the sheer purpose of the gang obtaining stolen regals. She knew she had to take action, though she was hesitant. She awaited 'till night, when all were sound asleep, and something in her Slizzar mind had snapped. She brutally murdered all five members of the Ailor gang in cold blood as they slept. This included her first friend Henry. She gathered all of the supplies she could from the members, and ventured out to a new town. There, she rented her own cheap apartment with the regals she had taken, and bought food for herself. Every time she ran out of regals, she'd steal or sell an item, starting anew. She did this up until 302 AC, where word reached her ear about the city of Regalia, and its opportunity. Riressil took no hesitation, and gathered her things. She knew that was where she needed to go, setting sail for Aloria.
302-304 AC: After helpless attempts to rise to the top, she soon realized that the folk of Regalia were just like the Ailor men she had met before. They were disgusting, vicious, merciless beasts, and could all toss and beat Slizzar with no punishment. She traveled to the sewers, where she knew the options were limitless. She ... had her doubts. She simply began to wander the sewers, letting her mind convert to believing that this was some safe haven for torn girls as her. Soon, within two years of dwelling within the sewers, she spotted a Solang (played by @Masterman120 ) beat and quivering on the ground. She saw herself in the Solang's eyes, and felt empathy. She immediately began patching wounds, and applying Tallassan Gel. After caring after him for thirty minutes, Yantho, the Solang had given her a job offer for a black market/gang business. She didn't even leave herself to ponder, accepting.
305 AC: Riressil, now skilled archer, field officer of the gang finds herself daydreaming of rebellion against Regalia, mugging, killing, selling weapons and people, illegal items, brewing and experimenting with alchemy. She knows something must change in Aloria, and knows she won't stand still. But, for now, she remains where she is in the sewers.
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Taking for review.

  • Changed Old Ceardia to Sendras, and fixed the areas around that to match up with the fact that she had never been to Old Ceardia. Did those edits in green!

  • Changed Old Ceardia to Sendras, and fixed the areas around that to match up with the fact that she had never been to Old Ceardia. Did those edits in green!
@ikatiebee Be aware that you will need to alter your life story further if your character now comes from Sendras. I would read the continent lore to understand the harsher world she would have lived in. Additionally for some background, the Slizzar who live in Sendras serve an ancient mission to deceive and keep the Mu-Allar on their own continent.
@ikatiebee Be aware that you will need to alter your life story further if your character now comes from Sendras. I would read the continent lore to understand the harsher world she would have lived in. Additionally for some background, the Slizzar who live in Sendras serve an ancient mission to deceive and keep the Mu-Allar on their own continent.
@HydraLana Alright. If Sendres alters Riressil's purpose and life story too much, I'll need to think about changing where she grew up to somewhere else, as I would like to keep her current ambitions and desires, as well as most of her backstory.
@HydraLana Alright. If Sendres alters Riressil's purpose and life story too much, I'll need to think about changing where she grew up to somewhere else, as I would like to keep her current ambitions and desires, as well as most of her backstory.
I would change it to perhaps the New Ceardian colonies. That would maybe work better for her to learn Common the way she did and such.