Preserved Sheet Ripaa Ipqu-aya

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ripaa Ipqu-Aya
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Eronidas (Half Ailor/Half Al-Kissuti)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Magic
Core Concept: Ripaa is a young Half-Eronidas Shaman with a deep respect for the dead, inanimate or not. He seeks to offer the undead of Regalia assistance through either peaceful rest or improved relations with the city. He's a little bit odd though at times...

  • Strength: 0
    • Ally Throw Pack (Gymnasium Power I)
    • Bouncer Throw Pack (Gymnasium Power III)
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Arcana Bolts Pack
    • Arcana Revenge Pack
    • Affliction Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7 (Ordial)
    • Radiant Feather
    • Radiant Push
    • Radiant Shield
    • Radiant Bolster
    • Radiant Barrier
    • Radiant Relocate
    • Sinistral Break
  • Charisma: 0
  • Faith: 3 (Asaredu)
    • Death Invocation Pack
    • Gear Boon pack
    • Saving Grace Pack

  • Vasar (Native)
  • Common (Free)

Appearance Information
  • Ripaa has no mutations on their form.
  • Ripaa appears as a plain Half-Eronidas with curly auburn hair and blue eyes. Though he's a bit short for an Eronidas... He wears black clothes most commonly and is never seen without his earrings on.

Life Story
  • Ripaa was born in Polon society to an Eronidas mother and an Ailor father.
  • He was raised knowing he could not take the typical professions another Eronidas might, so he took the path of a Shaman, like his mother.
  • Ripaa spent a lot of time socializing and running about being a generally mild nuisance, though spent just as much time studying the ways of the shaman under his mother's tutelage.
  • He eventually traveled to Regalia for a few different reasons. One of them being a simple interest in the city itself and another being an interest in its stance on the dead and undead.
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@yuomr/jason Please make the following edits and tag me once complete:
  • Strings Instrument is under Talent Group, can't use hobby points for it (Just a matter of swapping what is counted under your hobby points, since you have others under that category that you use age points for)
  • Life story is a little bare bones, might be nice to have more details that affected his personality but I won't require that edit, up to you
@Azas Whoops, I fixed the error with the stats. Also I fleshed out the story with a few little personality additions.
You've spent 15 points here rather than 14, please remove 1 point from something.
Oops, I forgot to change the 6 to a 5 when removing one of the packs from Dexterity. Sorry about that. @Acosmism