Preserved Sheet Rino Dei Lanzi

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Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score



  • Full Name
    • Rino dei Lanzi
  • Age
    • Twenty-One
  • Gender
    • Male
  • Race
    • Rakrran
  • Sexuality
    • Strictly Homosexual


Total Points: 21
  • Combat Proficiency
    • +16 Blades Combat Skill (+16 from Points)
  • Knowledge Proficiency
    • +5 Religious Knowledge (+5 from Points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +10 Rogue Training (+10 from Race)
    • +20 Athletic Training (+20 from Race)
Body Shape
  • Physical Statistic
    • 16 Blades = 16 Physical Stat
  • Body Build
    • Athletic
  • Body Fat
    • Low
Known Languages
  • Dressolini
    • Fluent
  • Common
    • Fluent

  • Eye Color
    • Pale Green
  • Fur Color
    • Black, Gray, and White
  • Clothing
    • Varied
  • Height
    • Five foot Nine

  • Strangers Relations
    • How Rino treats somebody depends entirely on what that person is. His demeanor is entirely influenced by biases. At the very top, the people he tends to treat the best are Ailor Sancella Unionist, towards these people, the Varran is usually quite laid back, carrying a carefree and sarcastic demeanor, all in good spirits, carefully veering away from being rude. He also has a good deal of patience with this type of person, things that would easily tick him off with any other person is easily forgotten for an Ailor Unionist. There are some internal biases experienced when it comes to what culture the Ailor is from, but that is a minor thing. The next tier on this totem pole is the Non-Ailor unionist, and while it depends on what race the person is exactly, (For example, he'll be rather wary towards Kathar unionists), these people are treated somewhat similarly to Ailor Unionist. But then there are willful Non-Unionists, who Rino considers to be complete Heathens. He has very little patience towards these people. Typically, the only thing he really feels towards non-unionists is extreme scorn. And those he is forced to interact with will be subjected to rather constant insult. All other types of people, Silven, witchblood, mages are also judged by this Unionist or Non-Unionist dichotomy.
  • Inner Feelings
    • Abandoning talk on how the Unionist doctrine has affected the Non-Human's psyche, the first thing that one must understand about Rino is that he always seeks to prove himself. He has a sort of dependence on his pride and he'll do anything to provide for himself a good self-image, amongst those he wishes to impress, good Unionists. In fact, he often over analyzes himself and whatever he's doing. To the point that the man will often appear very decisive in his movements, as almost everything he does is deliberate, calculated. The only time this really falls away is in times of duress or nervousness, in which case his movements flow a bit more naturally. But, not gracefully, as he usually would be. In fact, in moments like this, he'll usually act very jumpy and jittery. This focus on his image often leads Rino to appear overly showy and flamboyant.
  • Friends and Family
    • There isn't much that's unique about how Rino treats those he is close with. For the most part, Rino treats his friends about the same as he treats everybody else. To the point where the term 'friend' is a bit ambiguous to Rino, it has very little meaning. A friend is just somebody he likes, it doesn't really matter how much time he spends with them or how much he likes them. The only type of person who gets special treatment are those he's fallen in love with. But, that is an untouched area. Infatuation often causes his normal behavior to disappear, replaced by a near constant sentimentality towards the object of his feelings. Generally, he tries to avoid falling for people.
  • Moral Code
    • The Varran's morality is just as selective as his manners. In that, he'll typically go out of his way to help a Unionist in need but will generally shun a Non-unionist. However, he will typically not go out of his way to harm a Heathen, physically at the least. And one thing that should be noted is his utter denial of the kleptomaniac urges inherent in Rakrran. While he may find himself looking too long at something that doesn't belong to him, he has mostly managed to strangle the desire to swipe such objects. Also, while he holds a genuine loathing towards Non-Unionists, he can't force himself to be completely blind to their strife, at least in extreme cases. He wants to defend the innocent and powerless. So, for example, if he perceives somebody as being in bodily trouble, the man will typically jump at the chance to help.


  • | 0-12 |
    • On October Ninth, 285 AC, Rino was born. The youngest of six siblings, and the first to be born on Basta, with his mother, father, brothers, and sisters all coming from Vultaro, previously.
    • In his youth, Rino had a very distant relationship with his family. His parents and his oldest siblings would often be far too busy finding things to hoard and sell, generally focusing on their own business more than Rino and his slightly older brother, Carmelo. Carmelo was five years older than him, and as such had little patience or understanding for babysitting.
    • However, Carmelo was the only one Rino had at this time. The boys would very simply be fed and left to themselves. And Carmelo would often drag his younger brother along on adventures. These adventures were rather limited, either involving going out in the wilderness or staying in town and visiting one of many, frequent churches. Rino's brother typically went with the latter.
    • And so, without the intent of their parents, Rino and Carmelo's early life was mostly spent in the church, listening to sermons.
    • This had a greater effect on Rino than it did Carmelo, some of the Rakrran child's first words were brought upon from things he had heard the priest say, and even after Carmelo had become old enough to start helping the family, Rino remained going to the church, still rarely accompanied by his older brother, out of endearment, but typically by himself.
  • | 13-18 |
    • Sometime between the ages of Twelve and Thirteen began his family's prodding for Rino to help them out. But without any particular connection for anybody aside from Carmelo, he didn't feel motivated to spend time with his family, let alone help them to steal things. And so, he refused every time.
    • This eventually leads him to be shunned by his family, even Carmelo, who was too caught up with wanting to be accepted to act on any concern for his brother.
    • And so, his attention would eventually shift rather narrowly onto the church. Or, at least it would before he became bored. By this point, he'd heard about everything he could, and whenever the boy had inquired about becoming a member in some capacity, he was always denied. His motivations were always suspect at best, a consequence of only lingering in the church and not really becoming close with any one person.
    • Because of this, for a period of time, he was directionless. With nothing to do, and too spiteful of his family to want to return to them.
    • It was simply through listing his options that Rino eventually decided he wanted to take a martial path, or at least attempt it. And so, this is how he'd end up looking for a tutor in this. With no money, he would eventually meet a Leutz-vixe man who carried a sword, and so naturally, the Varran begged this person to take him in, it took a lot of pleading, but the man eventually agreed, but Rino would basically become his servant for as long as he wanted to learn, that was the agreement.
    • The Varran had been fifteen when he met this man. And aside from training him, his tutor worked him to the bone, making him cook, clean, carry things for him. Actual training was rare compared to these things, and often times the man would just leave Rino with some manual to learn himself. But, Rino was somewhat content, he had someplace to sleep and plenty of food, at least. There is not much else to say here, this was routine.
  • | 19-21 |
    • It was only shortly after his nineteenth birthday that Rino would leave his tutor behind. Feeling like he'd learned everything he needed, and rather fed up with the man. However, this caused the directionless existence he experienced beforehand to return, just with the potential to do a ton of odd jobs.
    • It was around the end of his twentieth year that he was struck by a focused wanderlust. There was only one place he really wanted to see, the Holy city of Regalia. And so, his work during that year was focused on getting enough funds to purchase a voyage to the city, spending as little as possible on distractions from this goal.
    • Eventually, when he had freshly turned Twenty-one, Rino managed to secure that voyage, completely leaving behind his homeland and finding himself on the docks of Regalia shortly.
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Approved, on the condition you change the body build to Ripped, as indicated by the physical stats.

You're getting the purdy green tag but if its not fixed within 24hrs I'll bring it back to blue untill it is.