Preserved Sheet Rilion Larenel

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p l a t i n u m   l i z a r d
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Rilion Coire Larenel
  • Age: Fourty-two
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Shendar of pure-breed.

  • Main Ambition: Rilion's current goal is to be able to rid of at least, a significant amount of 'evil' from the face of existence, through any sort of means - as usually through some sort of un-subtle mean.

  • Special Permission: Justice Existling possesion.
  • Rilion came due to the fact that he didn't feel as he could stay within Deanshore for much longer; he currently lives with his brother in a home within the Ithanian district. He has been in Regalia for at least three years; most of them spent within the Azure Order. He currently works as a Vigilant Shield, and has money from working as a House Guard for the Beaumonts.

  • Rilion was born to Egnasben Larenel and Nibemes Larenel, who are both deceased. Alongside is an identical twin brother named Darion Larenel.
    • A small short-time goal would also to be able to get his possession tone back from the Azure order.
      • Along with this, try and get himself a higher rank in the Vigilant Shield, along with a better reputation.


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown.

  • Hair Color: A very clean white, due to Shendar origins.

  • Hair Style: Rilion has a rather thin side-cut; the rest of his hair resting on the back and half side of his head. Most of it is rather curly and quite unruly that reaches his neck. He has a bit of a fringe that lays between his eyes and hangs at his cheeks.

  • Skin Color: A sickly gray color - pale, even for his kin.

  • Clothing: Rilion wears a white blouse, along with that is a dark mix of purple and blue - along with rolled up sleeves due to the season. Along with this is a trail of buttons that line up along the left side of his vest, next to the lining of a darker hue. There is also a leather belt that is worn on with a metal belt-buckle. His pants consists of dark brown dyed leather pants, his shoes are slightly heeled boots that extends ontop of the bottoms of his pants.

  • Height: 6'5

  • Weight: 192 lb

  • Body Build: Lean and slightly feminine build.

  • Weapon of Choice: The Shendar could remember a bit of his studies; he is a Coercion student-tier magic-user; but rarely will he use his ability.


  • Rilion has an angular facial shape, similar to one of a heart-shaped head, he has a chin that is only a bit dull at it's tip. Along with this is a straight-cut nose, though placed nicely between his eyes. His eyes resemble a pair of 'portuding' eyes, with darkly eyebags hanging beneath. The Shendar's pair of ears are long with sharpened tips at it's end. It holds itself close to his head, instead of straying into his sides.

  • The hue of his eyes consists of a red that could be used to identify as the color of a brown iris. His usual expression consists of a gaunt mood, a neutral frown staring into the distance.

  • Apart from small sideburns, there is no facial hair on his face. However, his hair is a bleached white - almost as while as the snow in Ellador. Along with this is a bit of a messy fringe that hangs around everywhere on his face, slightly curled onto his face at one part due to playing with his hair at times in boredom. It's cut short at the end of his head, though some locks off it curl down behind his neck.
    • As of recently, Rilion now has a sidecut due to a few accidents; the now 'shaved' side spanning the entirety of the right side of his head.
  • Rilion has one chunk of a mostly-missing ear that happened in a fight. Aside from that, there are no visible scars on his face.
  • The shendar currently stands at the height of 6"5, and weighs about 174 pounds at that. His build consists of a rectangular-like thin build. Although no muscle mass could be in obvious sight, as due being a mage disables being able to be able to train with swords. His body shape is vertically aligned for the most part at that, as shown through having a bit of longer limbs - aside from other longer body parts. His fractured arm has healed over time - and over a good five weeks recovered from a cannibalism attack - but now due a recent event he now has a broken left arm.

  • Rilion has the regular, sickly gray skin that all Shendar have - though on his chest are a few healing wounds that have been slashed onto his torso, along with bruises on his arm and chest. On his right arm is a prosthetic wooden filling of a hole that was bitten off, that is now covered with a layer of metal.

  • Not much body hair can be found, but there is a light layer of body hair on himself, not a visible amount, although.
  • Rilion has a tendency to wear colors of a certain color scheme, though, they're usually often comfortable. He also has a liking to warm sweaters and caplets - maybe because they're warm and they feel nice? He's not really sure, but he just wears whatever's fine and adjusts them as to a way that Darion won't bring out an Ithianian fashion bible on him in the mornings.
  • Rilion has a tendency to slur his common words and may go too fast at times. His voice is horribly monotone but can easily go higher or lower depending on the situation.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Wallflower: Rilion is a bit of an introverted person, usually keeping to themselves or doing something aside from being social. He's not shy or anti-social, or cold. He chooses to be quiet, though he would also willingly attend a festival or some sort of group gathering. The Shendar isn't a full-out loner, nor does he really want to be alone in the first place. But simply feels the need to blend in and usually remain silent. Though, if you do manage to strike up a conversation with him; it's not like he'll shun you away.

  • Ambitious: As his goal shows, he is especially ambitious and believes to be able to achieve anything if he just puts his mind to it. Of which he is obviously focusing on at the moment, however this is mislead. As shown by what he is, since it would be considered stupid to attempt achieving that goal.

  • Falsified ego: As an emotional defense; the Shendar has subconsciously created himself a false ego so nothing could ever really hurt him. Though he rejects the idea of having such a defense mechanism in his brain; it does shine at times when something goes wrong - and prides himself of having to go through such martyrdom that he constantly has to put up with in his daily routines.

  • Vigilant: The Shendar is especially vigilant, keeping an eye out for any sort of offense of crime happening within his surroundings. Along with this trait is a rather consuming sense of Justice, usually punishing 'wrong-doers' for literally anything that they would do. This includes cutting someone's hand off on the first offense of pick-pocketing, and other serious things that he would do to petty crimes.

  • Insecure: With his realization of his possession, and the current state he is in; Rilion does in fact feel very much insecure with his own identity. Seeing as how much of his personality derives from being the ambitious vigilant whose feelings of vigilance that don't even come from himself - he's certainly cautious around anti-magic in fear that what gave him such an identity will disappear. Though, he's not entirely sure if he truly wants to continue being possessed and at what cost should be decide to keep it.

  • Curious: Since his interest in history; he enjoys being able to know things, such as how things happen or just random, useless trivia. Though this probably gets him into trouble, honestly; it's not like it'll stop him from going into places he shouldn't be really going into.
  • Destructive: Like above, he tends to either intentionally or unintentionally cause destruction of various things - such as property, wildlife and sometimes entire houses and lives. If Rilion claims anyone as a wrong-doer, he'll attempt to ruin as much things in your life as he could. Though this does go onto things such as just simply fighting someone because they have been doing wrongs to.. Something. Along with this; not just will he usually try and ruin someone else's live - it seems that he has a tendency to ruin all his relationships first.

  • Helpful: If needed, he could try and help guards and people who are attacked in his sight. Though he doesn't exactly care about them, but would rather try to bring his own method of 'justice' to whoever decided to attack. Though, he'll try and help friends who are struggling with certain tasks, such as carrying heavy things and bringing someone to a local Healing House.
  • Socially Awkward: It's not like he stutters too much anymore; but it's moreso the fact that he is unable to find the right words to say, and knowing what to say at a good time. Usually he repeats words and whatnot; and is socially inept. But he's honestly a good person once you actually get to know him.
  • Dishonest: What, did you honestly think he wouldn't had developed this? He grew extremely dishonest over the times of being alive; to the point where he would easily be able to lie to even himself about even the obvious things. Though, he usually uses this to his advantage. He isn't honorable in the least - and will do what it takes to do JUSTICE to others. Even if it really hurts to act like this; it's not like anyone should know.​

  • Trained: The Shendar was often trained by his father to learn how to protect himself if in danger. Of course, he still practiced sword-fighting after his father's death. He's especially good with a shortsword, though not the best with anything else but the shortsword he has. Alongside that, he doesn't plan on getting another sword, due to his lack of a 'weapon's permit'.

  • Ambitious: If Rilion believes he could be able to do a certain thing, he will try to do so. Even if it may be unrealistically high for his standards, he will still attempt to achieve any goal he currently had in mind for himself. Though, some of the things he will try would probably get himself killed someway or another.

  • Adaptable: Due to training, he had been taught how to conform to different surroundings and areas. This is especially helpful when needed to do certain things such as getting away from a certain area. Or taken under arrest into some sort of unlikable place, for example - his 'reteaching' at the Azure Order.

  • Weakened right arm: After a fight with a certain cannibal, that was barely a fight, really - He is currently unable to use his right arm and mostly just refuses to use it to fight - as it may destroy it even more. It's not like it'll stop him from going to the sewers in the name of dealing justice; but can be used as a weakspot.

  • Morally Confused: Due to his Shendar birth and Existling possession, he is extremely confused about his morality and his identity, he could be easily manipulated through this by multiple people, if they were to know about it.

  • Easily Infuriated: During fighting, once he gets ahead of himself; if to realize he would be losing - he would spiral into some sort of rage. Soon forgetting about his own fighting tactics and going full out offensive. He could easily get hurt and most likely have some sort of fatal wound after this. Believing that doing this would help his success in winning anything - it really just makes everything worse.
  • Socially awkward: He has a bad time talking to people, as it's a bit hard for him to communicate with others. He'd rather have his brother or some friend at least introduce him to someone so he could at least try to be a bit social. The fact that he had been through some things that some others have not doesn't help this either. Rilion has terrible social skills; though not like he doesn't have any.
  • Derealization: If anyone who was good at psychology was a therapist for the Shendar; it would be rather clear that he had Derealization - something that let him unable to connect with his surroundings and other people - and ultimately; feel like he's not there, or shouldn't be there at all.
    • Rilion never felt connected to his surroundings for a very long time, to the point where he could simply burn a house down and be able to see that it's gone without having any other sort of reaction to such a thing. This is mostly because of his existling possession - but a recent event caused this disorder to fully trigger.

    • As he had.. Honestly, never actually realized the intentions of his ex-lover - Rilion only accepted Muil's confession out of politeness. Even if he wanted to ever care about the friends he had; and pay attention to the situation he was in - and how everyone knew and even probably cared about him - He wouldn't had ever noticed through a glass wall of some sort of emotional isolation.

    • He would sometimes bump into doors and walls - though as if it were dark when it's sunny as all void. He sometimes doesn't even pay attention to his surroundings - such as how far away things maybe be - and may just not care at all. This would usually cause him to be lost, but it's not like Rilion would care about that.

    • Being the ever-so-late Squire or friend, Rilion would probably be either usually late or early for pratically anything. He often does lose concentration on time - even forgetting his own age for very long periods of time. The Shendar could easly forget about any sort of time wasted or time used; unless he uses either to use an an excuse or to try and get someone to go away.

Personality and Abilities
  • Rilion's blushes can go up to his ears. He flinches extremely easily, also - he also makes this low hissing noise when he's irritated.

  • He could lie fairly well, when it comes down to it. Whether it be lying vocally or putting up a fake facade to do something; he's really quite the liar. Though, it's mostly just so he could gain an upperhand of somesort.

  • If it counts; his ability to lie would had come naturally to him.

  • Festivities: No one said that he didn't enjoy attending festivals or parties. He enjoys to go to activities or any kind of party that's around. Usually because he finds them enjoyable, and that he wouldn't need to deal with hopefully, not much annoyances about. Due to that, it's a bit pleasant to also try out competitions and games with other people, trying to win some sort of prize in the end. Those are fun.

  • Justice: Picked up from existling possession; his sense of justice has became much more stronger then when it wasn't from before. Along with this a becoming obsession to deal with vigilantism, and 'correcting' wrong-doers. He doesn't feel that any of this is wrong, he's completely fine with doing what would regularly traumatize someone for something so little.

  • History: He had an interest in history, as to learn about any race's culture or history throughout time seems to interest him. He enjoys thinking about how things happen through time so horribly, or how certain things happened into a single notion that caused the races to evolve into what they are now. When he's bored, he'd usually be at some sort of library.

  • Friends: With his stay in Regalia and have finally made some friends that he doesn't mind; he had really enjoyed the feeling of having people close-by that could help you with problems. Even though he may give them a sarcastic remark one or two times; he really likes to be around people he knows and respects. Though this would probably be ruined by his Justice possession; he doesn't want them to ever be hurt - or join a side of evil, at that.

  • Vampires: An ironic dislike, he has a certain dislike towards vampirism in general. Especially towards Quel'Ess and Chyga bloodlines. Tending to find them very unnecessary and foolish. Although, he holds a bit more liking towards Kydaer, since it's more likely to be either some void infected being and more obvious to exist.

  • Losing: He absolutely hates losing to anyone or anything. Even if it's just some fight, or a simplistic game; he really doesn't enjoy to accept defeat. He's more of a sore loser, and gets frustrated when he realizes that he's losing at a game or anything. Usually either going into some sort of rage or kicking the table he's playing cards with over.

  • Offenses: For example, petty thievery, drunk behavior and manslaughter. He doesn't enjoy any of those things and will usually attempt to not violate any more laws then he already had from simply being there. Though, it wont stop him from trying to take out anything that he deems as a wrong-doer, even if what they did is barely a problem in the first place.
  • Moral Confusion: His Shendar nature and his justice existling possession seem to clash and contrast, too much for his own comfort. He doesn't know what to think about the Exist, Beheasal - he could easily get confused about what he should do in certain situations. He'll attempt to ignore as many conversations about Religion.​

♡ Lover
@steven8903 - Muildaer Hethurin:
A relationship that first started as an awkward friendship that later bloomed into love. Though through troubling times and personal hardships he's had; his affections for the other Shendar had never flickered. Rilion's very protective of Muil' and wishes for his safety, and seeming to be becoming a bit more possessive of his boyfriend - but for good reason, he'd say. Though due to genders and beliefs of the state, it's a relationship that the Shendar would rather keep quiet about if not only spoken of around close friends and family.

☽ Family ( - like )
@ShipIt - Darion Larenel - Younger Twin Brother:
Though they may argue a bit and low-key shade eachother, they're a close pair of twins. If anyone were to hurt him, that person would have to answer to vigilant justice illegal or not. Though, Rilion is attempting to ignore worry for him as he has not seem him for the longest time, unfortunately. Hopefully he doesn't have to keep dusting his room until his return from who-knows-where.

♧ Close Friends
Lucien Raen:

Veridan Deavaar:
TBA (i forgot his last name WHOOPS)

♢ Friends
Aeandir Yeano:

Heyon Ylvir:

This whole section is to be added onto lmao

♤ Disliked

@VanCeryneia - Fjola:
[Rilion screaming]

Life Story
Having been born to a 'heretical' pair of Shendars in Teled Methen; Rilion was born alongside his identical twin brother, Darion. They grew up in the poor district of the town. Soon enough, they were taken to be heretics within their own home due to vague suspicions about their culture. Due to the lack of respect and hatred towards them; they were soon forced out of their hometown.

Now on the countryside of the country; them, along with a few other dark elves of their race, came with them. They traveled miles into the distance, away from their home. It wasn't clear to the twins what was going on at the time, but they simply shrugged it off as 'adult business'. Rarely going into towns - and if they did, the only reason why they would've visited would to buy resources for their great trip towards an unclear destination. Instead of taking residence within Inns and rented homes; they simply camped outside the perimeters of the various cities they passed by.

The travelling people taught each-other their knowledge, passing it down to their children. One was the knowledge of words, and common. A mother taught Coercion strings - one of the students exceeded in such magic; though it wasn't any of the twins. A former hunter taught them how to use a sword and the environment in a fight.

It wasn't too long until they eventually came to a stop near the edge of the continent. They soon camped out in the vacant spot of a forest, with a large tower - seemingly untouched by the modern world - in the close distance. Of course, because of their journey - it was predictable that the adults were horribly tired from their journey. Though, with the lack of responsibilities and general hyper attitude of children, it was clear that the Twins - along with the other Children chattered underneath the night sky. They were ever-so-curious as to what was within that old tower that stood for unknown ages. With their parents asleep, they soon went towards the tower.

As Rilion entered the tower second - as the first was considered the 'leader' of them, they entered. Though, those too scared stayed outside until a scream and other threatening noises echoed from the forest. After that, they soon all just rushed up into the tower.

Rilion, curious as ever, searched throughout the tower, finding the balcony with a single tone on the desk - light hitting on it as the book seems as if it hasn't been touched for years. Taking no time to soon open it; though he couldn't read, the child was soon taken over by a force of the Exist. As the justice existling that resided within the book had soon came into possession of the child's body from that point on. They stayed for quite a while before leaving before morning.

What they say as they came back brought horrors to their eyes, as their parents have been mauled - killed. Most of the supplies taken by who-knows. They soon went on, without their parents - seeing as they were unable to stay there for long. It took weeks - months before they met up with another Shendar, on Teled Methen for cultural information. They were soon taken back to the Isles and stayed there for months. Enjoying festivities for most of their lives, though the older twin; Rilion, didn't seem to have the same feeling of pleasure then the others on the isles. As if something was off. As they grew older, bit by bit; they all slowly descended into the daily lives of the Shadow Isles. Demon-worshipping, and what-not. His friends that he once knew - decided to to take it upon themselves to soon try their hand at becoming possessed.

He began to cease from the demon-worshipping, and began to simply stray from the rest. It wasn't long, oh - it might as well had been predicted that he would've stabbed one of those worshippers, who kept talking on and on and on about the archdemon and other things that the Nelfin looked down upon.

It was after that he was soon taken to an altar of worship to have a voidling pushed onto himself. As obvious as it was; it didn't work, and the only thing that left it - were a pair of bloodied gray hands and a feeling of glee. A feeling of vigilance of destroying two evils. Rilion was questioned on it, of what happened to the two. If he knew about it, and was treated with suspicion, of course. To the point where as he had decided to leave the isles entirely, as he felt - now stronger then before - that he didn't belong in the slightest. He left to Deandroc, and so - had taken out acts of vigilance from there to Deanshore - always leaving town due to a gut feeling of paranoia, or worse - where he soon went to enter the holy city of Regalia.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • Excellently written! His dislikes in particular were fun to read. I'm going to ask you to add a single weakness, of any sort, just to check you can really balance his strings magic. Throw me a tag when you're done @Pastelly
Progress: Pending!
Think I might change this up a bit. The personality traits makes it a bit hard to actually talk to anyone.
  • Updated personalities
  • Updated Relationships
  • Added weirdlooking Borders

  • Updated personalities
  • Updated Relationships
  • Added another Weakness

Updated character sheet.
Updated facial and added even more scars!

Added injuries
You'd think I'd do relations by now, haha.

Took me 30 years to get legit brown eyes.