Archived Rift Warp

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The Genie

The most brooding person evah
Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Brute Squad
I suggest that there is a /warp rift command available. This is because being a Dakkar sucks. They die in the rain, and they are only good in the Rift. Regalia seems to rain pretty often, and that's the only way to get to the Rift. Plus, who wants to go to uspawn every time to get to the Rift? It would save lots of time and make lots of Dakkar happy. :D
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Lore wise I don't like it because it's not that hard to get to the gate even for a lesser race. Practicality wise I think it would be nice seeing as this world exists more or less solely to feed players resources. If players wish to enter it the immersive way they still could even with the quick warp an option. I support this.
Lore wise, warps shouldnt exist at all. They are merely for convenience so we dont have to trek three hours across newCeardia to get to Regalia, or starve 17 times as a Maiar trying to get to the Market.

I personally dont have a quarrel about it as all RP in the rift should be OOC anyways, as the military is keeping it on lockdown.
Wait for the rain to stop.

You know how Regalia is, it rains a large portion of the time. :( I am impatient and don't like waiting. Furthermore, the rain should wait to start AFTER I get into the Rift, not vice-versa. I DEFY YOU, MOTHER NATURE!
the rift may not be around for much longer, it's supposed to be removed in about a week, so this seems a bit impractical at this point.
the rift may not be around for much longer, it's supposed to be removed in about a week, so this seems a bit impractical at this point.

Considering that this is a temporary resource world, a warp would be useless. LOCKED.
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