Preserved Sheet Richarr De La Riviere

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (
|| Richarr de la Riviere ||

Basic Information
  • Richarr Antoine de la Riviere (Formerly Ravenstad Vun d'Ettrenach.)
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: (Ethnically Leutz) New-Regalian raised, Imperialised Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: To find comfort of living and advance himself socially.
Skill Information
35 Points + 5
  • +10 Thin Blades Combat
  • +20 Cavalry Combat
  • +8 Command Tactics
  • +1 Theater Arts
  • +1 Musical Arts
Body Shape
10 + 20 = Muscular.

  • Common (Noble Tutelage)
  • Alt-Regalian (Native Language)
  • Leutz-Vixe (Parental Tutelage)
  • Ithanian (Parental Tutelage)

Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Grayish blue
  • Hair Colour: Dull Ginger
  • Hairstyle: Shoulder Length and unkept
  • Facial Hair: A neatly trimmed mustache
  • Skin Colour: Pale Pink
  • Clothing: A white undershirt, traced by a crimson silken vest; black cotton pants; and brown leather riding boots
  • Height: 6ft
  • Weapon of Choice: Sabre
Personality and Ability

How others perceive?
Richarr can often be perceived as a charismatic individual in the eyes of others. He bears a superficial charm, which he uses to portray a friendly, and warm persona. Richarr is witnessed as being flirtatious, boyish, and immature at times. Though aging past his teenage years, Richarr has yet to abandon his adolescent wit and energy, something still visible at age Twenty-Five. Richarr, though attempting to mask his all to sly intentions at times, can't often help himself from showing some elements of his true nature. He can often be seen as a fox like, cunning, and sly individual, in social environments: both in his mannerism, and way of speaking.

How Richarr Feels?
Richarr, having been raised to succeed his Father as Lord of Hinterlandia (passed over for Percival Kade's line) feel disenfranchised. The Ravenstad feels his life has lost its divine purpose, and seeks to reclaim this purpose in material vices, such as gambling, opium, tabacca, and alcohol. Richarr feels a constant need to prove his worth, in the face of other young men of his age. The Ravenstad often dreads a similar fate, to that of his Father: stripped of title, and left to rot in a tiny keep, so he says. For this, Richarr has developed a strong sense of materialism, and pride in wealth.

How Richarr Acts to Friends/family?
Richarr holds an immense pride in his group of gambling, drinking, riding, and dueling buddies. The Ravenstad is at his most immature when surrounded by friends and companions, and more often than not attempts to flaunt himself, and impress. While Richarr may show kindness and compassion behind closed doors, to the same individual, he may show ruthless mockery, to impress close comrades. Richarr has an ever shifting sense of loyalty to his friends, seeing them as brothers in a sense. When around family, Richarr is often spurn between a sense of competition, and fraternal protectiveness. Though the lad would never do anything to harm his kin politically; he'd have a hard time refraining from outdoing/outshining them publicly. Jousts, spars, and events which show strength or honour, often tempt him most.

Richarr's Morality?
Richarr holds himself by a set of simple principles: a twisted moral code, developed over the years of his life. He often favors the best alternative for himself, sacrificing the happiness of others to achieve this. Despite acting in a completely selfish manner, for the most part, he justifies these actions with a 'Strong over Weak' mentality. Richarr believes in the this fundamental difference between peoples: social prey, and social predators. When faced with what he deems to be weak, in a person, he is most likely to grow in distaste towards said person. Richarr will often negate all rules of engagement, and civil decency, when interacting with these people: often stealing, lying, hurting, or even cheating these individuals.

World Views?
Richarr isn't the strongest Unionist: often using it merely as a social stepping ladder, rather than holding any true conviction to the faith. To him, the idea of an all-powerful Emperor, appeals to his moral nature, of strength over weakness. The idea of Ailor Supremacy too, tantalizes his Strength dominated mind. Despite this, Richarr has spent little time investing himself in faith, and could hardly quote the creeds if asked. His understanding of religion is limited, though despite this, from what he has witnessed, he enjoys the concept. Government, to Richarr, is a place for weak men to gather, and bolster one another: defying the laws of Strength and Fragility. Richarr holds a mild distaste for the operations of the State; instead preferring a single figurehead to lead the nation.

Personality Expanded

Horse Riding: Richarr spent many years of his childhood learning how to ride, in the Hinterlandish Countryside. The 'late' Lord Anton Ravenstad, father to the boy, taught his son with great enthusiasm the old art. Richarr has become so fond of the talent, that he refuses to travel by carriage, unless completely necessary; preferring to make his own way, via horse.

Dueling: Richarr takes great pride in his ability to best greater men: he holds a keen eye for one-on-one combat, predicting and reacting to the movements of his opponent with fast reaction. Though far from the greatest warrior; Richarr holds a skill for single combat, that matches some of the best in the dueling trade.

Athletic: The Ravenstad has always maintained himself as an athletic type. His ability to sprint and run long distances, has saved him many a sour moment. Richarr can make short distances with ease; practicing the skill in his spare hours, of which he has many. This athletic ability allows the man a great deal of speed in his movements, both in combat, and in recreation. His active personality often boosts this trait innumerably.

Short Fused: When questioned on matters of manhood, honor, love, or prestige, Richarr is quick to aggravate. Holding these qualities deep to his heart, means passion can often overthrow his sense of reason, when disgraced on this matters. Violence, irrational statements, and wild insults can come from such interactions. (Roll 20: 1-20 severity rating.)

Life Story

Richarr Ravenstad was born 276AC in Hinterlandia to Lord Anton Ravenstad and Adrianna Ravenstad, daughter of an affluent New Regalian family living within Brissaud. Raised amid a period of rampant militarisation, Lord Anton Ravenstad (often deemed as a fetishist of New Regalian culture) sent his son to the estates of his in-laws to be brought up away from his native lands. It is here where the boy would learn Alt-Regalian prior to his own native tongue of Leutz, where he would fall under the parenthood of his Uncle Gunther Von Jonas-burgh. He was raised isolated from his siblings for the most part.

Teenage Years
Richarr ventured to Calemberg in his young-adulthood being taught Drixon Cavalrymanship and a variety of thin-blade techniques . In his time in Calemberg he grew a reputation among the locals for dealing cards unfairly, wild passion, and a temper which was hard to cool. Needless to say many enemies were made for him during his time, and he would soon ride to Hinterlandia to be with his kinsmen after his training.

Richarr's prospects changed drastically, when Percival Ravenstad took the Hinterlandish seat from his father. Richarr developed a great sense of loss, of both wealth and meaning. The man would venture the Archipelago, town to town enjoying the wealth his father could spare. Soon the man ended his journeying in the Crown City, where he would drink and gamble his monthly spending away.
Last edited:
Peer Review:

Basic Information:
- Nothing to fault.

Personality and Abilities:
- Nothing to fault.

- I would add one or two sentences to 'Athletic' to bulk it up a bit - whilst it reaches the three sentence minimum I think it could mention how it effects his day to day or even his personality. Perhaps you could expand upon his skills 'of which he has many' briefly?

- Nothing to fault. I think it's great when players add rolls to their weaknesses.

Life Story:
- All good here by the looks of it. Bar one typo, last paragraph, third sentence "Spar" lacking an 'E'
Peer Review:

Basic Information:
- Nothing to fault.

Personality and Abilities:
- Nothing to fault.

- I would add one or two sentences to 'Athletic' to bulk it up a bit - whilst it reaches the three sentence minimum I think it could mention how it effects his day to day or even his personality. Perhaps you could expand upon his skills 'of which he has many' briefly?

- Nothing to fault. I think it's great when players add rolls to their weaknesses.

Life Story:
- All good here by the looks of it. Bar one typo, last paragraph, third sentence "Spar" lacking an 'E'

Edits made! Thanks for the review!
Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities
    • The third paragraph needs to elaborate on his interactions with family and whether that is different or the same in comparison to how he interacts with close friends.
Other than that, this applications seems well-rounded. Mark the above changes in red and tag me when you're ready.
Edited Character to reflect the new Drixon Lore. Changed height, and character weight, along with combat school from Mariposa to Drixon, to better reflect the Cavalier character-type I was looking for. Requesting a quick re-approval @Valentinian
My only qualm is that I think it'd be more appropriate to utilize a sabre given the new school. Tag me that's sorted out.
@MonMarty @Carlit0o Hey guys, just looking for a re-review! I've edited in pro-points and changed the life story accordingly. I was told that I could keep the personality section from the old review format, but if I'm wrong about that I'll sort it out in the review! Cheers!