Preserved Sheet Ria Valvaris

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Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score

Basic Information
Full name: Ria Alais Valvaris
Age: 57 (19th of May, 251AC)
Gender: Female
Race: Cielothar
Sexuality: Straight

Ria is the average Regalian civilian. She lives in a small home just outside of the Allar district with her brother, Axil. They have lived there together for several months having previously been saving up money to have their own home. Beforehand, they lived in the basement below the Valvaris Tearooms.

The Nelfin was born to two commoner Cielothars. Before an unusual disappearance, Ria had a sister named Terbis and still has a much younger brother named Axil. The Valvaris family was relatively small due to an inherent poor immune system, often causing young deaths. Both of her grandparents passed away before her birth and whilst her father had an elder brother, her mother was an only child. Her uncle was killed in battle during Ria's childhood.

Regarding her life ambitions, she strives to be a positive influence, helping those around her in any way possible. Despite her comfortably shared aim to become a medic or historian, her darkest desire is to avenge her mother's death.

Skill Information
+25 Medical Sciences (Points)
+10 Alchemy Sciences (Points)
+10 Musical Arts (Hobby Points)
+10 Threads Arts (Points)
+5 Linguistics (Points)
+6 Historical Knowledge (Ailor, Nelfin) (Points)
+4 Cultural/Society Knowledge (Western) (Points)

Physical stat = 0

Body Information
Slim body shape
Average body fat

Plains Elven
D'ithanie (Linguistics)

Visual Information
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Strawberry brown
Hair style: Down and curly
Skin color: Peachy
Clothing: Various outfits (see expansion)
Height: 5'5

Ria has a gentle look about her at a glance. She has large, puppy-like eyes with a gorgeous shamrock green hue, enhanced by her strikingly long lashes. With a small, delicate nose, her lips are plump and full with an alluring red tint. She has a subtle lining of freckles, spanning from cheek to cheek, travelling over the bridge of her nose. Her cheeks are often rosy with warmth. Her expression is generally soft, though it often becomes slightly inquisitive, most likely due to her constant fascination of the world around her.

Her elegant facial features are adorned by her gorgeous strawberry brown locks, slightly lighter at the tips. The majority of the time, her hair is loose, leaving her long curls to flow freely. She has a gentle side parting, her hair swooped over to lightly frame her face.

Standing at a mere 5ft5in, Ria is particularly small Cielothar. At first sight, she seems dainty and fragile with a delicate build. With little muscle nor body fat, she is slim and well proportioned with idealistic features. She is relatively pale skinned for a Cielothar, though her skin is slightly tanned, overall a peachy colour. On her back, she has large, reddened scars, left from cruel, unprovoked whippings during her work as a scullion. She keeps these concealed a large majority of the time.
Notably a lover of fashion, Ria has a large range of outfits, though she does have several signature looks. Generally speaking, she wears golden jewellery, cute hoop earrings decorating her long Nelfin ears. Her iconic outfit consists of a mint green dress which reaches her knees. It has an intricate, white lace collar with three-quarter length sleeves and a tight waistband, welcoming a looser, bell-skirt shaped, bottom half. On top of her dress, she wears a somewhat oversized, pear green, blend topcoat, hanging down to her ankles. On her feet, she wears tan gladiator sandals, wrapping around her lower leg. Other outfits include a lime jumpsuit with leather detailing and a tan leather belt around her waist, accompanied by a matching golden hairpiece. She also has a go-to formal off-the-shoulder dress, scarlet in colour with golden linings, with a soft meringue underdress revealed as the above layer splits below her waist. Every day she wears her diamond engagement ring, ornamenting her ring finger.

Ria's tone of voice is gentle and soothing, relatively high in pitch, almost child like. Her words are songful though softly spoken. Her accent resembles that of a loose Irish accent with a hint of 'typical' British.

Alignment: Good
Personality: Logician
Religion: Estel (7/10)

Ria is naturally selfless and generous nature, always striving to give to others and share her love. She is wise and knowledgeable, always trying to squeeze her studying into her everyday life. Typically, she'll sit behind the counter, nose deep in a book. She's particularly sweet, extremely against the idea of violence, though she would never force her views upon others. Furthermore, she is easily excitable and becomes very energetic and enthusiastic. This becomes very apparent when discussing things which she is passionate about.

Ria's quirks include biting her lip, often when in thought, and blushing to an extreme when embarrassed. She is also particularly excitable! Also, she is a bad lightweight, despite enjoying her drink. Additionally, Ria is a vegetarian.

The Nelfin has a passion for her pink gin and sincerely enjoys going out with her friends and family. Despite this, she enjoys her work with non-alcoholic drinks also, using her creativity to come up with experimental kaffees. She also has a love for almost all animals, melting at the sight of a kitten, desperate to give it some of her affection. On top of these, she is happiest around those she loves - her 'baby' brother, fiancé and trustworthy friends.

Though she truly loves animals, she has a fear of untamed birds too close to her - the idea of an animal swooping down towards her truly terrifies her. She also dislikes wasps (and bees if they approach), scared to death of the concept of being stung after an unfortunate encounter with a queen wasp at a young age. In terms of social dislikes, she strongly dislikes racism, willingly involving herself in conflict to prevent it. Though she accepts the hierarchy and statuses in Regalia, she often feels saddened that people aren't treated equally.
Axil Valvaris ( @WolfKun ):
As Ria's only sibling, she holds Axil very close to her heart. He was born when she was only 9 years old, not long after Terbis' disappearance. They live together in harmony, often found out and about together. Overall, they have a very close and loving relationship - Ria wants to ensure that Axil will grow to be the best that he can be.

Elias Brandt ( @__TheDarkLord__ ):
Elias is Ria's fiancé, having recently gotten engaged. They met when the Ailor entered the empty tearooms to shelter from a rain storm and their romance blossomed from there!

Cinna Eledhwen ( @Souled ):
After a brief relationship with a noble, Ria met Cinna whilst she was talking with the noble's father. They became friends afterwards as Cinna often visited the tearooms. After some time, they became close, often meeting to gossip and have a good catch up.


Background Information

Birth - 18 Years Old

Ria is an intelligent, ambitious Cielothar girl from Daendroc. She grew up with her parents and younger sister. Her sister, Terbis, ran away from home at a young age, and was gone for some time. In this time, Ria decided that she would dedicate more time and effort to her studies, in hopes of one day having a rewarding job, providing a wonderful life for Terbis upon her return. However, Terbis never came home.

At a young age, their mother became chronically ill (encouraged by the distress of Terbis' disappearance), developing a complex disease which would leave her bedridden for many years. Ria would often spend her time sat by her mother's side while her father would be hard at work as a dedicated fletcher. Days before diagnosis, Ria's mother fell pregnant with Axil. This worsened her health, though she gave birth to a happy and healthy baby boy whom Ria swore to protect with her life.

Ria and her mother would spend much of their time learning about history and culture together in order to pass the time, Axil gargling happily from his cot in the corner. She would return from the library most days with piles of dusty old books in her arms for them to read, both intrigued and fascinated. They would discuss their findings and engage in thoughtful, philosophical conversation, building up a close scholarly bond. Ria viewed her mother as not only her best friend, but as her mentor as well. This sparked Ria's initial interest in the past and society which she continued to study for many years on a daily basis until her mother began to grow more frail.

As her mother became more sickly, Ria began to study medicine on the side with hopes of one day curing her mothers disease. Her regular historical and cultural studies became less frequent as her mother was often asleep for many hours, or had very little energy for studying with her daughter. As a result, Ria would spend her spare time in the local college, reading hundreds of books on modern medicine as well as traditional herbal remedies.

18 Years Old - 35 Years Old

Ria's advanced studies continued throughout her later childhood and adolescence, determined to become the best that she can be. She was engrossed, reading hundreds of books on the history and cultures of multiple races. Fascinated by ancient history and the tragedies of the past, as it truly reminded her of the happy memories she made with her mother, and she strived to guide others to avoid the horrors historically faced.

During her studies, Ria worked as a scullion in the upper class homes, cleaning the kitchens and lower floors. As her parents grew older, Ria worked many hours for several years, earning her keep in the family home. Her father had difficulty finding clients to work for as the local fletcher as other, less traditional weaponry became more popular in the local area. Consequently, he began to struggle financially to support his wife's medication as well as put food on the table for the four of them.

In desperation, Ria's father turned to magic in hopes of healing his wife's disease. He contacted a suspicious Kathar who promised to heal her in return for his work as a ditcher in another region far away. Ria's father left to work for the Kathar, leaving Ria and her mother to alone in the family home.

Unaware of the agreement, Ria returned home one day after a short trip to find a letter explaining his departure and that by the time she would be back, her mother should be healthy again. Upon walking into her mothers room, she found her - cold as ice - laying in her deathbed.

35 Years Old - 55 Years Old

Ria remained in Daendroc, preserving the family home, raising Axil by herself. She worked hard for many years, passing through many jobs in the area. She was so focused on her work and raising her brother into a caring young man that she never really thought about any serious relationships nor a family. She simply continued to work, pay the bills and repeat for many years.

Throughout this time, Ria would spend her spare evenings reading through the hundreds of texts her and her mother had once read, as well as the notes and books from the medicinal studies she had completed at a younger age. During this slow, dismal period, Ria was content with the quiet life of solitude that she was living with Axil. She continued to educate herself and work hard.

As Ria neared half a century of age, she was approached by an unusual hooded figure. They explained that her father had hung himself many years ago after hearing about his wife's death. After building up the strength and courage for many years whilst also saving up the money to take action, Ria decided that enough was enough. She quit her job and put the family home up for auction. She didn't want to live a tragic and miserable life a single moment longer.

55 Years Old - Present

At the age of 55, Ria finally packed her bags and left Daendroc with her brother. With the closure of her father's death and nobody to turn to, she decided that it was time to live life for themselves.

She now temporarily runs the Valvaris Tearooms, living around the corner in a small, cosy home, hoping to master her studies of medicine and history behind the counter until she can find somewhere to settle down and find proper work to pursue a secure and successful career helping those around her.​
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Please add more to your backstory! Considering your characters' age there's still a lot more to add like life-changing events or interactions.

Please make the edits in purple and tag me!
@Nesstro I've made the edits. I didn't put them in purple as I totally readjusted the backstory to expand it and make it more interesting. I've also lowered her age to 57 to fit this back story as it won't affect the skill information. Is this all okay?
@Nesstro I've added in her younger brother (Axil) to the back story. I have removed some skills (which were never used) to allow room to acquire skills in the future with the leftover points.
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@Caelamus @Nesstro Not sure who to tag? I've just added all of the expansion sections so there's some extra detail!
Next time use a different color so it's easier to see what you changed please. You also still have 10 points to use.
@Nesstro I've added +10 Threads Arts to fill up these points - sorry about that; next time I'll make sure to add colours to show my changes!