Preserved Sheet Rhylo Murphy

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The Two-World Diplomat
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
the Void



⚒️ Basic Information ⚒️
  • Full Name: Rhylo Murphy
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Shenath Kathar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

⚒️ Skill Information ⚒️
  • Proficiency Points: 45​
    • +10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (from Race)​
    • +15 Sailing Knowledge (from Points)​
    • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (from Points)​
    • +15 Metallurgy Arts (from Points)​
    • +5 Admiral Knowledge (from Points)​
  • Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat:
      • +15 Sailing Knowledge​
      • +10 Fast Blade Combat
      • +10*2 Unarmed Combat​
      • +15 Metallurgy Arts​
      • Total: 50​
    • Body Shape: Muscular​
    • Body Fat: Low Body Fat​
  • Languages:
    • Kathar Elven Dialect (taught by his Father and Mother)​
    • Common (learned during his travels)​

⚒️ Visual Information ⚒️
  • Eye Color: Bright Green​
  • Hair Color: Ash Black​
  • Hair Style: Medium/Long Messy​
  • Skin Color: Grey​
  • Clothing:
    • Normally grey and black clothes;​
    • Rarely dresses as if still a pirate;​
    • Usually wears light armour on:​
      • Chest and Abdominal​
      • Full Back​
      • Lower Waist​
      • Shoulders​
      • Sleeves (uses gauntlets)​
  • Height: 193cm​


⚒️ Personality and Abilities ⚒️
  • As far as other people's perception of Rhylo is concerned, he proves to be impulsive and shows indifference to others. His egocentric nature makes him discard the consequences of his actions in normal cases. In particular cases, however, Rhylo can be willing to form alliances with others, however always maintaining a secondary intention. He's very distrustful and careful when making new acquaintances. He may also sound greedy, mundane, reckless and lacks courtesy in the eyes of strangers.
  • Inside his mind, Rhylo easily builds up anger, accumulated by frustration and lack of fulfil. Rhylo looks for intense and dangerous experiences that drive his hungry personality, never content. He will likely discharge his rage and temperament on those around him until he feels satisfied or they leave. His intentions and needs are put before anyone else's.
  • Rhylo often lacks sentimental connections with everyone. He is not one to attach to other people more than in a strictly physical way. However, Rhylo is able to recognize when he owes people or they deserve his company and will likely be loyal to them. However, due to his temper, it is very unlikely that these relationships or bonds last long.
  • Derivative of his egocentric personality and sourced by interest, Rhylo is only a man of his word when he sees fit for his benefit. He often runs from responsibility. However, when it comes to people he has interest in, and, even if his promises are very few, he keeps all of the ones made to them.
⚒️ Likes ⚒️
  • Alcohol: Rhylo loves to drink, is it for the taste, or simply his old days as a pirate.
  • Conflicts: Rhylo finds conflicts between people rather amusing. He is one to laugh at a fight. He also tends to start them.
  • Slaves: the feeling of control is everything to Rhylo. He will not think twice before enslaving someone, especially women.
  • Torturing: maybe due to his distorted past or simply his thirst for control, he finds pleasure in torturing or seeing other people being tortured.
⚒️ Dislikes ⚒️
  • Vampires: Rhylo displays a straight hate for most vampires. According to his philosophy, they are nothing but a disease. He will, however, help one, if it is convenient for him.
  • Courtesy: whenever he finds a noble or a normal citizen displaying courtesy, he will most likely despise it and feel disgusted.
  • Other Egocentric Individuals: for Rhylo, there's only one person that is superior – himself. If others find themselves better than him, he will most likely tend to show them the opposite, normally in the worst ways.

⚒️ Life Story ⚒️
  • Some time before Rhylo was born, his father, a Kathar pirate, owner of a vessel, came to meet in one of his getaways in Korbamakora, Capital of the Songaskian Masaya, Farah'deen, a Kathar prostitute and Songaskian slave that caught his attention.
  • Rhylo's father was, much like his son would turn out to be, mundane and reckless in his path, having returning to the sea after developing an uncommon romantic relationship with that Kathar. 5 years passed before his father would return to Farah'deen, having travelled along all the sea in Aloria.
  • In his return, his father would discover his former romantic partner would have given birth to a child of his, to which he responded impulsively, by confronting the slave. He wouldn't allow his kid to grow in such a captive environment to be just another Songaskian slave. As so, and finding resistance from the woman, he kills Rhylo's mother at her work place and takes him by force, leaving the continent as fast as possible to ensure his own safety.
  • Due to his father's tendency to never settle and to run from his origins and his mother's culture that was embedded in the Songaskian one, Rhylo never really showed any interest or tried to connect with Kathar's cultures, neither did he explore magic.
  • Beyond this point, Rhylo was taught to sail and fight. He soon would forget his memories from his childhood, either from the trauma, or simply because he was very young. He worked many years as a pirate beside his father, learning from him and seeing him as a reference. He believed his mother had been killed by rivals.
  • At his age of 15, he learns the true story about the death of his mother, after overhearing conversations during the vessel's return to Farah'deen. This ends in a gruesome fight between him and his father during the ship's sail to Regalia. His father ends up dead and thrown off the vessel. The one trustful crewman his father had was also killed on the same night, food poisoned.
  • Rhylo bribes the crew to keep the ship stable and becomes the pirate captain himself. Much like his father, Rhylo spends the following years as a mundane and selfish pirate, earning money from theft and slavery. Rhylo never really settled in any continent, though learning much about every culture, travels from which he learned the Common language.
  • He tattooed his face during this time, after his mother's memory.
  • Around the age of 25, his crew riots against him and threatens to throw him out, though he manages to leave the vessel in Regalia, by handing over a huge chunk of his earnings to them.
  • In Regalia, he finds out he was added a bounty to his head. He is hunted down in the slums barely making it out alive, with the help of a woman slave. To pay back his debt, he takes the woman as a slave by making a deal with her owner. Although he planned to set her free, he decides not to and uses it to his advantage.
  • As the woman attempts to fight off his ownership by escaping, the two maintain a constant cat and mouse chase. Later on, and after various successful attempts of beguiling guards, he gets arrested and lashed for his crime of slavery and for resisting arrest.
  • After serving some weeks of time in jail, being 30 years old at the time, he decides to reinvent his objectives and be more cautious, starting by studying Metallurgy in Regalia to become a blacksmith.
  • For the last 15 years he has taken his mundane life in Regalia like always, hiding away in alcohol, women and slavery, now much more cautious and aware of his actions. He worked as a blacksmith, having opened various shops and selling his products around either the slums or the rest of the city.



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Alright, let's get started. @Conspixuous

Skill Information:
  • For some reason you have light bow in your body stat equation, but not listed in your proficiency list. In your current layout you're out of points, so you need to either remove its mention or adjust your points.
  • Remove "Racial Limitation: 44"
  • Without linguistics knowledge, your character cannot learn Sofaal. His mother was a kathar, and he would pick up her native language.
Personality and Abilities:
  • Your personality is a bit conflicting. In your first and second body paragraphs you go on about how self-centered, greedy, and egocentric he is, but in your fourth the way you talk about him is completely different. It's not to say a greedy man has to be a liar, but his motivations are often different. Adjust and elaborate.
I understand the logic and your reasoning for him knowing Sofaal, but for the sake of consistency between kathar racial buffs and language guidelines it has to be removed or compensated for. If you really would like to have it added you can either age him up six years, not a big deal since he's an elf, or switch it from another proficiency.

Mark all changes in pink.