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Local Imperial Knight
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score


"Some say that looking for hidden threats everywhere is a miserable existence. I say it's a rewarding one, for service to your fellow man so they can sleep soundly is one of the most selfless acts you can perform."



Full Name:
Rhenauld Archambault de la Lance
》Goes By: Rhenauld Archambault
》Nom de Court: Rhenauld Vrière-Regalois Soleil de Plomb Coeur Archambault de la Lance Loup Blanc de Basta
Race: Ithanian Archon Ailor
Age: 22
Gender: (chain)Mail
Eye Color: Light Purple
Affliction: Red Hunter Archon, of Caius


Rhenauld is an eccentric young man, born and raised by the high society of Ithania, trained by the Villiers to be an outspoken, sometimes crass, and bold defender of faith.
Rhenauld is a firm follower of Caius, believing rampant occult are the reason that life and faith are under constant threat.


Total Points - 14/14

Strength - 6
》Duelist Pack
》Demolisher Pack
》Warrior Pack
》Heavy Pack
》Dismount Pack
》Warden Pack​
Constitution- 5
》Block Pack
》Bastion Pack
》Counterplay Pack
》Recovery Pack
》Ironheart Pack​
Wisdom - 0
Charisma - 3

》Charger Pack
》Rearguard Pack
》Trampling Pack​
Magic - 0
Dexterity - 0


Ithanian Ailor Racials
》Manifest Familiar
》Dark Empathy
》Practice Mockery
》Manifest Destiny
》Destiny Stressors
》Job Opportunities
Red Hunter Archon Abilities
》Archon Eyes
》Archon Mount
》Archon Speech
》Archon Design
》Archon Wings
》Archon Afflicted

》Red Hunter Apostleform
》Red Hunter Battlerage
》Red Hunter Firesoul
》Red Hunter Carnager​
Melee Point Buy
》Technique Parry
》Force Smash
》Knockback Sweep
》Battle Flurry
》Disable Mount​
Athletic Point Buy
》Bouncer Throw
Defensive Point Buy
》Rage Counter
》Shield Wall
》Shield Block​
Training Point Buy
》Recovery Pack
》Ironheart Pack​
Cavalry Pack
》Cavalry Summon
》Cavalry Charge
》Cavalry Bucking
》Cavalry Rearing


Rhenauld is a tall, built young man who's very clearly at the peak of his physical standard. Wavy golden hair is swept back loosely, sat atop youthful features. Vibrant, shining purple eyes glitter with intelligence and a sense of smugness, while a cocky grin is flashed your way. Any armor the Villiers wears is meticulously cared for, more suited for a showroom than an actual battlefield, but very much still effective in its employment.
Any clothing the young man wears is indicative of his Ithanian heritage, bright silken garbs over a trim and form-fitting suit. Knee high boots and worn leather gloves compliment the young man's eyes, while the gold trim upon his coat highlights his hair. Various decorative pieces of armor are added, very much a fashion statement, and accentuate his figure.






"If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear the pain of loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater."


Rhenauld was born into a Knightly family, to a servant woman and a young noble who promptly married to save the reputation of the family

To continue the family tradition, (and to avoid the shame of being called the servant's kid for the rest of his upbringing), Rhenauld was sent to the Carainthais Cloister to learn the ways of the Villiers. Rhenauld was assigned a mentor of Etosian descent, who was unbeknownst to him, a Red Hunter himself. Despite being an Ithanian, Rhenauld took to his mentors teachings, and very quickly fell in line with his beliefs in Dragons, and the Occult. During his training, Rhenauld had a noticeable trend of clashing with authoritative figures every now and again, and he garnered a reputation to be that of a loose-cannon at times. Just before he graduated, Rhenauld underwent the ritual to become a Red Hunter himself.

Upon graduating from the Cloister, Rhenauld spent a year traveling as a guard for the Ithanian Embassy to Regalia.

After traveling most of the Archipelago, he heard the call for help from the Unionists during the Bralla/Bronn Occupation, and made his way there.

Format: Name (@) [x/10] - Small blurb

Thodoris Condopoulos [9/10] - Words could never describe how much I owe to you for all your years of mentorship. Thank you for faith, and a clearer take on life.

Erwin Braunschweiger (@BeetrootSalad) [6/10] - You carry the weight of expectations upon your back, and let it direct your thoughts. Allow yourself to relax, and you'll see your worth.

Tim Borros (@Dodink) [5/10] - Quick to anger, yet caring. I respect it.

Howland von Schwarzkrau (@Hemingway7) [5/10] - A strong leader, and a Noble Knight. I admire the tenacity.

Sabina (@LeafMC) [3/10] - Ow. I hope you find worth in this world.

Émilienne Di Civita (@RaggedyGrace) [5/10] - A fellow brother in arms, may we walk in the light.

Paris Petrou (@CamelOfTheSea) [5/10] - A friendly face, and friendly voice. I look forward to our work.

Alexeios Katopodis (@MippyMoo) [3/10] - You are dead. You shouldn't be walking. Why are you walking?

Alfred Rolfe (@PaladinoGui) [4/10] - You're broken, and have made it plain. You must change your path, or it will consume you.

Therese Braunschweiger (@microwavemmm) [7/10] - I was honored to alleviate your burdens, for nobody deserves to struggle alone.

Galinthios Diakos (@KrakenLord01) [5/10] - A fellow Villliers, and a brother in arms. For the Empire.

Aleksandra Dragic (@Lionfiles) [6/10] - A noblewoman who shares flasks and cracks jokes? Are you sure you're not Ithanian?

Viggo Braggison @CritThis [6/10] - A most generous Urlan, and someone who cares for others. I respect you, mon ami.
Avael Daalsein @RainAxe [7/10] - A man who's committed to faith and code, yet still humble enough to crack jokes and break bread. An honorable noble, hard to find these days.

Riftan Vaedra - @AlienDark12 [5/10] - Dedicated to the Empire, a fellow Knight, always good for conversation, I hope we become better friends.

Natharia Blàrach - @Maeovika [5/10] - That whiskey was almost as good as the conversation. Keep swinging for the records, Countess. You'll go far.

Asenath - @Stellarrix [7/10] - You understand me, for that I will forever be grateful to our crossing paths. I hope to see you again.

Henri @HydraLana [6/10] - A friendly face in this often unfriendly city, mon ami. I so enjoy our conversations and meetings, though I should ask, when's that due date again?

More to come :)

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