Preserved Sheet Rhelamal Mieliste

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Far Too Verbose Writer
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Rhelamal Mieliste
  • Race: El-Maraya
  • Age: 48
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: He/Him/They/Them
  • Find out IC
  • Eye Color: Peach
Core Concept
  • Rhelamal is agnostic, believing that powerful entities do indeed exist, but that he is beholden to none of them. He adheres loosely to the ideals of the Tohn Sona, knowing his own race as superior, but has taken a more Songaskian approach, believing that all races have their place in the world, but that Maraya are ultimately destined to lead them to a golden age.
  • Rhelamal is an engineer and craftsman that specializes in ballistics, creating devices both mighty and discrete that function using crystaltech: both through carefully-crafted harmony, and deliberately-engineered discordance to create violent reactions. He spent a lot of time in Farah'deen, perfecting his craft and his own fighting prowess before returning to Ithania.
Proficiency Information
  • +12 Utility Ranged
  • +12 Engineering
  • +3 Sorcery
  • +15 Warlash Combat (10 skill, 5 racial)
  • +7 Sculpting
  • +6 Linguistics
  • +5 Vocal Arts (5 hobby)
  • +5 Husbandry Arts (5 hobby)
  • Physical: 24/25 (15 melee, 9 utility ranged, sculpting)
Ability Information
  • Ranged Combat
    • Brittle Shot
    • Knocking Shot
    • Net Shot
  • Sorcery
    • World Shift 1
  • Crystaltech Engineering
    • Environment
    • Weapons
    • Hooking
    • Mending
  • El-Maraya Racials
  • Common (Free)
  • Shalota (Parent)
  • Ithanian (Linguistics)
  • Sofaal (Linguistics)
Appearance Information
  • Rhelamal is very well-built, possessing a very lean Athletic build with Low body fat. His skin is a warm light blue, and his hair is a violet blue, the cool colors of his body broken by a pair of soft peach-orange eyes that are constantly analyzing, constantly in thought. His hair is long and flows freely, and the ridges on his forehead are triangular. He stands 6'1" tall, weighs 150 lbs, and favors light clothing. Always on his person is a bracer laden with various crystals, which functions as a compact wrist-mounted crossbow, that can reconfigure to a Stirrin-like shape.
Life Story
  • Childhood: Rhelamal is a skyfallen Maraya, sold to and hatched by Ithanians, and raised as a curious servant for the family. The Maraya that were hatched together by this Ithanian family took on the name of Mieliste, and considered each other to be family as well.

  • Adolescence: Was a hard working, if unorthodox servant. His loyalty to his family and his house, Maraya and Ailor alike, was fierce. He had a showiness to him, and liked performing tasks in complicated ways rather than simple ones. He learned how to song-bend, and used such to hasten his hobby of crafting. At 18 he was introduced to a Maraya from another house, named Lemsyll, who was destined to be his wife. He married her within a year. His loyalty to his family and his wife could not shake his unease of not belonging however, and he sought out the Home Swarm. He found it before he had turned twenty.

  • Adulthood: Spent much time in the cloud civilization of the Home Swarm, where he latched onto crystaltech engineering, and he innovated with a myriad of complex devices that were small enough to be worn or carried by a house servant with ease. He also had a distinct interest for fighting, and approached learning the Stirrin much like he approached engineering. In the interest of furthering his craft, he sought out the Qadir, and learning from their engineers taught him much. He also spent much time among Songaskians, and it is with them that he sharpened his contraption-laden fighting style to a fine edge.

  • Rhelamal came to Regalia at the age of 48. He returned to Ithania, learned that much of his old family had gone there, and has followed suit. He wants to reconnect with them, and show off to the world the fruits of his decades of labor.
Progression Information
  • Warrior Level 2, Engineer Level 1
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Also, first time with the new template. Apologies for any errors that result.