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Played Character Rhain Brec'han

This character is actively played.


[put cool title here]
Staff member
Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
the universe



❖ Character Information
  • Full Name: Rhain Brec'han
  • Race: Half-Ailor (Ailor dominant, Maquixtl recessive), Breizh
  • Age: 25 years
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Caan Godborn, Mage (God Magic)

❖ Core Concept
  • A young Aelrrigan knight who intends to follow in his father's footsteps while also trying to create a legacy of his own. Raised by his staunch Unionist mother, he dares not stray from the faith's values.

❖ Appearance Information
  • Rhain stands at 6'4" (193 cm) with a physique befit a knight. He has a light tan and dark red hair which is typically kept short, with a short beard to match. Slightly pointed ears mark his heritage as a half-Ailor. Rhain is never seen without his tinted goggles, which dim his uncomfortably bright solid blue eyes.
  • Due to his heritage as a Godborn, each arm is completely covered by glowing blue markings resembling space, reaching all the way up to the shoulders. They are interspersed with patterns of starry lines which can move around and glow differently depending on what Rhain is doing.

By MonMarty!


By MonMarty!




By @alegolailo on Twitter !


By @CocoaCherry !



By @CocoaCherry !



Gifted by @Lizmun , drawn by @Scribbe !

(Older design below)

By MonMarty!


By CocoaCherry!



❖ Proficiencies
  • Proficiencies: ATK - Strength, DEF - Constitution
    • Strength: 7
      • (Free) Careful Fighter
      • Weapon Throw
      • Technique Parry
      • Concussive Blow
      • Pinning Throw
      • Knockback Sweep
      • Cheap Shot
      • Bruising Strike
    • Constitution: 5
      • (Ailor) Status Endure
      • (Ailor) Rage Counter
      • (Free) Shield Block
      • Shield Cover
      • Shield Bunker
      • Shield Taunt
      • Shield Phalanx
      • Shield Snare
    • Intelligence: 0
    • Wisdom: 0
    • Dexterity: 0
    • Faith: 0
    • Magic: 2
      • God Magic Custom Kit: Here
      • Magic Cleanse
      • Magic Isolate

❖ Languages
  • Breizh (Parent)
  • Common (Free)
  • Nātl (Intermediate)

❖ Mechanics
  • Ailor Mechanic: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
  • Ailor Mechanic: Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
  • Ailor Mechanic: Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
  • Maquixtl Mechanic: Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
  • Sihndar Mechanic: Sihndar take less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Mystech Spirit-Type (incl Bound Automata) Character applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 HP.

  • Caanborn Mechanic: Caan Godborn can make their usage of a Sinistral Variant Magic Spell, count as Radiant instead, once per day. Additionally, Caan Godborn can use a form of Magic sonar that floods an area with tiny magical particles that create an outline that they can see despite their blindness or difficulty of seeing. Objects and people that are anti-Magic repel this effect and appear like a void, while incredibly powerful people or artifacts are almost intolerably bright.
  • Caanborn Mechanic: Caan Godborn must sacrifice one Heritage Trait Mechanic of their own, which becomes a commutable Mechanic. Caan Godborn can then align with any other Heritage and choose one Mechanic from their Heritage Traits. This does not change their Design appearance, but can change the appearance of their mutated Arms to bear the aesthetics, symbols, or colors associated with the aligned Heritage.
  • Caanborn Mechanic: Caan Godborn can supercharge the glowing light in their eyes, removing any eye cover or goggles they were wearing to dampen its effect, and use the glow from their eyes as a (laser) weapon. This does not change any Combat Mechanics or Styles, it is purely for the aesthetic flair of Emotes. Additionally, Caan Godborn cannot be blindfolded or blinded by having their eyes covered, since they see through Magic.

  • Penn Carchar Mechanic: Penn Carchar Knights gain a +2 Bonus to every Persuasion Dice roll while also raising the Persuasion Cap by +2. Additionally Foreign Diplomats like them more.

  • Prized Combat Mechanic: Matter Guard
    Rhain cannot be Targeted by Sinistral Magic due to his anti-Magic. Secondly, because of anti-matter of weapons approaching him, opponents deal only -1HP (triggers Block Tokens) damage to him (instead of -2 HP) for melee weapons only. This Mechanic applies to Rhain, but can be transferred to another ally once per Combat Scene, before going back to him at the end.
  • Prized Roleplay Mechanic: Matter Manipulator
    Rhain is Regalia's best Matter Mage. Because Waterdruppel is Regalia Manager World Staff, Rhain can materialize anything, or any size, anywhere. This can include massive buildings, walls, clearances, castles, houses, arenas, and pool houses, as well as small aesthetic things like furniture or drinking mugs. All of these creations are counted as Radiant Magic.
  • Matter Prison
    Rhain can cure or remove any Curse of any strength (even Custom Kit-empowered ones), but he can only do so by trapping the Curse into a Cursed Obelisk (a large construct with Region greeting). This Obelisk becomes a permanent fixture, and radiates Dark Magic in its area, but is largely and effectively sealed off with the Curse no longer able to affect anyone outside of it.
  • Matter Farsight
    Rhain can remove his glasses which produces a bright starlight that bends into the Terrasphere and allows him to see events transpiring far away. This can either be done during an Event (inquire with DM), or generally speaking (inquire in Tickets what he would see). Farsight can see through buildings or underground, but some forces may look back when gazed at.
  • Matter Godvirtue
    Rhain has additional Unionist blessings from his father. Firstly, he is immune to any Curses himself, unless produced by a Greater Entity, or Custom Kits with a Prized Mechanic related to Curses. Secondly, he can subtly influence people around them by heightening their virtues like charity, temperance, chastity, kindness, and so forth, but Targets can ignore this influence.
  • Matter Savior
    Rhain inherits Mechanic 2 from Nolvan Godborn: he can will anyone to not die. He can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, if he dies in battle, he instead becomes Burning Choir Undead.

  • Amontaar Company Mechanics: Here


❖ Life Story
  • Childhood: Rhain was born to his mother Iseult Brec'han and Caan the Mightbringer in a relatively large village settled at the edge of some woodlands, living an otherwise uneventful childhood.
  • Adolescence: While occasionally helping out in his mother's stonemasonry business, Rhain was soon inspired by the stories of his father and many other legendary figures. Because of his own aspirations, and his eyes' magical appearance, he was soon enrolled at the nearby Aelrrigan Chapterhouse, Penn Carchar, starting his training as a knight.
  • Early Adulthood: From the start, he was set on making his parents, wherever one of them may be, proud. This made him a particularly rebellious child with something to prove, despite his best efforts to live up to his faith's tenets. Still, he mellowed out over time, graduated as a fine knight, and set out to do his duty.
  • Arrival in Regalia: With a call for more manpower, Rhain was summoned to Regalia to protect the Enemohér alongside his fellow knights.

❖ Plot Hooks
  • The Past, his Home: While he has sworn loyalty to the Empire at large, Rhain will always keep a soft spot for his homeland, Kintyr, and the rich Breizh culture.
    • He is as such positively dispositioned to Breizh characters, and will extend his service to any matters pertaining to the region.
    • Storytelling is a big part of his culture; he is happy to hear those of others, or to retell his own.
    • Rhain grew up with Unionism. He does not believe in forced conversion (as everyone will find their way to Unionism eventually), and thus interacts with most other (legal) faithful without issue, unless it comes down to conflicting opinions on Magic and the Occult.
  • The Present, his Duty: Moulded by the Aelrrigan Order from a young age, duty comes first to Rhain, even if that may put strain on the relations he has with those around him. Though duty also extends to his personal life for him, whether it comes to friends, family, or otherwise.
    • His protection of the Occult as an Aelrrigan comes in many forms, whether it be in giving (sometimes unwarranted) advice, or protecting the innocent from harm.
    • As someone who sees the world through Magic, Rhain has focused on studying Magical theory, and is always happy to have a (healthy) discussion on the topic.
    • He has great respect for other Knights, granted he deems them honourable, and will more easily form friendships with these Characters.
  • The Future, his Legacy: Having heard so many legendary tales of heroes growing up, he can't help but feel the pressure of his heritage, and wants to be remembered as a great Knight himself.
    • Rhain will often jump into battle to protect others. He can be asked for help on dangerous adventures if his Code is respected, and the goal justified.
    • Ever since Caan's public forum in Regalia, Rhain has felt a little more conflicted about (his relationship to) his father. He seeks guidance on the matter, and can be found seeking for more information on his godly parent.
Last edited:
~ Update Log ~
  • Swapped out Fisticuffs Pack for Tactician Pack because it makes more sense and I likely won't use Fisticuffs.
~ Update Log ~
  • Added a bunch of new art, no further changes!
~ Update Log ~
  • Moved the Appearance section up and updated the various other sections to fit the new template.
  • Wrote Plot Hooks!
  • Removed the Breaker Pack and added the Ironheart Pack. Added a bulletpoint for the upcoming God Magic custom kit.
  • Bought the Gear Blessings Pack with the Ailor Buff 2, and added the Context Linguist Pack from Ailor Buff 1.
  • Added more art to the spoiler section.
~ Update Log ~
  • Added the Custom Kit document link to the Proficiency section
  • Added more art :)
~ Update Log ~
  • Updated all Pack names that changed with the recent update
~ Update Log ~
  • Changed some Proficiencies as per the big Proficiency Update:
    • Replaced Force Smash Pack and Battle Rally Pack with Unyielding Strike Pack and Diving Tackle Pack
    • Replaced Frontline Defense Pack with Shield Wall Pack
    • Replaced Resilience Pack with Shield Slam Pack
  • Added new art at the top and shuffled the existing art into the spoilered folder :)
~ Update Log ~
  • Aged up Rhain from 22 to 25
  • Replaced the Gear Boon Pack with Sacred Gear Pack
  • Replaced the (removed) Dimenthism Wisdom Pack with the Divine Smite Pack
  • Removed some old Ailor packs/mechanics that were changed during the recent Proficiency update
~ Update Log ~
  • Updated the art at the top of the page and re-organised the art folder
  • Added Nãtl as a language
~ Update Log ~
  • Updated standard and Aelrrigan Proficiency spreads
    • Made mention of free Ailor Packs
    • Removed mention of Radiant Talent as per the Godborn update
    • Moved custom kit mention to the Faith category due to it being God magic
    • Swapped out Sinistral Sever for Exorcism in the Raid spread
  • Updated life story to make mention of what Aelrrigan Chapter Rhain is from
  • Added a spoiler with chosen Half-Race mechanics and Knight mechanics
  • Added more art in the designated spoiler :D
~ Update Log ~
  • Updated the entire Proficiency section as per the recent overhaul.
    • Kept most packs 1:1 aside from the ones removed and locked out due to new stance rules.
    • Spent 2 points into Magic instead.
    • Removed the Aelrrigan Raid Separate Build section for now while I'm getting used to the new packs.
  • Added more art in the designated spoiler again :)
~Update Log ~
  • Updated the Mechanics section as per the Godborn update
  • Added new art at the top :D
~ Update Log ~
  • Swapped several constitution packs as per the Shielding balancing patch