Preserved Sheet Rhaewen Ferare

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Aug 5, 2015
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ur nan ;)


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✦✧ || "Ice burns, and it is hard to the warm-skinned to distinguish one sensation, fire, from the other, frost." || ✧✦


⥴ Chosen Name: Rhaewen Ferare

⥴ [ Alias(s): Frosty, Rhae ]
⥴ [Birth Name: Nesphinae Kythaela Shainvrel-Ferare ]
Age: 20
⥴ [ Birthday: December 21st 290 AC ]
⥴ [ Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius ]
Gender: Male
Race: Bene Rexit Half Isldar

Half Isldar/Half Maquixtl
Eye Colour | Ghostly Green

CORE CONCEPT || Required ⭆
Rhaewen is a hunter, using his mixed heritage and the training given to him by his father to take down the most ferocious of Ellordor's predators, animals and men alike. Rhaewen' relationship with religion is complicated due to his parentage. In his new adult life, he's settling into dragon worship despite his paternal side's wishes. He has been influenced to worship Frisit.


♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ❆ ♠⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣


  • ⥴ Strength: 5
    • Unarmed Pack - Unarmed Dodge
    • Polearm Pack - Polearm Hop
    • Blunt Pack - Barrier Smash
    • Flexible Weapon Pack - Leaping Charge
    • Improvised Weapon Pack - Chuck and Run
  • ⥴ Constitution: 1
    • Light Shielding Pack - Shield Block
  • ⥴ Wisdom: 0
  • ⥴ Dexterity: 2
    • Parkour Pack
    • The Vandalism Pack
  • ⥴ Magic: 2 Ordial
    • Deathly Vanguard Pack
    • Spectral Guide Pack
    • Geist Weapon Pack (free) - The Glacial
  • ⥴ Charisma: 4
    • West Linguist Pack
    • Mount Pack | Advanced
      • Wyvern named Niveis
    • Pet Husbandry Pack
      • White Ferret named Ghost


Isldar Specials
Geist Specials

⥴ Languages |

[ Common | Upbringing (Fluent) ]
[ Saan | Upbringing (Fluent) West Language Pack ]
[ Sulvaley | Upbringing (Fluent) West Language Pack ]
[ Deathspeech | Geist & Racial Ability ]


♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ❆ ♠⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣


⥴ Abnormalities | Rhaewen has several facial scars, primarily on the right side of his face there are two large scratches going across his left cheek, one small one across his nose and a scar through the end of his eyebrow. Additonally, patches of skin on Rhae's cheeks and tips of his ears are glittered in a frosty texture, eyes are a ghostly Ordial Green

⥴ General Appearance | He looks like a typical half-Isldar, standing at 6'6 with relative muscle and low fat. Rhae has a serious, sullen face littered in scars and freckles, with scruffy dark grey hair which has patches of white flowing through the locks of hair.

⥴ Eidolon Form | In this form, Rhaewen is frost-biten and glazed in a thin layer of frost, skin sinks into his skull showing more of a skeletal look, with burning green eyes that faintly glow. Several large shards of mint-tinted ice stick out of his scalp like a crown. His body is mostly hidden in rough, dark steel covered in frost, mimicking that of an armour suit (non-functional), with large ice crystals sticking out the joints, inside bones can be faintly seen.


♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ❆ ♠⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣ ⋆⋅⋆♠ ♤ ♣

」⭅ LIFE STORY || Required ⭆

Rhaewen was born Nesphinae Shainvrel-Ferare to an Isldar mother and Maquixtl father in attempts to save their dying marriage in Regalia. They would get divorced early in his life.

He would be passed from parent to parent before embarking on travels with his father. He'd be attacked on a hunting trip, earning a few nasty scars to remember that by.

His mother would be executed for treason at the beginning of his adulthood, putting him in a deep state of brooding. He'd decide to change himself and his name to Rhaewen Ferare to be better comfortable in himself.

The young man would find himself dragged back to Regalia, becoming a Bene Rexit and after a long trip which resulted in him finding a cursed weapon and becoming a geist, tributing it to the Glacial for religious reasons.


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Thank you @Naramm for helping me with this app <33
      • In the works
    • TRIVIA
      • Rhae loathes wolfs, and has a general distaste for dogs that look like them.
      • He's a picky eater, and will usually order the same thing every time.
      • John Marston - Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2
      • Jack Frost - Rise of the Guardians
      • Arthas - World of Warcraft
      • In the works
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@Yurs prof update! and reworked the character to fit into the Isldar race more with the update since I've been inactive, which includes removal of silvenism, small name edit and geist affliction added
@Yurs prof update! and reworked the character to fit into the Isldar race more with the update since I've been inactive, which includes removal of silvenism, small name edit and geist affliction added
Small error on my part as I am not super familiar with the concept of geist lore, my apologies. You need to mention what type of weapon your geist uses and their locked in patron ability for that weapon.