Preserved Sheet Reynard Will

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Jan 5, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Freedom Cell
Basic Information
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Full Name: Reynard Storm Will
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alior (Dressolini)
  • Main Ambition: Happiness and honor. Reynard hopes to honor the memory and status his father had when he was in the military.
  • Special Permission: None.

    Skill Information
    • School: Tenpenny
    • Level: Expert
    • Source: Mentioned by Uncle
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia?
    Reynard is in regalia looking for happiness for nearly 40 years as a Chef and a blacksmith for a hobby.Reynard is having a decent life at the top of the lower class, an arms reach of middle class, though reynard doesn't see an issue with his current finance.
  • Describe your character's upbringing?
    Reynard was born out at sea. The mother died at birth. Lola Flower Will, A woman born in Daendroc.
Visual Information
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Dark Green
  • Hair Color: Grey (Arguably white)
  • Hair Style: Messy Lion ( )
  • Skin Color: White-Tanned
  • Clothing: Crimson Coat, Grey pants, white gloves.
  • Height: 6,0
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Curved War-Door (Shield) / Gauntlets
Visual Information (Expansion)
The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!
  • Describe the Character's facial features:
    Reynard has a scar over his left eye (Cliche warning). Normally smiles at people and has some lines at the edge of his mouth and fore-head. He looks young for his age even if it's not by much.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories:
    Reynard made their own gauntlets and helmet that they wear when there is business in the sewers. Commonly he wears his fathers crimson coat, white gloves, grey pants and shoes. The entire outfit is a hand-me-down. He does normally carry his shield on his back as an article of clothing and he carries small broken clock on the inside pocket of his coat.
  • Describe the character's voice:
    Reynard talks with a crackle or vibration in their voice. Reynard talks loud as a result to bad hearing. Deep voice can't talk very fast.
Personality and Abilities
The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, we will ask you write a paragraph to respond to each question, and we'll provide some examples to give you some ideas. If you want to be helpful to reviewers, make sure to bold the keywords you are using that are traditionally seen as traits:
  • As perceived by others: Reynard is a very happy man with a smile on his face for most of the time. Reynard follows his own mind of honor/manners. He always starts by greeting someone with a hand shake even if that person has the intention to kill him. Reynard will always help out those who seem in need. He comes off very jolly and friendly to strangers. Reynard tries to be funny whenever possible.
  • Internally to self: Reynard is very outgoing and dangerously confident in himself physically. He knows he isn't the smartest so tends not to get into politics or debates. His active imagination causes him to be so brave and outgoing. His imagination makes him very creative. An example of this is that he would have beat up a thief with the same stale piece of bread the thief stole, rather than a real weapon or his hands. Reynard has a hot temper especially when others try to insult/talk down to him.
  • Towards friends and family: Reynard constantly makes puns and jokes to his friends and family. He does value law over love and affection. There are little exceptions to what he'll put up with. If he has seen a friend or family member steal Reynard will have them put it back. Murder is non-negotiable. Reynard likes to keep his friends and family safe but he needs to make sure they're worthy of keeping safe. Reynard holds high expectations for his family and friends as he is associated with them. Reynard isn't hesitant when it comes to enforcing big crimes like murder. His friends and family don't have much of an issue with it unless they know they've done wrong. If they have broken the law they might place themselves farther away from him or try to get closer. Reynard does have a select four to whom he would never lay a finger on if they did the wrong thing.
  • Regarding Morality: Reynard is a very good man until you've done something he deems un-honorable, Like stealing or cheating. Reynard holds law above all else thought he makes an exception by taking trips to the sewers if he needs to blow off steam. He does have exceptions for people as well, A total of four people he would never lift a finger to harm. Anyone else who breaks regalian law is dead to him. Innocent until proven otherwise. Reynard wont immediately treat vampires as scum. Instead he will take them to be cured and then take the information to the current guard chapter. Reynard dislikes Qadir and treats them like the enemy. Reynard wont immediately attack without reason however will be uptight with the law. Reynard also finds Lampar to be highly annoying and irritating. Reynard doesn't discriminate any other races other than Lampar and Qadir.
  • World view: Sees everyone as innocent and friendly until proven otherwise. Reynard has no religion but does have friends who do and will join them in their form of prayer. Reynard tries to treat everyone equally until he sees ones personality and acts differently according to personality, an example would be threatening a thief to stay away or helping plant flowers with a little girl.
  • Talent : Endurance
    Reynard is has quite a bit of stamina from activities he has with friends in regalia. Including rock climbing and racing. This endurance helps him in nearly every situation. Reynard without any weapons will search for the nearest largest object to use even if it's unwieldy, endurance comes into play here.
  • Talent : Shield combat
    Very skilled with a shield in combat. Can use the shield in moderately fast motions delivering considerable force happen he try and bash a heartless goon. Being able to hold up his shield for long periods at a time he might be able to blocks ones attacks until they're worn out. Reynard's shield has small spikes on it's bottom to better dig into the ground, Or bodies..
  • Talent : Hand to hand combat
    Reynard is skilled with hand to hand combat. Preferring to wear gauntlets when doing said combat. He often will refer to hand combat if the shield is out of reach. Reynard mostly reaches for the head trying to press the tips of his fingers (With the gauntlet) into the temples of one's skull. (Remember Reynard does rock climbing..)
  • Talent : Good social skills
    Is very good with meeting new people and making friends. His social skills are acquired by being overly-friendly. Reynard was raised to always be nice and kind-hearted. This skill helps him with a lot of situations that might otherwise be a battle without his kindness. If Reynard meets someone he dislikes but they have done nothing wrong then they shall simply think to himself "Kill em with kindness".
  • Weakness : Slow
    Reynard isn't fast compared to most others. He might be able to out distance them but he'll never catch up if it's a matter of speed. With his slowness people can escape or stay at a distance from Reynard. Distance targets are a big issue for Reynard as his only projectiles are whatever is around him and his shield.
  • Weakness : Arrogance
    Reynard will challenge those whom obviously have a huge edge over him.
    This weakness is likely his biggest as he would be in over his head. His active imagination is what makes this come into play. Reynard views himself as some unstoppable force of motion because of his imagination. He'll consider the superior combatant lucky if said combatant wins.
  • Weakness : Bad hearing
    Reynard is hard of hearing and naturally makes him loud. He is very un-stealthy because of this.
    This would be like a fire alarm being sneaky. Reynard cannot hear whispering too well unless is a completely silent room. His bad hearing is from a female deafening lyre mage that saved his life with her .. deafening yelling. He know asks her for a /Hearing aid/ now and again. His bad hearing makes it hard to sneak up on.
  • Weakness : Old
    Reynard is old and has a hard time recovering wounds naturally. His old body isn't fond of wounds so they do take a while to heal. Bone damage takes an extra third of the original time it would take otherwise. Example : If a normal persons bone healed in 6 weeks Reynard's would heal in 8.

  • Reynard very much likes honorable battles! Reynard greatly/thoroughly enjoys a good fight. We will wear his bruises and scars like badges. He likes them because he is ex-military, and found the good 'ol days in training fun.

  • Reynard likes making jokes and helping others. Reynard has an aura of fun around him. He has no reason to do it other than he enjoys it.

  • Likes meeting new people and talking to friends. Reynard doesn't enjoy being alone with time to think of the war he had to fight in, thus enjoys company a lot. He mostly enjoys the company of close friends.

  • Cooking : Reynard enjoys cooking and does a good job of it! Reynard loves the appreciation some one gets for making a good meal. Reynard mostly likes making sandwiches for how creative he can get with them. He made one with heart once!
  • Reynard hates having to attack someone who's a threat or did something against his code of honor. He always assumes they can be better than that but regretfully took the wrong path or fell to a great evil. He'll become silent or try and make jokes to try and debunk the situation depending on the offense.

  • Reynard being alone to think on his past. After training facing the war many of his best friends died. He has an issue of if someone brings it up his smile fades and happy aura vanishes. If he does end up thinking about it he will become grumpy and wont show any of his good social traits, he'll push new people aside.

  • Reynard has an issue with being old (Hard of hearing, slow natural healing, slow, random cramps).I put this into one weakness because I can just fit it under being old. He hates his set backs of being old.

Life Story
Reynard was born at sea his mother died while he was born. Spending many day out at sea for his early months he would finally arrive at regalia. His father/family had come from ithalia. His father had enlisted in the war as soon as he got to regalia and left Reynard in the care of his friend. The friends name was Tresar and was a violet guard in regalia. Reynard being raised by a guard learned that the law was the most powerful thing in the world and must be respected. Reynard was raised to always treat other nicely but defend himself or aid in the arrest of criminals. Tresar thought that Reynard was to forgiving to be a guard and would never throw anyone in jail. Tresar pushed Reynard to join the military and raised Reynard to think the Qadir had no honor and no respect for anything. Reynard grew up to go into the military. When asked what weapon he would like he chose the Curved War-Door for its protective properties. People called him cowardly for it until he saved lives with it. His training was the happiest days of his life. Competing with his comrades and brawling with his friends in glorious combat. Reynard used the standard military hand to hand combat training with his own style by using his shield. Reynard trained in Tenpenny. Reynard spent 20 years in training with short breaks in between just so he could check up on his uncle. In this school Reynard he learned pike combat and shield formations only. Reynard could easily jab enemies from behind a shield with no real effort. Reynard found out that using a tower shield and gauntlets and nothing else worked much better for him after training. Reynard left school at the age of 39 to join the war effort. War tore him apart as he couldn't save everyone. Reynard did become depressed 2 years after the war because of this. Reynard learned this as a new harsh reality. Reynard was warned never to morn but he saw to it that the bodies would come back to the current outpost no matter the cost. His dried tears and the piles of bodies he brought on his shoulders, heart struck some of his fellow soldiers. Reynard wasn't the perfect soldier, He was constantly burned and cut. Reynard felt a great respect to the medics them being mostly light magic users. He had run across a woman named Anna in the war, A lyre magic user. That girl would be his longest living friend and his most respected ally. The two had escaped with their lives returning to find Regalia had been taken over. They decided to hide in the sewers until it was safe. Reynard never knew what drove the Qadir away and made us strike a treaty with them but he was happy and with his most respected friend. Now Reynard and Anna try to do the community good to make up for the lives they had to end for a treaty. Reynard for the next 11 years after the war Reynard has been a chef and body guard for his uncle who would die the day before christmas. Reynard took up being a black smith to fund himself and saved up for when he was old. Reynard had gotten many wounds on his back and chest and a scar over his eye. His eye is fine but he nearly lost his sight. Mainly his torso was scarred. When Qadir took over for a brief period Reynard would kill Qadir slavers he killed only 3 but he saved lives doing so. During the Freya lo take over Reynard joined the Freedom Cell under the name Tower. In the freedom cell he wore a full suit of armor and had a hammer. He saw some of his friends come back to life and had to kill them to better Regalia. This made Reynard very isolated and he pushed others away for a time after.
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I wont lie, I know this needs work. I hope I didn't make this too cliche I did try.
Peer Review!
DISCLAIMER: I am not staff, so you're free to wait until your official reviewer comes along before altering the contents of your application.
Special Permission
  • I'm afraid you can't apply for an armor permit on your character application. It must be achieved through IC interaction.
  • Using just a shield might be useful in the field surrounded by an army of soldiers, but it's incredibly impractical in your everyday brawl scenario. I strongly advise that you give him a secondary weapon of sorts that enables him to properly counterattack and parry. Furthermore, being such an avid military man, I'd find it much more likely that Reynard would adhere to some form of professional martial schooling rather than utilize his own style.
  • Your second paragraph seems a bit lacking in depth. I advise that you tack on another sentence or re-word your current paragraph to really elaborate on Reynard's internal mannerisms. What do you mean by "he views himself as a symbol of what is good?" How does his active imagination influence his opinions of himself?
  • In your morality paragraph, you mention that Reynard has a difficult time picking sides and often ignores crime. I find this very unusual, given the fact that he was practically raised by guardsmen in a very militaristic environment. Someone raised to think that the law was the most powerful force in all of Aloria wouldn't have much trouble discerning wrong from right. If someone stepped out-of-bounds (legally), I'd imagine such a lawful citizen would be completely repulsed. You can always wait for staff opinion, but I recommend that you revise either his upbringing, morality, or both so that they better compliment one another.
  • You'll need to expand on each of these, as the minimum requirement for length is three sentences.
  • Being able to tell jokes doesn't really seem like an adequate talent, since anyone can take humor in a different direction (some may find it offensive, rendering this a weakness, some may be unaffected, etc). I recommend either replacing this with a different talent.
  • In regards to his social skills. How does being overly-friendly assist his charisma? What caused him to develop this talent?
  • To further aid reviewers, I suggest that you specify Reynard's strengths in the following format:
    • Talent: Description
  • You'll need to expand on each of these, as the minimum requirement for length is three sentences.
  • To me, lacking the ability to pick sides isn't an adequate impediment. Most characters have been in at least one situation where they had difficulty picking an alliance to side with, and I don't believe that this would affect Reynard enough to the point it could balance out another talent. I'll advise that you remove this.
  • I strongly advise that you reword the second weakness. It's confusing as to where you're trying to take it and what exactly hinders him.
  • To further aid reviewers, I suggest that you specify Reynard's weakness in the following format:
    • Weakness: Description
Overall, you have a nice skeleton. Now it's time to add some meat! Feel free to tag me for another review.
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I am claiming this character app for review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.

☼ Pre-Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Before I give my full staff review, I am going to take advantage of @Nudibronch 's excellent peer review and request that you make those changes first! If anything is unclear, or if you believe some parts may be unnecessary, you are free to leave those out tag me; I will take a secondary look over once the edits have been made.
  • Additionally, I encourage you to take a look at this example app to see how a character sheet should ideally be formatted.
Tag me when you're finished!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Italian is not a compliant Ailor culture in Aloria. The equivalent would be Dressolini if you'd like to change it to that, though I would recommend altering his parent's birthplace to Daendroc.
  • Elaborate on the life ambition a little! Who does he want to prove his honor to? Try and think of an ambition that he will be able to strive towards in roleplay.
  • Ex-military is not a special permission. It is fine to say he served as a soldier in the war without a permission.
  • I'd like to see Reynard's personality expanded upon, specifically in the second paragraph. Almost everyone has some sort of deep-seated fear, anxiety or insecurity. You say that he is aware that he's not intelligent-- perhaps this would be good to draw inspiration from? Give him some negative traits! Is he rash, impulsive, does he have a hot temper?
  • In the third paragraph, you mention that he holds the law over affection, yet in the second paragraph you use the example of him stealing a piece of bread. Which is true? Furthermore, how does his family and friends perceive him with this attitude? Does he come across more strict when he gets close to them?
  • Quote: "Reynard holds law above all else even if he takes a trip to the sewers. " Sewer trespass is completely illegal, so you may wish to omit that or explain that he makes an exception, and why. What about his own morals? Does he hold any scorn for lesser races, is he uptight in this regard?
  • From a combat perspective, it is practically impossible to throw a war-door shield as described in the shield combat talent. It is extremely impractical even with a small shield. It is also not allowed to dictate to another character that they cannot pick up the shield; such would be powergaming, though you can inform them it is heavy. Please omit these two pieces and bulk out the talent again as necessary.
  • The welding weakness seems to be more of a talent. I'd recommend removing this part entirely and simply keeping it as a trade skill.
  • Please expand upon the bad hearing weakness with at least 1-2 more sentences. How does it effect him? Would he be unable to hear somebody whispering beside him? In combat is it easier to sneak up on him?
  • In the life story, you state that Reynard was forced to join the military. Through this, I would perhaps recommend that you look at the available military schools and choose one to add to your character. Tenpenny seems like an excellent fit due to its general training and use of a shield. This is not a required edit, but for a military character I find it strange he was not formally taught.
  • For such an old character, did anything else happen in his life aside from serving in the military? Did he not gain any wounds or mental scars from this? Were there any down periods? The Regalia-Qadir war was very recent and only lasted a year or less, if I'm not mistaken.
There is still a ways to go, but due to your quick response and excellent expansion on the last edits I am going to keep this under review. Please mark your changes in Green and tag me when you're finished! (You can un-mark all previous edit colors).
Whoops, sorry for the delay. For future reference, please refrain from changing the tag of your character sheet whilst it's in review, as this can cause it to get lost from our radar.
  • I see that you've added Tenpenny, however in the skills section you list him as both Fighter and Expert. Which is it?
  • There is still the conflict in the second paragraph, wherein you explain that he stole a piece of bread and hit someone with it; yet in the third and fourth paragraphs you state that he is thoroughly against stealing. One of the two should be changed.
  • Similarly, there is another conflict of morality: in the third paragraph you state that crime is non-negotiable to him, not even to friends and family, and that he will ruthlessly discipline anyone who breaks the law. However, in the fourth paragraph it is now written that he holds 4 exceptions and would never lift a finger to them. This detail should be placed in the friends & family paragraph in anywhere, but as it stands presently it conflicts with how he is otherwise described.
  • I wouldn't consider active imagination to be a weakness. From the way he is described in this weakness and in his talent, superiority complex or stubborn may be a better fit, title-wise. Alternatively, you can simply remove this portion.
  • Please place the likes and dislikes section in an optional spoiler! It can get a bit cluttered, and staff do not review the expansion sections.
  • At what age did Reynard train in the School of Tenpenny, and for how long? Did he attend one of the formal schools, or was he taught the technique freelance? (With freelance he will be unable to surpass Warrior). At the moment it seems like it is just tacked on to the life story instead of integrated. Read over the section it is in and try and explain in a sentence or two when he attended the school and when he left.
Again, mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
  • Everything else looks fine, but there is still an issue with the way Tenpenny is integrated into the life story. A school of tenpenny would not teach in hand-to-hand combat, neither warhammers. He would be taught sword or spear and shield, though once his training was over he could forgo the shield in favor of simple gauntlets if he wanted. I recommend reading the article through first.
  • Also, it seems that you've put the expansion section in quotes and not spoilers! Here is where the spoiler section is located:
  • 73d9f09edb73c7807a75c22b764fb0ae.png
Make these changes and then tag me when you're finished!
  • The School of Tenpenny does not train in Claymores. Please read the article in question before publishing it onto your character, or I may have to request that it be removed or dropped from Expert. The School of Tenpenny trains in short swords, long swords, pikes, and shields.
Make the change and tag me once you're finished.
Claymores are about on the same tier as Zweihanders, and are considered to be heavy, two-handed swords. Longswords can still be wielded singlehandedly, which is what is trained in Tenpenny. With that out of the way though, I am happy to finally mark this application...

☼ Approved! ☼
Remember to register your special permission here.