Preserved Sheet Reyes Velásquez

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A Sly Person
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Basic Information
  • Common name: Reyes Velásquez.
    • Nickname: Rey, Ale.
  • Age: 61 cycles.
    • Birth date: 8th day of the fifth month, 246 AC.
    • Zodiac sign: Taurus ♉.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Avanthar.
    • Imperialised into Human, clipped her ears.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.



Skill Information
  • Proficiency total: 60 points.
    • Proficiency spent: 60 points.
Proficiency Points
  • Proficiency spent: 60 points.
    • +20 Squad Tactic (+20 Age points).
    • +20 Axes Combat (+20 Age points).
    • +15 Athletic Training (+15 Age points).
    • +10 Culinary Arts (+10 Hobby points).
    • +5 Unarmed Combat (+5 Age points).


  • Werebeast curse: Uthurenn line.
    • Mending Healing.
    • Teeth of Steel.
    • Enduring Hunt.
    • Beast Mode.
Body Shape
  • Physical stat: 20 Axes Combat + (15 / 2 Athletic Training) + 5 Unarmed Combat = 32.5.
  • Body type: Muscular.
    • Body fat: Average body fat.


  • Common (Fluent - Taught).
  • Plains Elvish (Fluent - Parental).
  • Daendroque (Fluent - Parental).


Visual Information
  • Eye colour: Blue.
  • Hair colour: Black.
    • Hair style: Past her shoulders, usually let down with a tone of messiness to it.
  • Skin tone: Tan.
  • Clothing: Commoner clothing.
  • Height: 6 foot 5 inches.



Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • As an Avanthar, Reyes was bred to be a warrior from the very beginning. In her nature, she finds it difficult within herself to step down from an honourable battle or be one of the few to abandon her fellow soldiers on the field. Such is why the woman likely does not experience an excessive amount of fear when facing enemies at the frontline, instead holding her axes for the pride of the Empire of Regalia and her own. In obvious losses, Reyes will still continue to fight rather than flight for the protection of others beyond her should it be in situations like wars until the very last straw. Fear is something she will not present often, though if she does, it is very likely against a foe that is far more powerful than an army.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • On a day to day basis, Reyes handles work stress quite easily, be it behind a bar counter or on the frontlines during a battle as she has more on her hands to even consider to stress. If it were something like a private trouble in paradise, such as a conflict with a family member or friend, Reyes is rather poor at handling such unpleasant situations, typically taking into consideration outside opinion and comfort before doing anything rash as she is known to have a rather short temper that could leave her agitated easily.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • Whilst Reyes may appear as a rather grumpy individual to a person who may not know her outside of the bar, Reyes is actually the opposite when one truly gets to know her. Despite her stubbornness that is vocalised rather often by expression her blunt opinion, Reyes has a soft side to her, which she does not stop herself from showing to family or friends, turning into something more lax and child-like, not minding to slip in some comedy here and there. Happiness to Reyes is the ability to have a good joke and laugh with a buddy or someone close to oneself, being able to just relax and forget about any troubles that may plague someone for even a couple of minutes.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • With very few unpleasant run ins with the Law, Reyes is rather indifferent with authorities like the Guard. However, when it comes to situations that are more dire and they show little to no interest in helping, that is when Reyes believes there may be a small dent in the system as she would like to say it. Reyes certainly does believe in corruption and bias amongst guards, having been the personal subject of it a dozen times despite being a mostly model citizen. With her recent curing of Werebeastism, there is still a small amount of tension between her and the Guard of the City.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Hating Kathar is almost an understatement to Reyes. She finds them disgusting and outrageous having fought against them in the Regalian-Altalar Conflict and the recent Kathar War. If it were up to her, she would have the race rid of as a whole, thinking them to be nothing more than scum. Recent Manathar uprising and the rumours that they are nothing more than Kathar hiding behind a new identity has had her become skeptical towards them, but she definitely shows a more lenient behaviour towards them than the ash skins. Other than Kathar, Reyes has a small displeasure towards Slizzar, having past experiences with their manipulative personalities.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Unionism was quick to grow on the Avanthar not even a few years into her settling in Regalia, the religion itself inspiring the woman to imperialise herself. Reciting creeds and receiving blessings, Reyes was quick to become a loyal member of the faith and a regular donator to the Church and other smaller charities whenever she'd receive large tips. Faith in Unionism and the City itself, much like faith in her family and friendship, has frequently allowed her to be inspired when facing challenges head on. Till' this day Reyes still recognises some faith inspired Avanthar traditions, though does not practice them day to day.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • To Reyes, Magic and Arcane are both a source deriving from what she perceives as two evils, the Exist and the Void, which should both be avoided for what she was told, or at least heard, had malicious intent for the world she lives in. Even though she knows a couple of Mages personally and works beside them, she cannot help but believe the world could be better off without it at all, though not all is gained in life. To an extent, she tolerates it, only appreciating the more practical usage of magic on the battlefield rather than the comical, aesthetical side of it.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • For a couple of decades, Reyes felt like her tribe had taught her the very basics of life and how to help fend for herself, and that the City reinforced that. Though being away from the normal tribal life of an Avanthar and typically only visiting odd tribes here and there in Daendroc once in spaced amount of times has had the Avanthar herself feel rather distanced with her people, especially after the conflict where the Princes had been slain and the Orcs had pushed them back. Reyes is content with the thought that she still holds a couple of befriended Avanthar in the City despite one continuously biting at her to build guilt within her for the death of men, women and children of their race alike, claiming she had been an indirect cause for it.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Surprisingly the woman holds minimal insecurities about herself, especially when it comes to appearance as she has already lived an extensive life being mistaken for the opposite gender for her bluntness and rather obnoxious actions. Despite this, Reyes still does hold one insecurity, and that is failing her family and her friends. Never does Reyes want to truly disappoint a person she holds closest to her, be it her partner, her siblings, her child or even a friend. It is them she fights for as much as the Empire and it is them who inspire her to be better.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Succession in war must have been one of Reyes' accomplished desires. Having significant peaks in her career such as the opportunity of experiencing flight on the Imperial Dragon to blasting Kathar towers and saving her fellow soldiers has swelled a lot of pride in the Avanthar, aiming to please more as long as she stands. Whilst military success has made her proud, building a place within a community such as Petalcourt and the Shademarsh has also made her feel more at home than anything, being glad to have finally truly found something to rely on in the City.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Fighting in more wars to come before she reaches her final years of youth is all what Reyes ever wants. As long as she is protecting a good cause, she is fulfilled- and continues to be as long as she sustains that position. The thrill of completing such a role has the Avanthar feeling significant and needed, something she needs in her life. Family and friends also have a significant effect on her behaviour and what she does with her life. It is for the family she has built that she had dropped mostly all alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Despite spending so much time in the City, every time she returns she finds out about the passing of a friend or someone she knew that left not too long ago. Such has made Reyes fear what it is truly like leaving someone behind that cares about you, and the fact that she may not be able to ever leave behind her own legion. Thankfully, recent times have brought Reyes to find herself a partner she loves and hopes to settle down to marry soon enough so that she could spread the knowledge she knows to generations to come.



Life Story
Bred under the tradition of the night's bright stars, Reyes was born to an arranged couple of Avanthar, selectively paired for the hopes of creating the most physically and presentively warrior. To no surprise, Reyes had been succeeded by numerous siblings as well as half-siblings from both her parents. Despite this, Reyes grew out to be a young child quickly catching up on the Avanthar way of horse-riding which developed into a hobby rather than a style of fighting, preferring to work on solid ground instead. From a young age she was gifted with the natural instinct to handle Avanthar axes, training at a frequent with other children within her tribs and under the elders' supervision whilst her parents and older siblings frequented around Cielothar settlements.

Quickly childhood passed, the Avanthar facing harsh reality and opponents, as well as revealing the skill she would excel the most in to this day with her naturally controlling attitude- leading men and women alike on journeys, long and short, for leisure filled or food worthy hunts and journeys across Cielothar villages.

Not once had Reyes considered being paired with a male by her elders, instead opting to ride out to Cielothar settlements where she'd spend long durations of time mingling with the childlike Nelfin. Soon enough, Reyes took her first independent step away from her tribe, exploring Daendroc and various other towns scattered across the vast lands with her young adulthood curiosity.

By her early thirties, Reyes found herself within a rather large Daendroquin town, out of place in her Cielothar robes. Reyes still knew little to no Common at this point, but her parents had ensured the Avanthar knew Daendroque. Without work, money or shelter, Reyes was urged into the 'fascinating' Ailor life, working as a typical bartender in a cheap, night-live bar within the less than favourable slum areas, where she quickly found homage.

A couple of years past and Reyes challenged herself to leave Daendroc behind, harvesting what little coin she had to live off of and hopping onto the next ship to Gallovia for the expertise in unarmed fighting, spending up to four years until her 42nd birthday observing and taking up fist fighting as a hobby. Gallovia had also inspired Reyes to adopt a male Gallovian Geep later in life, naming the fella' Theron, being her at home companion with her now three dogs.

As all, Reyes was drawn into Regalia's diversity in race, present culture and overall strength and endurance as an empire, moving into the Holy City. It wasn't long until Regalia began to mould into Reyes' permanent home despite her constant endeavours to Daendroc, constantly being drawn back into the City due to its comfort by friends and family alike.

Skills in commanding a small troop proved itself useful after harvesting experience from a couple of conflicts and wars, namely the Second Songaskian War after serving as a footsoldier for the frontline. It wasn't until the Elvish conflicts did Reyes realise that her natural skills would turn her into an excelling Commander for a handful of skilled individuals.

Already imperialised and taking up Unionism at a swift pace to embed a position in society more than she had already, Reyes was found to be more than shocked when she heard of the plumet of her people by the Imperial Dragon. Enraged and no less conflicted, she could not find it within herself to blame one side more than the other, a constant solemn thought swirling in the back of her mind as a reminder of the many Avanthar slain that day, though the rise of the new Princes levitated some of the guilt from her.

Whilst involved in the Elvish conflict of 306 AD, Reyes settled well within the Hidden Dragon, a luxury business renowned for customer satisfaction. For an extended period of time she worked as a regular bartender before being fired over a less than pleasant occurrence before being rehired later in 307 AD, promoted to Head of Tenders after some weeks, eventually reaching normal bartender status once more under new management. During this 306 AD period, Reyes met an Altalar female known as Anna Caladwen after initially being conflicted over a different female. The Avanthar swore to herself to take the woman on a date, but her firing and other displeasing events led the woman to move back to Daendroc for just over a year.

At some point, Reyes had mistakenly allowed herself to trail along the Shademarsh' routes, going through what they perceived as a ritualism to gain the Wearbeastism affliciton, remaining infected for approximately ten days before she was torn down by her own leader and forced to cured in Greygate.

Now, 307 AD, Reyes remains active in the Regalian Army as an active Squad Leader, engaged and prepped to finally settle down for once in her life to a man named Surlegtei, a Qussrakon from the Daendroquin plains.

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My Review:
  • Your second Personality Paragraph needs more, please add at least two more points of content.
  • Your Life Story is good but I would like to know how the recent world events of the Avanthar sacking and attacking the inland Ailor areas of Daendroc before the Dragon Emperor ate and killed all the Horselords thus plunging the Avanthar into a brutal civil war has affected her as a character given that you mention she was raised with traditional ideals. Has this driven her to Regalia's side or does she feel remorse/anger that her people's traditional leaders were all killed.
Please tag me once the edits have been done in blue @SlyChung

Edited the proficiencies a bit!
  • Changed up +10 Battle Command to +12 instead.
  • Added in +3 Commanding Speech.
  • Removed +5 Quick Fingers.
After a small while of thinking it through, I added a Unionist Aspect to this character being the Aspect of Divity, Order of Fervent. Mentioned in Skill Information + Weapon of Choice as well as Life Story. Also added the rosary bead to her appearance around her left wrist. Everything done in this colour.

i swear this is the last edit.
After a small while of thinking it through, I added a Unionist Aspect to this character being the Aspect of Divity, Order of Fervent. Mentioned in Skill Information + Weapon of Choice as well as Life Story. Also added the rosary bead to her appearance around her left wrist. Everything done in this colour.

i swear this is the last edit.
Remains approved.
After a little insight through my boyfriend, I noticed that the age didn't fit the proficiencies so I aged her to 60 to keep the proficiencies as 50 in combat since she attended a school.
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Had to add in a racial bonus I missed out in the proficiencies and bumped her height by 5 inches since she was at the minimum.
I apologize, I only just noticed that she has a +10 in Bodycare, a Bonus not granted to the Avanthar since the 1.1 Proficiency System Update, please remove that from her application.
Replaced +3 commanding speech with +3 unionist seminary to make a little more sense since she is a follower of an Order.
Also added in Dressolini as speaking.
Edited the hair and clothing style.

Bumped her age up. Minor edits to the proficiencies such as school change and life story points adjusted here and there.
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Digging this one out of the hole I left it in
  • Edited the Proficiency to match the new format.
  • Edited the Personality section to match the new format.
  • Few insignificant, short two-lines to mention the brief while she was gone.
Hopefully I am allowed to request a fresh review.
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My Review:
  • This character has an impossible number of Languages learned, please adjust them to reflect the changes made to Languages.
Reyes takes up simple bellator training in the City, fulfilling any side opportunity asked of her of good aid.
Served a while in the Kathar War doing some amazing deeds before she quite suddenly left the Regal City.
Returned after a near year.
  • The Kathar War didn't start until recently, do you mean the previous fight Regalia was having with the Altalar? Because if so, please reflect this in the description ("Regalian conflict with the Altalar" is fine for a name of what she did)
Tag me once the edits have been made @SlyChung
Cut down the languages to 4 known instead.
Edited it to say 'Regalian-Altalar conflict.'
Also bumped her aged down to 60.
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Cut down the languages to 4 known instead.
Edited it to say 'Regalian-Altalar conflict.'
Also bumped her aged down to 60.
She can only know the main language of her mother, her father, and Common without any points in Linguists Knowledge, so one of those 4 needs to go.
I didn't perform any excessive changes, merely fixed up the life story (which still follows the same timeline) a little to be more organised rather than simple sentences. Doubt it needs a re-review, but I'll tag you anyways just in case.
Remains Approved.
Remains approved.
Remains Approved.