Archived Revisions To /f Access

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Excavation Expert
Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, United States
Before reading, yes I know that Cay is working on the new factions and it will take a while. Just something for him to look at when he decides what features to add/change/remove.

We had a problem with griefing of peoples houses, so in Rione we removed building rights and assign specific people to specific chunks for housing, farm duties, etc. When those people become inactive, we try to remove them from the /f access page and instead of removing them, it adds the officer or leader trying to remove the inactive person.

Can the inactive people disappear from the /f access when they "leave" the faction due to inactivity? It's really annoying to try and remove people and having yourself automatically added...

On a side note, if you mispell someones name it also adds the person trying to give access to someone else. Could it be "autocomplete" like giving titles and such?
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Totally agree with as this, it would make life much easier.....
One question though:
If this person gets inactive and leaves the server this might work. But what if he leaves your faction and joins another? Maybe you want him to keep access, maybe not. Maybe he joins an ally..everthought about that? Because then, taking your suggestion as happening, you would have to re-assign all the territory.

Specify methodes on How-to. A command to remove a person from faction acces conpletly would maybe do better.
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